Over and over for years I have heard ministers calling for
our nation to return to God and her spiritual roots. The latest was in the last
few days when I heard Rev. Billy Graham’s daughter doing so. I thank God for her
and all others that want to see America repent and turn to God. I too want to see
America repent and again be considered a godly nation. I want this as much as
anyone could want it, but every time I hear them talk about the need for
America to repent and return to God my spirit cries out and says it is first
the church in America that must repent and turn to God. I think highly of many
of the ministers that have voiced their concern for America, but don’t they see
that repentance must first start in the church in America before it will spread
throughout the nation? Is there anyone who sees it? It is so obvious.
I have been calling for restoration, revival and awakening
for many years. If you look closely at most of what I write you will see the
call. It is “Restore the Church and Save our Nation.” It is “Restore the Church
and save the Nations.” Jesus is the only Savior, but it is the church that He
is building that must preach Him and His kingdom in all the world as a witness
to all nations (Matt. 24: 14). It is His church that must be salt and light to
the entire world.
Please understand that if you see spiritual darkness spreading
in our country it is because less and less light is emanating from the church. We
often get frustrated with our leaders in Washington, but how can we expect them
to see clearly in the dark? My heart cries out for the church to awaken and be
the glorious church that Jesus wants her to be. Awake O Church! Awaken and let
the light of Jesus within you shine throughout the land.
P. S. I do minister other things. Today I ministered about our
heavenly Father’s love for His children. When we walk in His love and abide in
His presence all is well. It is then that we hallow His name and pray Thy kingdom
come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. It is then as His children
we ask and receive, we seek and find, we knock and the door is opened. We bask
in His love and presence. May we all have a revelation of how much God loves us
as His children.
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