Sunday, July 13, 2014

One Nation under God

My heart is touched by anyone who wants our nation to again be one nation under God. I too want it so very much, but I know that something must happen with and in the church before this can ever become a reality. The church must repent and become one before our nation will ever again be one nation under God. I know the significance of this; I started warning many years ago about the loss of freedoms unless there was a restored church. Regretfully I have seen freedoms going away (being taken away) left and right. I love my children and grandchildren as you do yours, but we Christian parents and grandparents better get on our knees.

John 17 is the high priestly prayer of Jesus that He prayed just prior to His crucifixion. The church must respond and become an answer to her Lord’s Prayer. Ephesians 4:1-6 also gives key insights and 2 Chronicles 7: 14 must become a reality rather that a subject for preaching and discussion.
Repentance covers a lot more than most Christians understand, including the preachers. It does include all the sins of the flesh, but it covers much more. It includes the division of the church and the adding to and taking away from the Bible. Just ask the Lord Jesus how much it hurts Him to see the people of His church divided and how much it hurts to see what they have done to His word of truth. The hurt of parents over the division of their children is miniscule to the hurt of the Lord over the division of His family. The division in American politics doesn’t compare, there is more division in the church in the United States than there is division in all our political parties combined.
It grieves me to see what our branches of government have done to our Constitution, but that doesn’t compare to what Christians have done to the Bible. The truth is that what Christians have done to the Bible has opened the door to what has been and is being done to our Constitution. So goes the church so goes the United States. There is a point to where repentance will be too late to stop major things. The judgment of God and the reaping of what has been sown can’t be stopped after a certain point. Study the history of other nations. Some Christians started getting right with God and with each other after things took place and had to endure unbelievable suffering and even death.
All you Southern Baptist and others that don’t believe in prophets need to wake up and find some real God called and Jesus sent prophets. Yes, we have all seen enough of the false, the man called and not God called, and the immature. We need the real and we those who are mature in Jesus and His word. The only things a lot of preachers are mature in are the doctrines and traditions of their church and/or denomination. I have seen enough of the false and the immature; I am looking for the real and the mature. One thing that all real and mature apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers will be doing is calling for the church to repent.
One Church under God equals one nation under God!



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