Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Three Reasons a Prophet of God Cannot Preach at Many Churches

1.       The church doesn’t believe in prophets for today.
2.       He may use a translation besides the Old King James (One does have to be led by the Spirit in choosing a translation, but many Christians are influenced by a religious spirit and not the Holy Spirit concerning only using the Old King James. It is not the Spirit of God that causes one to walk into a Christian book store and say show me the real Bible).

3.       He would step on some of their doctrines and traditions of man.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The Work of a True Prophet

“A prophet with strong words and a carnal lifestyle is no prophet of God. A prophet with strong words and a calloused heart is no prophet of God. A prophet who speaks cheap grace and cries easily is no prophet of God. True prophets of God will be spiritually mature, speak strong words, and have a crying heart.”

Two key issues

First of all we must address a couple of key issues. First, there are those in the modern Church that deny prophets exist anymore. Those who make these denials are misguided and are misguiding anyone that listens to them. It is not just a matter of opinion; it is a matter of biblical truth and man’s additions and subtractions from God’s Word of truth. Those who make these denials are presently greatly hindering the maturity and work of the body of Christ and in the future will give an account to the Lord Himself. The Lord who sends prophets to do His work is not pleased with those who deny the existence of those He sends. He is not pleased that they are personally not acknowledging, recognizing and listening to those He sends, and He is not pleased that they are hindering others from doing the same. Those being hindered don’t have a clue!

Secondly, where prophets are recognized as existing today there are many false and carnal prophets doing great damage to the Church. They tickle people’s ears and fleece them for all they can get. They make up words from their own imaginations and speak things that are not from God. They talk about new things and they cause people to selfishly think about their personal destinies rather than denying self, forsaking all and following Jesus. At the surface or just below the surface anyone with true discernment can always see pride and haughtiness in these strutting peacocks. They not only bring words of their own making, they take truth and dabble it with leaven. A little dab of leaven will make the truth of no real effect. God is definitely not pleased with these people and He is not pleased that they are great stumbling blocks to His Church. They cause many in the Church to go in the wrong direction and the people of the Church like it so.

Truth concerning the existence of prophets

There are true prophets of God in our day. There may not be as many as some think, but there are true prophets. What does not exist today are founding prophets, but prophets exist along with the other ministry gifts listed in Ephesians 4:11. They are here to do their God assigned part in the equipping of the body of Christ. The body of Christ or any part of the body of Christ will never be complete without the work of our Lord’s true prophets.

What is the work of God’s prophets?

First let’s address what they don’t do. In brief, true and mature prophets do not give new revelations; they do not bring new words that are equal to or beyond Scripture. That is left to the false prophets to do and claim. They are not concerned about themselves and what they can get out of life; they are concerned about God, His people and His kingdom. They do not fleece the people and lead them astray; they do not cause the people to selfishly seek things and selfishly focus on their own destinies.
What do true and mature prophets do?

True and mature prophets help equip the saints for the work
of the Lord’s ministry. They speak words that will open people’s understanding and reveal to them what is already written in Scripture. They may give insights and/or warnings from God about the future, but they are strongly focused on the here and now. They speak from the Word what God is emphasizing at a particular time and/or place.

Study the prophets of the old and new covenants and you will gain many insights. For example, the call of God to Jeremiah reveals things that are needed today. We need prophets who will root out, pull down, destroy and throw down what is not of God, especially in the Church. We need prophets that will build and plant what is of God, especially in the Church.

I have for years been saying that all true and mature prophets will be calling the Church to repentance. Along with that they are calling the Church to maturity in Christ and to the unity of faith with each other; they are calling the Church to return to the Lord and His Word. They are calling the Church to seek God’s kingdom and His righteousness. They are calling for true purity of heart and holiness. They are calling the body of Christ to war, to put on her armor and fight the good fight of faith. Most important of all they are calling the body of Christ to truly love and worship God.


There are other things that true prophets do, but if you have ears to hear and eyes to see, and you can free yourself from the effects of modern churchanity you will be able to begin identifying true prophets. They may not presently be in your local Church and or denomination. Be loyal to where God places you, but realize that all of the Church is His and most of it needs to be restored. He is sending prophets to restore all of His Church that will listen and obey. You want sinners to look beyond where they are; God wants the same of you! Selah

Monday, July 28, 2014

Christian Ministers are to Warn and Prepare God’s People

Ezekiel a Watchman

1 Again the word of the LORD came to me, saying, 2 "Son of man, speak to the children of your people, and say to them: 'When I bring the sword upon a land, and the people of the land take a man from their territory and make him their watchman, 3 ‘when he sees the sword coming upon the land, if he blows the trumpet and warns the people, 4 ‘then whoever hears the sound of the trumpet and does not take warning, if the sword comes and takes him away, his blood shall be on his own head. 5 He heard the sound of the trumpet, but did not take warning; his blood shall be upon himself. But he who takes warning will save his life. 6 ‘But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet, and the people are not warned, and the sword comes and takes any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood I will require at the watchman’s hand.’
I am sure that most people have heard the statement about someone being so heavenly minded that they are no earthly good. Christian ministers are to not only help prepare people for eternity but are to help prepare them for life before eternity. This preparation includes training them to be salt and light to the world around them, but it also includes warning them about approaching dangers. Many ministers are failing in both areas, but especially in the latter.  

Only a few ministers tried to wake up and warn the people of Germany about the dangers they were facing when Hitler was first coming to power. Most ministers were happy to carry on with the status quo. Even after the Jewish people were being persecuted and taken off in trains, the people in church would sing louder as a train went by to avoid hearing the cries of the people on board. Most ministers and their churches waited till it was too late to wake up.
By the Spirit I see the same thing taking place today in most Christian churches of America. I see ministers doing whatever their church is accustomed to, but not preparing people to be salt and light and definitely not warning them of approaching dangers. In fact, many of them are guilty of helping lay the groundwork for the approaching evil.
I see too many Christians enjoying their singings, fellowship dinners, etc. but are either not aware of and/or are not prepared for what is ahead. Some who might see some signs of dangers are singing and singing even louder so that they can blot out the sights and sounds.
I reiterate that ministers are to prepare people for eternity, they are to teach the people about being salt and light to the world (they are not just to shut the doors and close themselves inside four walls even though misguided Christians often times call for that). They are to be good shepherds that watch over the flock assigned to them by the Chief Shepherd, Jesus Christ, and give warning when danger is approaching. Ministers, you are responsible before God and will give an account to the Chief Shepherd of how you cared for His flock. Selah! Sound the Alarm!

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Identifying the Complete Gospel

The term “Full Gospel” has been around for a long time. It basically means that one is not only to be born again of the Spirit but is to be baptized in the Spirit after being born again. This is biblical and was the experience of the first apostles and the early church. Contrary to the teaching of many modern denominations and churches, this is still what Jesus Christ wants for the church that He is building.

In this message I want to talk about what I will call the “Complete Gospel”, but first I will establish a couple of key principles. First, it is absolutely necessary to identify what makes up the “Complete Gospel” and secondly it is absolutely necessary to only speak truth about what makes up the “Complete Gospel”.  For example, the truth is that Jesus is the only Way to God the Father, and it is not truth to say that Jesus is just one way to God the Father.
Where in the Bible can we find what I am calling the “Complete Gospel”? It can be found throughout the New Testament, but we will choose one specific place for now. Let’s look in the last chapter of the book of Acts; in Acts 28 Paul identifies it two times for us. The first is time is in verse 23 and the second time is in verse 31 which happens to be the last verse in the book of Acts. It is interesting to note that there is no Amen to this particular book of the Bible.
What do we find in the aforementioned verses? We find that Paul ministered two things that make up the gospel. He ministered the “Good News” of the kingdom of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ.
In conclusion, I am not trying to start a term or phrase called “The Complete Gospel”. Rather, I am identifying two key components that made up the “Good News” that was preached and taught by those found in the New Testament, beginning with the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. If you will be fair minded as the Bereans were and begin searching the Scriptures, you too will find these two important parts of the gospel. Remember, that first we identify what we are talking about and secondly only speak the biblical truth about it. The Lord Jesus bless you and the Holy Spirit guide and teach you as you study the word of God to show yourself approved. We will have “Restoration, Revival and Great Awakening” that will gain momentum until our Lord Jesus returns.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Saving the United States of America

I could have titled this “Saving America” but some major politicians in Washington have redefined who Americans are so I don’t want to confuse anyone. I am on to them; I know that they are actually trying to redefine the United States of America.

Do you want to save our country? Any American, Christian or otherwise, that is not seriously concerned about the future of the United States is living in deception because the god of this world has blinded their minds. If one has discernment, all he or she has to do is listen for a moment and the blind and deceived will reveal their blindness and deception. As your discernment grows you can pick it up without them saying anything. Pray for them and share the truth of the word of God with them in love, but don’t let them distract you from the task at hand of saving our country.
Any Christian that is concerned must not depend on the arm of the flesh to save our country. Just as I have seen people that are blinded about what is happening to our country, I have seen Christians that are very concerned about our country but have been blinded to the real solutions. If you listen to or watch them, they too reveal their blindness and deception.
What is the solution or better yet what are the solutions? According to how one looks at it, the solutions are the words of God are or in the word of God! They are not just in one verse. Although 2 Chronicles 7: 14 is a vital verse, there are many other parts of Scripture that speak to our situation. For instance, if Christians really apply 2 Chronicles 7: 14 then they will become one with Jesus Christ and one with each other. They then can call out to God in Jesus Name and see God work in our country. The way things are now, if several churches in your community had special prayer times for our country apart from one another or even in some joint meeting it wouldn’t do much good because in reality they are not one with each other. We cannot really be one with Jesus unless we are one with each other. The right arm can’t be one with the head while wrestling with or ignoring the left arm. Are you beginning to see that repentance is a whole lot more than most Christians have realized up to now?
It all comes back to restore the church and save our nation. A restored church is a church that is one with Jesus and one with each other. When that church has on the whole armor of God and releases the sword of the Spirit through prayer, through their spoken words and through their writings God will take care of business. You can count on it! We still have the same God that made Nebuchadnezzar eat grass till he came to his senses.
I am glad to see evidence that some of you are concerned about our country, but I encourage you to remember that the sword of the Spirit, the word of God, is greater than any weapon of man and it is the only thing God has given us that will save us and our country. Speak and write the word in the name of Jesus and watch things move. One last thing, understand that the priority is to have a restored church. It is the Spirit of Jesus working in and through a restored church that will save our nation.


Sunday, July 13, 2014

One Nation under God

My heart is touched by anyone who wants our nation to again be one nation under God. I too want it so very much, but I know that something must happen with and in the church before this can ever become a reality. The church must repent and become one before our nation will ever again be one nation under God. I know the significance of this; I started warning many years ago about the loss of freedoms unless there was a restored church. Regretfully I have seen freedoms going away (being taken away) left and right. I love my children and grandchildren as you do yours, but we Christian parents and grandparents better get on our knees.

John 17 is the high priestly prayer of Jesus that He prayed just prior to His crucifixion. The church must respond and become an answer to her Lord’s Prayer. Ephesians 4:1-6 also gives key insights and 2 Chronicles 7: 14 must become a reality rather that a subject for preaching and discussion.
Repentance covers a lot more than most Christians understand, including the preachers. It does include all the sins of the flesh, but it covers much more. It includes the division of the church and the adding to and taking away from the Bible. Just ask the Lord Jesus how much it hurts Him to see the people of His church divided and how much it hurts to see what they have done to His word of truth. The hurt of parents over the division of their children is miniscule to the hurt of the Lord over the division of His family. The division in American politics doesn’t compare, there is more division in the church in the United States than there is division in all our political parties combined.
It grieves me to see what our branches of government have done to our Constitution, but that doesn’t compare to what Christians have done to the Bible. The truth is that what Christians have done to the Bible has opened the door to what has been and is being done to our Constitution. So goes the church so goes the United States. There is a point to where repentance will be too late to stop major things. The judgment of God and the reaping of what has been sown can’t be stopped after a certain point. Study the history of other nations. Some Christians started getting right with God and with each other after things took place and had to endure unbelievable suffering and even death.
All you Southern Baptist and others that don’t believe in prophets need to wake up and find some real God called and Jesus sent prophets. Yes, we have all seen enough of the false, the man called and not God called, and the immature. We need the real and we those who are mature in Jesus and His word. The only things a lot of preachers are mature in are the doctrines and traditions of their church and/or denomination. I have seen enough of the false and the immature; I am looking for the real and the mature. One thing that all real and mature apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers will be doing is calling for the church to repent.
One Church under God equals one nation under God!



Friday, July 11, 2014

A Growing Urgency

There is a growing urgency in my spirit for the restoration of the church. What do I mean by restoration of the church? In brief, restoration of the church is returning to the biblical pattern established for the early church by the Spirit of God, the Spirit of Jesus Christ. One thing to consider is that godly restoration doesn’t just restore things to how they were, it makes them better.

 Will this involve all of those in Christianity? No, some are so captivated by and/or stuck in their form of church that they will not turn loose of the doctrines, traditions and patterns established by men. Others will even fall away, but there will be a faithful remnant that yields all to the Holy Spirit and fulfills what the Lord Jesus wants of the church.
 Will those that hang on to their form of church spend eternity with the Lord? Yes they will, if they are truly born again, but they will not be able to fully finish the course intended for them by Jesus and therefore will miss out on some rewards from Him at the judgment seat of Christ, but if born again they will spend eternity with the Lord Jesus.
 If someone wants to finish the course Jesus has for them, what should they do? Where should they begin? Begin by asking the Holy Spirit to take charge and then humbly go to the Lord God in prayer and in His word. The Spirit is waiting for willing and teachable students!

Monday, July 7, 2014

Take up the Sword of the Spirit

Christians, in response to all the lies, fables and half truths coming from those controlled and/or deceived by Satan and his world systems, put on your spiritual armor and  take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the word of God (Eph. 6 : 17) and counteract what they are writing, saying and doing.

The Word of God rightly divided is truth (John 17: 17, 2 Tim. 2: 15). It is profitable for reproof, correction and instruction in righteousness (2 Tim. 3: 16) and will not return void when you speak and write it (Isa. 55: 11). Prove that the Word of God is powerful when you speak and write it. Prove that when spoken or written it is more powerful that the sword or anything else.
Remember that no lie or any kind of weapon used against you will prosper (Isa. 54: 17). Why are you to remember this? Because once you get in the battle you will become a target not only by enemies but possibly by some of your family and friends. Settle things in your heart (Luke 21: 14), set your face like a flint (Isa. 50: 7) and march onward Christian soldier. Greater is He that is in you… (1 John 4: 4).  Submit to the Spirit of God (James 4: 7) and prove to yourself and many others that the word of God is living and powerful (Hebrews 4: 12).


Sunday, July 6, 2014

Awake O Church

Over and over for years I have heard ministers calling for our nation to return to God and her spiritual roots. The latest was in the last few days when I heard Rev. Billy Graham’s daughter doing so. I thank God for her and all others that want to see America repent and turn to God. I too want to see America repent and again be considered a godly nation. I want this as much as anyone could want it, but every time I hear them talk about the need for America to repent and return to God my spirit cries out and says it is first the church in America that must repent and turn to God. I think highly of many of the ministers that have voiced their concern for America, but don’t they see that repentance must first start in the church in America before it will spread throughout the nation? Is there anyone who sees it? It is so obvious.
I have been calling for restoration, revival and awakening for many years. If you look closely at most of what I write you will see the call. It is “Restore the Church and Save our Nation.” It is “Restore the Church and save the Nations.” Jesus is the only Savior, but it is the church that He is building that must preach Him and His kingdom in all the world as a witness to all nations (Matt. 24: 14). It is His church that must be salt and light to the entire world.
Please understand that if you see spiritual darkness spreading in our country it is because less and less light is emanating from the church. We often get frustrated with our leaders in Washington, but how can we expect them to see clearly in the dark? My heart cries out for the church to awaken and be the glorious church that Jesus wants her to be. Awake O Church! Awaken and let the light of Jesus within you shine throughout the land.
P. S. I do minister other things. Today I ministered about our heavenly Father’s love for His children. When we walk in His love and abide in His presence all is well. It is then that we hallow His name and pray Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. It is then as His children we ask and receive, we seek and find, we knock and the door is opened. We bask in His love and presence. May we all have a revelation of how much God loves us as His children.



Saturday, July 5, 2014

What is the Future of America?

As I look back on the beginning of our nation I am amazed at the greatness of the men and women that God used to found and establish America. They were exceptional people with an exceptional vision for an exceptional nation. They were not perfect as no one is except Jesus Christ, but they were people of amazing spirit, wisdom and foresight. The contrast with most leaders of our day is so extreme that it defies imagination.

You anti-America American citizens just hold on a moment. I have already stated that no one is perfect. I will add that no nation and/or type of human government will ever be perfect. We will only see perfection when the government is fully upon the shoulders of Jesus. But until then, please tell me what is better than the blueprint our founders established for America? By the way, our wise and discerning founders knew that some things would have to be taken care of and addressed in the future but they had a door of opportunity to form this nation that couldn’t be postponed. They framed a Constitution that if rightly heeded would allow the needed corrections to take place.
Hold that thought for a moment while I discuss tares among the wheat. In the church or in anything on earth there will be tares among the wheat until Jesus returns and His angels remove the tares once and for all. Tares among the wheat always cause problems, hardships and sufferings for people; this has been true throughout the history of mankind. Deep down inside the tares hate the America that our Founders visualized. This is nothing new; they have stood against the vision of America since the beginning. They are often in key and powerful positions in all aspects of society including our churches. They are in local, state and national government; they are in all parts of our educational system; they are in the pulpits of churches; they are in financial institutions; they are in the media, entertainment and… They wield much influence and power, and have always worked to change things to the way they want things to be. They are selfish, fleshly motivated, intelligent, cunning and very deceptive. They know how to manipulate people and things.
In light of the above, we must be very wise and discerning.  Let’s remember the wise adage of not throwing the baby out with the wash. We can recognize and oppose what is not of God, but please let’s think long and hard before we change from what our founders intended for our nation. Consider that what we need is not some new form of government or ungodly ignoring, misinterpretation of or adjustments to our Constitution but restoration and rightly dividing of what we were given. Some will object and say that no one is trying to change our form of government, I can only say ask the Holy Spirit to let you see as He sees.
It is said that we don’t want to be on the wrong side of history. More importantly, I say that we don’t want to be on the wrong side from God. Those on the wrong side from God may make life miserable for those on God’s side while on earth, but eternity is long; it is forever. If one finds that somehow he or she has for whatever reason been on the wrong side from God and wants to repent, they will find that God is always listening. For others who maintain a course that is not of God and want to change things to a vision of their own I can only pray that you will come to your senses before it is too late. 
We don’t need to change to some other form of government; we just need to recover the vision of our founders and get back on the course they set when they declared Independence, wrote our Constitution and founded our nation. They founded a nation that could only continue to exist if based on spiritual and moral principles and they meant the spiritual principles and morals of the one and only true God as revealed in Jesus Christ and the Word of God.
I know that some have given up on America being able to survive. I do believe that there is a point of no return, but that it is still out ahead of us. If enough Christians will wake up and repent and bring about a restored church we have got a chance to be salt and light that will also save our nation. We are approaching some key times. We are headed toward restoration, revival and awakening or we are headed toward two other things: the reaping of what we have been sowing and the judgment of God. I choose restoration, revival and awakening all to the glory of Jesus Christ.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Lack of Discernment

There is so little discernment among Americans, including those who are Christians. Most Americans are easy prey for those who know how to manipulate with key words and phrases that play on emotions, gender, etc. Don’t you realize that manipulators study research on how to control people with the way things are said, written and portrayed? They are masters at playing on the sensibilities of people.

The Bible warns of these things and states that in the last days there is a danger of even the elect being deceived. Remember that quite often things are not what they seem, but are always what they are. Christians must depend on the Holy Spirit to survive walking through the mine fields of lies, deceptions and half truths.  We live in the time when many will not endure truth but will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables (2 Timothy 4: 3, 4) Draw near to God, pray and study the Word like never before. 

America, I Love You!

Do you love America? Do you think our country is exceptional? I do and I am convinced that Jesus Christ does. I believe with all my heart that He was at the core of founding this great nation just as He was at the core of founding the Garden of Eden.
If you want to be against someone or something, be against Satan, his demonic forces and other agents that always seek to still, kill and destroy what is of God. Satan was against what was going on in God’s heaven. He was against what was going on in God’s “Garden of Eden”, and he will be against anything of God’s until he is put away for good. Therefore get it straight, he is against what God planned for America and he will attack from within and without. He will come in pure darkness and he will come disguised as light. If you don’t want to be captured by one form or the other, have your senses trained to discern both good and evil (Hebrews 5: 14). Don’t be caught on the wrong side of what God wants! I see some that have been overcome by darkness in its dark form, and I see some that have been overcome by darkness disguised as light. Eve is a prime example of being overcome by darkness disguised as light.
While I am at this let me make it clear to you destroyers and your little deceived minds, the church is Jesus’ idea. Satan and his cohorts, demonic and human, have been against it from the beginning. Jesus is against them! He and His church will be victorious. If you want to spend eternity with Jesus, you better realize the following: Jesus is the only Way, the church is His idea and He said to not forsake assembling with a portion of it. He gave some to be apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers and you better find one that He has given and submit your little prideful heart, hurt feelings and stubborn mind to be equipped for the work of the ministry.
If you have paid attention to anything I write, you know that I understand there are problems in the church and in America. But I am for both institutions because both are of God. I am constantly working to wake people up and bring them back to God’s plan for both. The destroyers have made gains against God’s plans for both but God will have the last word. There will be a church with Jesus Christ formed within before He returns. If part of that church in America wakes up in time, we can save this nation from great harm and devastation.
O you say, "Look at all the problems or ills of the past and present".  Get it straight, the devil is real! He came against and into the Garden of Eden, he came against and into the church and he has come against and into this country. He will continue to use both forms while he fights against and/or tries to pervert anything of God until he is put away for good. Guess who is going to be put away with him? Anyone who by choice or by being deceived joined his fight against Jesus Christ.
In conclusion, remember that Satan is against what God planned for America just like he was against what God planned for the “Garden of Eden”. Jesus Christ was involved in the founding of this country; let’s unite and overcome what is not of God within the church and within our nation, but let’s not give up on either.



Wednesday, July 2, 2014

A Word to Political Leaders

If you are receiving counsel from a minister or ministers, make sure that they are hearing from the Spirit of God. Many will give you counsel not from God but counsel that is based on their particular doctrines and traditions of men. They will dress it up in religious clothing and make it sound good, but beware. This is very dangerous for our country. It is important that you hear from God and not from man. Therefore, please examine carefully who you are listening to.

Presently there is very little evidence that leaders in any party are moving by the counsel of the Holy Spirit, any that may be are the exception and not the rule. Earnestly seek the leading of the Holy Spirit and He will speak to you personally. If you ask Him, He will also lead you to those who will seek God and receive answers from Him for you and our country. It will not be conventional wisdom and knowledge that they share with you, but it will be of God.
There are the real waiting to share the knowledge and wisdom of God, but they are often not the ones you know or have heard of. The Spirit of God knows them and He will lead you to one or more if you are serious about this, but don't be like those who asked Jeremiah to seek God for direction for them.  Jeremiah diligently sought and heard from God for them. When He told them what God said, their response was that he had not heard from God. The future of our country depends on hearing from God and doing what He says.
God wants to anoint some leaders with His wisdom and power. Ask God to fill you with His Spirit and to release His wisdom and knowledge to you. Learn about the gifts of the Spirit, especially discerning of spirits and the word of knowledge and the word of wisdom. Be humble bold and fearless!  May God raise up intercessors to pray for you.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The Judgment of God

God will have a final judgment when He will cast all people who have not believed in Jesus Christ into hell with Satan and his demonic spirits. Before His final judgment takes place God has other judgments; since the creation of man God has at various times judged individuals as well as nations. Often times His judgments are a call for repentance; at other times it is a removal of people from earth. God is loving and gracious, but also holy and all knowing. When He sees that a nation or an individual has permanently hardened their heart against Him and His Word He will at times bring forth a judgment that is their final one on earth. They will still face the final judgment at God’s appointed time, but the Judge has rendered a decision that they will no longer be on earth.

One point to understand is that God uses circumstances to reveal where individuals and nations stand. He has done this in the past and is doing so at this time. He calls for repentance, often times repeatedly because He is loving and longsuffering, but there comes a point when He says that is enough, enough from that individual and enough from that nation. We all should examine ourselves and pray that our individual heart is for God, His kingdom and His will. No Christian should want to be on the side of anything that is opposed to God. Too much is at stake. Remember that Satan is a master deceiver; he is personally deceived but he deceives others as well. How important is this? The future of individuals and nations hang in the balance!