Saturday, December 31, 2016

Waking up to the Need for Spiritul Restoration

In America Providence has seen fit to mercifully grant us Christians a limited reprieve. We are to be thankful for the reprieve but at the same time realize that we cannot carry on with our status quo ways. We must have true and lasting humility and repentance that produces a church with Jesus Christ formed within, a church where all members are born again and work in the unity of faith with the realization that the required work can only be accomplished by being anointed with the Holy Spirit and power.

We must also realize that we have an adversary that is fast at work. He is fast at work right now! For example, while many preachers and teachers are sharing their theories about the coming Antichrist, the spirit of antichrist is already at work. It is not only at work in the world but is also at work against the church. That means against you and your family.  In the public it  works to oppose any and everything about Jesus and the church that He is building. But it doesn’t just work in the public sector. It invades the church. Wherever it finds opportunity within parts of the church it sets about establishing inroads that result in other gospels that picture another Jesus.

 While all of the above and more is going on, the spirit of the world is enticing those in the fields that are white for harvest by flaunting its materialistic and immoral ways while demanding that we not object. At present our adversary is doing quite well; the works of the devil are not only flourishing in the world but are gaining footholds within parts of the church evidenced  by more and more church leaders and their followers calling good evil and evil good.

We need spiritual restoration! As I have stated numerous times over the years the future freedom of Christians in America to worship and publicly proclaim Jesus and biblical truth depends on whether or not we experience spiritual restoration that leads to revival and awakening in America and beyond. I say that we have a cause! What say you?


Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Sexual Immorality in Churches

We have churches that call themselves Christian that are not only allowing sexual immorality to take place among their preachers and/or members, but in the name of love and/or grace are saying that it is alright. I am telling you that they are deceived and falling away. I call them to repentance and warn them that if they don’t repent the judgment of God is headed their way. If they don’t repent, the word of God says to give them over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh that their spirits may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.

Two important points for Christians to know and understand are that judgment begins with the church and in the word of God the pattern is for God to warn before He judges. It is time for churches to know that God is never pleased with sexuality immorality on earth and He is very displeased with sexuality immorality within churches.
Our Lord God is especially displeased with preachers that are saying that sexual sin is alright and/or that it is not even sin. The preachers doing so often emphasize love and grace, but it is not true biblical love and grace that they are espousing. It is a cheap and false love and grace that they are using to deceive people. It is all part of the last day's deception that Satan is releasing. The preachers doing so need to realize that they are going to come under greater judgment for using their position and influence to lead people astray.
True godly love covers a multitude of sins, but a love that justifies sin or says that sin is not godly love. Preachers who say it is are deceived and/or false preachers.  I call you to repentance! He and she, who have ears, let them hear.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

The Fate of America

I have been saying for years that the fate of America depends upon what takes place among true Christians in America. This was true before the election and it is true after the election. It is true today and it will be true tomorrow. The fate of America depends on true Christians!

To those with ears to hear please understand that Satan and his forces, demonic and human are enemies of America. Satan has always known that he cannot destroy America unless he cripples the salt and light influence of true Christians.  I am warning you today that Satan and his forces are doubling down on their efforts to way-lay true Christians so that they can accomplish their plans for America.

There is so much that I can say and as the Spirit leads I will speak, but right now I just want you to know the situation and that you are needed to accomplish the will of the Lord Jesus and to resist the works of Satan and his forces.  Who is ready to put on the whole armor of God and stand against the schemings of the devil and his forces?

Monday, November 14, 2016

Will You Allow Jesus to Build His Church His Way?

Jesus said that He would build His church and the gates of Hades would not prevail against it. He birthed His church on the Day of Pentecost and has been working ever since by His Spirit to bring forth a church in His image that does His will on earth as He did the Father’s will while He was on earth.

The Spirit of Jesus is always looking for people who will become disciples and carry out what Jesus wants for His church on earth. Will you be one of those disciples? Will you be a disciple that follows Jesus and helps bring forth a church in the image of Jesus, a church that lines up with His blue-prints without any interference by man?  Most likely you do not yet understand how it will take place but that is alright because the Spirit of Jesus does.  Will you yield to the Holy Spirit and become a disciple of Jesus that allows Jesus to build His church His way? I am all in, how about you?


Saturday, November 5, 2016

Hard Sayings

John 6: 60 Therefore many of His disciples, when they heard this, said , “This is a hard saying; who can understand it?”

John 6: 66 From that time many of His disciples went back (away) and walked with Him no more.

I have included some hard sayings in this message. See if you can find them.

Mark 12: 24 Jesus answered and said to them, “Are you not therefore mistaken (or deceived), because you do not know the Scriptures nor the power of God?”

Matthew 7: 24 “Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock.”

Matthew 7: 26 “But who hears these sayings of Mine, and still does not do them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand.”

Preaching Jesus and voting progressive is the height of deception.

2 Peter 2: 1 warns of destructive heresies.

The Greek word for heresies originally denoted making a choice or having an opinion. Progressing to having a preference because of an opinion or a sentiment, it easily slipped into a mode of disunity, choosing sides, having diversity of belief, creating dissension, and substituting  self-willed opinions for submission to the truth. The dominant use in the New Testament is to signify sects, people professing opinions independent of the truth.

1 John 4: 1 Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world.

1 John 4: 3b And this is the spirit of the Antichrist, which you have heard was coming, and is now already in the world.

2 Corinthians 11: 13-15 For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ. And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also transforms themselves into ministers of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works.

We are in the last days and the spirit of Antichrist is stepping up deception to the point that even the elect are being deceived.
I challenge you to come and let's search the Scriptures together!


Tuesday, November 1, 2016

The Blood of Jesus

The blood of Jesus will always wash as white as snow if sins or acknowledged and confessed.  We have a problem! The problem is that we live in a time when good is called evil and evil is called good. Things are so bad that many parts of modern Christianity have joined with the systems of the world in not acknowledging sin as sin. Not only is sin not being acknowledged by people in parts of Christianity, they are ignoring and/or changing Scripture to justify saying certain things are normal and alright that the Bible rightly divided calls sin. The result is that people are not acknowledging and confessing their sins therefore the blood of Jesus is not washing them as white as snow.

This is dangerous! It is dangerous to those who are sinning and it is dangerous to those who are justifying their sins. Individual sinners that don’t confess eventually reap the consequences. Nations that turn themselves over to sin are always judged eventually. Preachers that are caught up in the deception will give a greater account to Jesus because of leading people astray by their silence or by their actions. I am calling people to wake up and repent! I am calling for intercessors to pray for individuals as well as nations to repent. Especially remember the preachers!

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Saving Christian Freedom in America

The Spirit of the Lord Jesus is speaking to me that the only way to save Christian freedom in America is for enough Christians to humble themselves, repent and in the unity of faith cry out to God for His intervention(s) within the church and within all parts of our nation with special emphasis at this time upon the selection of governmental leaders from the local to the national level. It doesn’t take all Christians; it just takes enough who are dedicated to Jesus and His kingdom. Only a small percentage of Americans fought and won out liberty in the Revolutionary War.  There were more against them than were for them, but they took up the cause and paid the price.  The United States was birthed!

Words almost fail me in being able to express the seriousness of things in the United States. In the midst of this seriousness millions of people, including Christians, are blindly following the blind while swatting knats and swallowing camels. I said yesterday that I saw voters which were almost like walking zombies with their minds being controlled by ungodly supernatural forces.  They are just representative of millions of people within the borders of our beloved country.  It is very disturbing to know that many people, Christian and non Christian, have given their minds over to forces that cause them to believe lies and therefore call good evil and evil good. This includes ministers, active and retired, that are either actively engaged in opposing what the Lord Jesus wants of His church and our nation or they are hiding from the issues with intellectual rationalizations.

It is equally disturbing to see many professing Christians that are more interested in searching out answers from the kingdoms of the world rather than giving themselves to prayer, fasting and seeking answers from the word of God.  For example, some Christians seem to be addicted to finding political writings that support their mental strongholds. They share those writings with boldness, but do not speak from their heart words of direction from the Spirit of God that will set us free. It has never been truer that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. Other Christians are deliberately staying out of the fray and are focusing on other things of life which really amounts to hiding their heads in the sand rather than addressing issues that will affect their family for generations to come.

Satan has always been an archenemy of Jesus Christ. He has been a bitter foe of the church since it was birthed and he never wanted the United States to come into existence. He has been working for hundreds of years to destroy America. He has always been the god of world systems and he has worked diligently to infiltrate many parts of the church, including seminaries so that he could use professing Christians to destroy America and her place in the world.  He has been quite successful, so successful that he thinks he has us on the ropes and he is getting ready to move in for the knockout.

Are there enough true Christians to stand in the gap and preserve Christian freedom and bring revival and awakening to our nation?  We have waited too long and it is going to be difficult, but it is still better to get going now while we still have some semblance of freedom than to wait until times are very hard. God will intervene, if true Christians will call on Him! Will you by faith put your life on the altar of the cross and live as a living sacrifice for Jesus and His kingdom?

Friday, October 14, 2016

There are Two Concerns in My Spirit this Morning

1. We need Christians with godly wisdom, courage and boldness to speak out with truth and discernment about the issues confronting us in their own words rather than being quiet or only sharing what someone else has said. I discern that lifelong strongholds will be broken and great and much needed freedom will come gushing forth to the benefit of all of us as this takes place. We need truth based on Scripture rightly divided coming forth from you to counteract and overcome the deceptive words coming from ministers and others that have been taken over by the spirit of the world. Deception is powerful and is often disguised in wisdom, but it is the wisdom of the world and not of Jesus Christ even though it might mention Him or use Scripture. Only true truth sets free! Speak God’s truth in love, but speak it with courage and boldness.

2. There are those who like to say that they see things differently. They will appear to say this with kind words, but if necessary deep down within them a torrent is waiting to erupt if things don't go just right. The torrent is released in different measures according to what is needed to counteract any and all opposition. One seemingly mild tactic might include just saying I will not talk about that with you, but they will in other places keep releasing their deceived words because they just can't stop. There are many tactics but they all are just signs of unholy spirits at work in the minds and hearts of deceived people. Deceived people can be worldly wise, seem kind, talk of love and grace, and quote Scripture eloquently. All of this is part of the deception of the last days. The greatest deception for a deceived individual being that they think that they are right and are doing the work of God. In light of all of this, your boldness to stand for and speak the truth of God and His word with the true anointing of the Holy Spirit can make the difference. Greater is He that is in you than he that is influencing and/or controlling deceived ministers and corrupt politicians.




Thursday, October 13, 2016

Perilous Times Call for True Witnesses of Jesus and His Word

But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come (2 Timothy 3:1). 2 Timothy goes on to warn us that people will come forth that have a form of godliness but deny its power. The admonition is to turn away from such people (2 Timothy 3: 5).

I have for years made it clear that I am not a Republican, Democrat, Libertarian or Independent; I am a citizen of the kingdom of God that has earthly citizenship in the Republic of the United States.

As a citizen of the Kingdom of God I am loyal to King Jesus and a defender of His word, the Bible-rightly divided. As a citizen of the United States I am loyal to the Constitution of the United States. I oppose any attempt from preacher to politician to add to or take away from the word of God or to destroy the Constitution.

At present, there are many preachers that are advocating other gospels (Galatians 1: 8) and many politicians that are bent on destroying our Constitution. For a time, you may make what you think are advances for your deceived agenda, and true followers of Jesus may suffer accordingly.  If you get your way, you will rejoice for a season, but it will only be for a season because the very things you are supporting will turn on and seek to devour you. I love you and pray that you come to your senses. You are fighting against King Jesus; in the end He wins. Victory in Jesus!      
To you with ears to hear I pray that you will repent and become a true witnesses of Jesus and His word rightly divided. Jesus wins in the end, but at present what happens in the United States depends much on you. We will either have true spiritual revival or there will be unimaginable devilish storms. Onward Christian Soldiers!

Monday, October 10, 2016

October 2016

How can the hypocritical progressives (socialists) remove a speck from the eyes of others while a plank is in their own eyes (Matthew 7: 1-5)? (Tuesday 10/11/2016)

We have people who are having sex with the same sex attacking someone making comments about someone of the other sex. What a mess! (Monday 10/10/2016)

There is a world of difference in someone doing a carnal act and someone being evil. (Sunday 10/9/2016)

There are many ministers that call themselves Christian that has changed Scripture to adjust to our times.  I don’t think that is going to work when they stand before Jesus and give an account.  P. S. Just because a family member starts living a certain way, doesn’t change Scripture either. (Thurs 10/6/2016)

How many of you who profess Jesus as your Savior has ever studied through the entire Bible? (Tuesday 10/4/2016)

Which of the following best describes what you have been taught?

  1. Things In the world are going to get worse and worse and Jesus will take His people out of the world.
  2. The church that Jesus is building, though persecuted, will bring forth a revival that takes the gospel of the kingdom to all nations and in so doing brings in a great harvest of souls. Then the end will come and Jesus will return and complete what only He can complete. (Sunday 10/2/2016)

Lord Jesus,

Give us preachers called and prepared by you.  Bring forth true and mature apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers that will equip all of your people according to your will.

Cleanse your church as you cleansed the temple. Drive out the money changers and profiteers. Drive out the false shepherds with their false messages. Drive out those who have taken wonderful truths such as Your sovereignty, love, grace, and mercy and have perverted them.  (Sunday 10/2/2016)
We not only live in a day when evil is called good and good is called evil but also when one is called a bigot if he or she calls a sin a sin.  

 I am looking for true and mature followers of Jesus and/or for those who want to interact and find truth that sets free and will bring forth a church that is salt and light that saves America from destruction. I am not interested in playing games especially religious games.

Many parts of the church are filled with preachers and members that are spouting other gospels and/or playing religious games. I am looking for ministers who were really called by Jesus to equip His people and for disciples who really want to forsake all and follow Jesus.

I will be bold where needed, but also gentle with those who really want to learn. (Saturday 10/1/2016)







October 2016

How can the hypocritical progressives (socialists) remove a speck from the eyes of others while a plank is in their own eyes (Matthew 7: 1-5)? (Tuesday 10/11/2016)

We have people who are having sex with the same sex attacking someone making comments about someone of the other sex. What a mess! (Monday 10/10/2016)

There is a world of difference in someone doing a carnal act and someone being evil. (Sunday 10/9/2016)

There are many ministers that call themselves Christian that has changed Scripture to adjust to our times.  I don’t think that is going to work when they stand before Jesus and give an account.  P. S. Just because a family member starts living a certain way, doesn’t change Scripture either. (Thurs 10/6/2016)

How many of you who profess Jesus as your Savior has ever studied through the entire Bible? (Tuesday 10/4/2016)

Which of the following best describes what you have been taught?

  1. Things In the world are going to get worse and worse and Jesus will take His people out of the world.
  2. The church that Jesus is building, though persecuted, will bring forth a revival that takes the gospel of the kingdom to all nations and in so doing brings in a great harvest of souls. Then the end will come and Jesus will return and complete what only He can complete. (Sunday 10/2/2016)

Lord Jesus,

Give us preachers called and prepared by you.  Bring forth true and mature apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers that will equip all of your people according to your will.

Cleanse your church as you cleansed the temple. Drive out the money changers and profiteers. Drive out the false shepherds with their false messages. Drive out those who have taken wonderful truths such as Your sovereignty, love grace, and mercy and have perverted them.  (Sunday 10/2/2016)
We not only live in a day when evil is called good and good is called evil but also when one is called a bigot if he or she calls a sin a sin.  

 I am looking for true and mature followers of Jesus and/or for those who want to interact and find truth that sets free and will bring forth a church that is salt and light that saves America from destruction. I am not interested in playing games especially religious games.

Many parts of the church are filled with preachers and members that are spouting other gospels and/or playing religious games. I am looking for ministers who were really called by Jesus to equip His people and for disciples who really want to forsake all and follow Jesus.

I will be bold where needed, but also gentle with those who really want to learn. (Saturday 10/1/2016)







Tuesday, October 4, 2016

We Need Christians that are Anointed with the Holy Spirit and Power

At present most Christians and their pastors in the United States are powerless Christians.  Why? They have not tarried until they have received the baptism in the Spirit that gives them power from above. This has to change! If it doesn’t I am prophetically telling you that you have not seen anything yet. Satan is just getting warmed up in the United States! The only way to stop him and his agents both demonic and human is for a church to come forth that is on fire with the Spirit, sanctified by truth and moving in power.

When one receives the true baptism in the Spirit, they will then be able to move in one or more of the gifts of the Spirit identified in 1 Corinthians 12: 7-11. If one is not moving in the gifts of the Spirit, they are either not filled with the Spirit or are not desiring spiritual gifts.

There is a false teaching that has been around parts of the church for a long time that teaches about being filled with the Spirit that either eliminates the gifts of the Spirit or substitutes other gifts for the ones listed in 1 Corinthians.  A little leaven leavens the whole lump! A little false teaching mixed with truth has done damage to people since the beginning of time. Go back to the biblical account of the Garden of Eden and move forward through the word and see how Satan often works. Know Your Savior intimately but also know your adversary!

In closing, make sure that you have been born again. There are many members of churches, including pastors, who have not been born again. Next, make sure that you have been really baptized in the Spirit. If you have and are not moving in the gifts of the Spirit, tarry before God until you do. Take up the sword of the Spirit and pray. Pray for revival that returns America to Jesus. Pray down all strongholds that stand against Jesus and His truth.
To Christians in Alabama and elsewhere: If you have the power of the Holy Spirit, it is time to pray and see the Spirit of the Lord Jesus move out those in power that use their power to put people out of office that are standing for biblical truth. If one doesn’t have the power of the Spirit, there is not much they can do but complain and talk about how things are getting worse and worse. But if you have the power of the Spirit, then bind and loose in the name of Jesus. Pull down demonic strongholds and build up the things of Jesus. Onward true Christian soldiers!

Friday, September 30, 2016

Jesus is Building His Church

The word tells us that Jesus is building His church and the gates of Hades will not be victorious over it (Matthew 16: 18). Why does it appear that at certain times of church history the gates of Hades have been victorious over the church?

Much of what God does on earth involves people. For example, God built the Garden of Eden, created man and woman and not only made them caretakers of the Garden but told them to be multiply and subdue the earth. God never fails so why did that not work out?

From the beginning of the church God has used people in building it. Therein we discover the problem.  People have added to and taken away from the blueprint that Jesus gave us for His church and have leaned on their own minds rather than yielding to the Holy Spirit and having the mind of Christ. People have created a huge number of churches and denominations rather than being one spiritual body of Christ.  Rather than being salt and light that is victorious we are being trampled underfoot. It is time to change things!
Will our generation of Christians repent, wake up spiritually and yield to the Holy Spirit to be and do what Jesus wants of us? Will you count the cost and pay the price? Jesus is watching and waiting on you!

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Two Wars

Whether or not you are aware of it, all true Christians in America are in two wars that are closely related. Satan and his forces, demonic and human, have declared a spiritual war and a terror war against each of you. Can you define each of these wars and how they are related? Can you define the enemy?

For decades, as a watchman of and for the Lord Jesus, I have been doing what I can to wake up as many Christians as I can to what is going on and calling them to be so...ldiers of the Lord Jesus. Up to this point, the greatest hindrance and/or stumbling block preventing most Christians from hearing and responding to the call to war by me or any other true watchman has been those that each Christian looks to for spiritual leadership. Most ministers in America, up to this point have not properly warned and equipped those who listen to them.

When you are faced with total loss of Christian freedom and/or when the head of a loved one is on the chopping block as it were, what good is the gospel of cheap grace and cheap love, the prosperity gospel or any other gospel that has watered down or replaced the true gospel going to do? I assure you that you will never be properly equipped by those ministers who at their heart and core are proclaiming other gospels. Actually, whether by design or not, they have been setting you up for disaster.

We are in the last days headed toward the last day and Satan and his forces, demonic and human, are increasing and intensifying their attacks aimed at all true Christians. What are you and your minister(s) doing about it?

Probably most of you have been sleeping while I have been writing this. When you wake up physically, I pray that you will become a Christian that is always awake spiritually.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Last Days and the Last Day

All people on earth are not only living in the last days but are approaching the last day. No one knows when the last day will be, but all should be prepared and living accordingly.

One thing that we can be sure of is that the war between Satan and his forces-both demonic and human- and Jesus Christ and His true followers is becoming more and more intense. Each day in the spiritual realm the spiritual war is becoming more definitive and succinct and on earth a line is being drawn.

On one side of the line are those who have decided to go the way of the world and on the other side are those who have decided to deny self, forsake all and take up their cross to follow Jesus.  There are many Christians  including preachers, who at the present are knowingly or unknowingly straddling the fence, but fence straddling days are fast coming to an end and there are eternal and earthly consequences for those who don’t step up for Jesus, His kingdom and His word rightly divided.

I have a question first for myself and then for all other professing Christians. If we lived during the days of the early church would we be among those who were accused of turning the world upside down? I believe that it is time to take a spiritual inventory and judge ourselves. We are living in the last days and the last day is approaching!

Monday, July 25, 2016

I Pray

I pray that the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ will cause confusion to come over the socialist/communist wherever they meet this week and that discernment will come to all true Christians in the United States that allows them to see clearly what is going on.

I pray that Christians will see the spirits at work behind the media that has been promoting the socialist/communist and secular/atheistic movements in America.

I pray that all people attending churches controlled by anything other than the Holy Spirit and led by anyone other than true and mature apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers will awaken from their spiritual stupor caused in large part by the ministers and teachings they have been following and will flee those churches and those deceived and deceiving ministers.

I pray that Christians with Christ formed within, anointed with the Holy Spirit and power and sanctified by truth will come forth and be the church that Jesus gave His life for and will go into the world as salt and light defending the true gospel and proclaiming the truth of Jesus, His word and His kingdom.

I pray that all the other gospels that have infiltrated many churches and denominations will be exposed and dealt with accordingly. This includes the false prosperity gospel, the false cheap love and grace gospel, the false social gospel, the false legalistic gospel and any other gospel that has replaced and/or watered down the truth of Jesus as the Sacrificial Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world and the empowering Lord who baptizes with the Holy Spirit and proclaims the gospel of the kingdom.

I pray that all true Christians will have discernment that allows them to see evil spirits wherever they are at work in anyone. I pray that their discernment will be so keen that they can tell that a spirit or spirits are at work simply by seeing the effects on the faces of the people and hearing the effects on the voices of the people.

I pray that all true Christians will become sanctified by truth and be able to discern lies, deceptions, false teachings and false traditions no matter how beautifully and religiously they may be packaged.

I pray that all ministers who have been born again but not baptized in the Spirit will stop what they are doing and wait before God until Jesus baptizes them in the Holy Spirit. that all true Christians will become sanctified by truth and be able to discern lies, deceptions, false teachings and false traditions no matter how beautifully and religiously they may be packaged.

I pray that all ministers who have been born again but not baptized in the Spirit will stop what they are doing and wait before God until Jesus baptizes them in the Holy Spirit.

I pray that all true Christians will become sanctified by truth and be able to discern lies, deceptions, false teachings and false traditions no matter how beautifully and religiously they may be packaged.

I pray that all ministers who have been born again but not baptized in the Spirit will stop what they are doing and wait before God until Jesus baptizes them in the Holy Spirit.

I pray that all true Christians will become sanctified by truth and be able to discern lies, deceptions, false teachings and false traditions no matter how beautifully and religiously they may be packaged.

I pray that all ministers who have been born again but not baptized in the Spirit will stop what they are doing and wait before God until Jesus baptizes them in the Holy Spirit.

 In Jesus Name

Monday, July 4, 2016

The Ship is taking in Water

When a ship is sailing there are many activities going on. Each activity requires the attention of certain people. When a ship is in distress and taking in water all hands on deck do what is necessary to keep the ship from sinking. A few sections of the ship may not yet be receiving water, but if the water is not stopped from spreading the whole ship is in danger.

Most parts of the church in the United States are taking in the water of the world. Regretfully at present there are few that see the danger and even fewer who are sounding the alarm and doing anything about it.  Actually many of the shepherds-false and/or immature ones- are opening the flood gates. Where are those who will sound the alarm, take up the sword of the Spirit and get in the gap?

Wouldn’t this be a great day to declare independence from forces of deceit and destruction from within and without that are bent on destroying Christian freedom and American freedom? Where are those with eyes to see and ears to hear? Up and Onward Christian Soldiers!

Friday, July 1, 2016

Let Us Go On to Maturity

Let us go on to maturity (Hebrews 6: 1) is the goal of the Lord Jesus for the Church that He is building (Matthew 16:18). Maturity is not an instant process for those born by faith into the kingdom of God. Just as individuals must go through elementary school to advance to higher learning, believers must learn the elementary principles of Christ before they can go on to maturity in Christ. The Holy Spirit gives us those elementary principles in Hebrews 6: 1, 2 and they are six in number.

In life we don’t want to have to keep learning the same lesson over and over. We want to go on to learning other things. For example, we don’t want one year of experience forty times; we want forty years of experience. Regretfully many people of the world and many people of the church fall into the category of one year of experience forty times. The word expresses it this way, ever learning and never coming to the truth (2 Timothy 3:7). In many ways this describes most parts of the church at the present time. It is not just a condition of those in the pews; it is a condition of those in the pulpits. Actually the state of those in the pews is largely the responsibility of those in the pulpits.

Don’t get defensive or angry! I loved my first grade teacher, but she would not have qualified as an upper grade or college level teacher. I once knew someone that taught math in a university and was very good at it. This person decided to pursue another degree in mathematics and ran into a course that caused much stress and consternation.  It was beyond present capability. It is sad to say, but the six elementary doctrines that one must be rightly proficient in before going onto maturity in Christ are beyond the present capability of most preachers in the body of Christ.

The six elementary principles of Christ are: repentance from dead works, faith toward God, the doctrine of baptisms, laying on of hands, resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgment. If you as a believer want to become mature in Christ you must first learn these six principles and I am not talking about memorizing them. They must become a true and vital part of your life.

I must caution you that it will be near impossible to find a minister and a church that at present is functioning in these six elementary principles in word, truth and deed. It is great proof of the need for spiritual restoration of the church. Don’t become discouraged! Instead become founded in the six elementary principles, then go on to maturity and teach others the basics (Hebrews 5:12) and lead them to maturity. Let us go on to maturity!



Thursday, June 30, 2016

Birth is Only the Beginning

If parents treated their new born babies as most parts of Christianity do, we would have few physically mature adults in this world. The birth of babies, both natural and spiritual, brings joy but in both cases it is only the beginning. A major problem occurs when birth, natural or spiritual, is seen and treated as an end all.

Both natural birth and spiritual birth are very exciting occurrences, but at present those born naturally have a better opportunity to grow and become mature adults than those born spiritually have in becoming a mature disciple of Jesus Christ. We all enjoy our children and grandchildren at their various stages of childhood, but the goal is for them to grow up and become mature adults. The goal that Jesus has for those born into His family is that they grow up and become mature disciples, but at present it is difficult for it to take place. 

In the message titled The Problem of Spiritual Immaturity I stated the following: “One of the main problems in Christianity is that spiritual immaturity is widespread among the members of the body of Christ. The problem includes many that are working as ministers! Spiritual immaturity is not a new problem among Christians; it is a longstanding problem and is possibly the greatest hindrance that prevents the Church from fulfilling her God given call and responsibilities.”

Why is spiritual immaturity such a wide spread problem in Christianity? Who is responsible? Spiritual immaturity is wide spread in Christianity because the traditions and doctrines of man have replaced and/or been mixed with the truth of the word of God and water it down. The ones that are most responsible are those in spiritual leadership positions. All of this results in keeping Christians in a state of babyhood.

While I am writing this I am listening to an account of what is being called a revival in a particular church. I listen guardedly! I am looking for the real and I have seen enough of flash revivals. A church can have what they call revival, people can be saved, buildings can be expanded or new ones built, television opportunities can open up and expand worldwide, conferences can be held on a regular basis, people can come from far and near to see and/or be part of this happening and in a few years it is not heard of anymore. Why? It is at best usually what I will call a partisan revival meaning that it is by a particular church that has its own doctrines and traditions. In these revivals people can really be born again, but very quickly are indoctrinated into that particular groups beliefs-doctrines and traditions.

I am seeking restoration, revival and awakening that is real and lasting. When those that are already true Christians wake up, repent and remove everything that is of man and live by the word of God rightly divided then when babies are birthed into the kingdom of God they will be on a fast track to maturity in Christ. Churches, let’s examine ourselves with the word of God rightly divided as our standard and take the necessary steps that will make sure that when a baby is born that baby will grow to maturity in the one body of Christ-the church that Jesus is building.


Thursday, June 16, 2016

The Truth about Love and Truth

The word of God tells us that truth is to be spoken in love (Ephesians 4:15). At present this is not being done in a large part of modern Christianity. There are two major problems in modern Christianity. Those problems are that on one hand love is spoken without truth and on the other hand truth is spoken without love. These two problems are devastating to the spreading of the gospel, the uniting of faith and the true salt and light influence of the church.

Truth spoken without love can be harsh, caustic, vindictive and destructive. Love spoken without truth can be selfish, manipulative, untrustworthy and deceptive. Many would think that the greater problem is truth spoken without love. I acknowledge that it is a real problem, but love without truth ties into a third problem that has dogged Christianity almost from the beginning-that problem is works. Love without truth has become a work that many depend on for justification and eventually hearing the words well done. The biblical truth is that love without truth is a work that hinders the body of Christ, just like adding water baptism to faith for salvation does.

Let’s all become filled with the Spirit (Ephesians 5:18) and under His teaching be washed with the water of the word (Ephesians 5: 26). Too many Christians don’t live by what we call “The Lord’s Prayer” and too many Christians don’t know the prayer Jesus prayed the night before His crucifixion. Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth (John 17:17). Selah!


Sunday, June 5, 2016


The word watchman means to look out, peer into the distance, spy, keep watch; to scope something out, especially in order to see approaching danger, and to warn those who are endangered.


True prophets are spiritual watchman who look out, see danger, and report to the people.

False prophets speak peace, victory and prosperity instead of warning the people of approaching danger. Instead of warning and preparing the people for approaching danger, they misuse Scripture while emphasizing and promoting acceptance of ungodly living and cultural changes all in the name of false love and grace. We have them in the pulpits and we have them in Washington D. C.


Note: There are some ministers with what seems like good intentions who are not flagrantly leading people astray, but are doing so by ministering what seems like needed and helpful things while never sounding the alarm. The end result is that they keep the unsuspecting people happy until it is too late to prepare for the approaching danger.


Saturday, June 4, 2016

Restoration of the Church

According to the dictionary, “to restore” means to “bring back to a former or original condition.” When something is restored in the Scriptures, however, it is always increased, multiplied or improved so that its later state is significantly better than its original state (see Joel 2:21-26). (James Robison)

God multiplies when He restores. And so, in His restoration work today, God is not simply restoring the church to the glory it displayed in New Testament times. He is seeking to restore it to a state more powerful, majestic and glorious than anything the world has yet seen. (James Robison)

Most ministers and their church members, at present, do not have spiritual revelation concerning the needed restoration of the church. Most are doing one of two things; they are carrying on the religious doctrines and traditions of their particular group or they are giving into the spirit of the world. However, the Spirit of the Lord Jesus is looking to and fro throughout the earth for anyone, minister or church member, who will receive the revelation of the need for restoration of the church and give themselves to bringing it about.


Saturday, May 21, 2016

Unholy Spirits and Other Gospels

Modern Christianity has been invaded by other gospels and unholy spirits. Caution! Don’t think about voodoo, black magic and flagrant witch craft. Most true Christians, at least at the present time, would be able to detect these even without spiritual discernment which is sorely lacking among most Christians.


A study of 2 Corinthians chapter 11 would benefit all disciples of Jesus. In this chapter we are warned that Satan transforms himself into an angel of light and his ministers transform themselves into ministers of righteousness. These ministers often include well mannered, well spoken seminary trained preachers who are very adept at what they do. They know how to weave a web. For example, while being influenced or controlled by an unholy spirit they will preach about the Holy Spirit, but put a little deceptive twist on things by what they say or don’t say. The irony of this is that these ministers usually think that they are serving Jesus Christ and preaching truth. They themselves have unknowingly been taken captive by unholy spirits and other gospels.


I will share more about this in the future. I will conclude now by stating that these ministers work as a fifth column to deceive and distract Christians from the true and pure gospel by preaching and teaching other gospels. They use Scripture, actually misuse it, just as Satan did when he was tempting Jesus. Their character may seem to be excellent; the bottom line key is what they teach and preach or don’t teach and preach. An example is that they will seldom if ever preach Jesus and Him crucified. If they do, it is usually with a twist. Your main safeguard is to make sure you are intimate with Jesus and know His word.



Friday, May 13, 2016

Making Disciples for Jesus and Not for Self

Making Disciples for Jesus and Not for Self


Luke 9: 23 Then He said to them all, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow Me.


 Luke 14: 26 “If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple.”


Note from Spirit Filled Life Bible: A disciple must subordinate all earthly relationships to loyalty to Christ. Hate does not mean to bear ill will, but to choose Christ over all others. (I once heard a Methodist minister teach error because he believed hate meant hate in this verse).


 Luke 14: 27 “And whoever does not bear his cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple.”


Luke 14: 33 “So likewise, whoever of you does not forsake all that he has cannot be My disciple.”


Christians can learn from and be encouraged by motivational speakers who use the Bible and make them laugh and feel good (I am listening to one now on what is called Christian television), but they will never be prepared to take up their cross and follow Jesus. The motivational speakers will make you temporarily feel good and make him or her rich and famous while drawing you to them, but they will never make disciples in the sense of what the Lord Jesus is calling for.


The church needs true and mature apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers (Ephesians 4:11) who preach Jesus and Him crucified because they have personally denied self and taken up their cross to follow Jesus. One key way to judge ministers and see if they have denied self and taken up their cross is by how much they emphasize Jesus and Him crucified. If a minister has taken up his or her cross to follow Jesus, they can’t help but have the truth of Jesus and Him crucified at the heart and core of their minister. The motivational speakers may touch on it once in long while, but then they will get back to what makes you feel good and follow and give to them, but only those who are personally bearing their cross can really fulfill Matthew 28:18-20.


Matthew 28:18-20 And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. ‘Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. “Teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the Age.” Amen.




Friday, March 11, 2016

Peace, Peace!

Are you an informed Christian? Are you properly informed of the word of God? Are you properly informed of what is going on with the candidates running for President?

Do you have ears to hear? Do you have eyes to see? Are you able to discern spirits and read between the lines or are you silly and gullible and unable to come to the knowledge of the truth (2 Timothy 3: 6, 7) ?

Can you apply the Scriptures below to what is being said about foreign policy? Do you think deals can be negotiated with all groups? Do you think people tied in with Hamas are going to negotiate or negotiate honestly? Pride can blind people and make them think they can even negotiate with the devil.

Jeremiah 6: 14 They have also healed the hurt of My people slightly (superficially), saying ‘Peace, peace!’ When there is no peace.

Jeremiah 8: 11 For they have healed the hurt of the daughter of My people slightly (superficially), Saying, Peace, peace!’ When there is no peace.

Ezekiel 13: 10 Because, indeed, because they have seduced My people, saying ‘Peace!’ when there is no peace-

1 Thessalonians 5: 3 For when they say, “Peace and safety!” then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape.






Removing Ignorance and Confusion About the Sovereignty of God

God is Sovereign! That is an undisputable truth. He is not a Sovereign; He is the Sovereign of the universe. God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit is the power above all powers and the authority above all authorities.

Where then is the ignorance and confusion about God’s sovereignty? Among Christians, especially many evangelicals, the ignorance and confusion about God’s sovereignty primarily concern the will of God. They wrongly equate that because of God’s sovereignty His will takes place in all things. For example, earlier this week I heard an evangelical explain that regardless of how anyone votes God would decide who becomes President of the United States. He said that he and others could vote for the one that God wanted, but if the one they voted for didn’t make it to the general election the one that God wanted would be elected. He even said that he could stay home and not vote and the one God wants would be elected.

Those Christians who believe things like this are at present ignorant and confused about what the word of God says concerning the sovereignty of God. There will come a time when only the will of our sovereign God is done, but we are not yet living in that time. At some time in the future Satan and all his followers will be put away forever. From that time forward only the will of God will be done forever and ever.

God has a will and He wants His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. That is why Jesus taught us to pray Thy will be done… God wants a people on earth who want to do His will in all things, but we still have an adversary who wants his will to be done on earth. That adversary, the devil, has demonic forces and human forces that are determined to do his will and thwart the will of God. That my friends is where we are. So what do we do?

A good question! I am going to be teaching about God’s will for us on earth. We are in a spiritual war that is not primarily with human forces. We are in a spiritual war with Satan and his demonic forces. Satan does have many humans who have chosen to side with him, but our main war is with unseen forces. So put on your spiritual armor, take up the sword of the Spirit and let’s wage war.

 Onward Christian soldiers, marching as to war, With the cross of Jesus going on before! Christ, the royal Master, leads against the foe; Forward into battle, see His banner go! Onward Christian soldiers, marching as to war, with the cross of Jesus going on before!

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Ignorance of Scripture

Ignorance of Scripture is rampant among many preachers and Christians, including many evangelicals. It is very evident at present in relationship to governmental officials and voting.

Ignorance of Scripture is causing many Christians to wrongly divide the word of God rather than rightly divide it. This results in Christians making wrong choices, wrong decisions and supporting people who are enemies of Jesus Christ, His kingdom, His righteousness and His people.

This is nothing new! Regretfully it has been repeated over and over throughout history. For example, many preachers and Christians in Germany were complicit in the actions of Hitler because of their ignorance of Scripture. At present we have preachers and Christians that would have done the same if they had lived in the days of Hitler. I can just hear some of them saying “Hitler is a class act”. Yes, he was a class act controlled from Satan’s headquarters.

All Scripture has to be rightly divided!  A major part of rightly dividing Scripture is to always put it in the right context. Can you rightly divide and properly apply the Scriptures below? There are many preachers and Christians who can’t.

Romans 13: 1 Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God.

Romans 13: 2 Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God. And those who resist will bring judgment on themselves.

James 4: 7 Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.

Titus 3: 1 Remind them to be subject to rulers and authorities, to obey, to be ready for every good work.

Acts 5: 29 But Peter and the other apostles answered and said: We ought to obey God rather than men.
Note: If you are a true student of the Holy Spirit, let Him guide you into all truth. He is the Teacher! Too many preachers are regurgitating the junk that they learned from some theological professor or religious organization, rather than humbly submitting to the Holy Spirit and teaching only truth. Too many Christians are regurgitating the junk that they have learned from these preachers. Humility and repentance! Preachers, regardless of your age you can still paint a picture of truth that will equip the saints for the work of the ministry. Let’s bring forth salt and light that overcomes decay and darkness!

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

See the Problem and Deal With It

There are some Christians that see and see with concern the problems with the world, but at present there are few Christians who see that our major problem is with the overall condition of the church. We will never make much headway with the problems of the world until there is a faithful remnant church that has Christ formed within and in the unity of the faith is seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.


There cannot be a faithful remnant church that releases the needed salt and light until enough Christians see the need and respond accordingly. Until this takes place darkness will continue to spread because of the lack of salt and light coming forth from the church.


I have seen some evidence recently that shows that a few Christians are beginning to see that our major problem is the overall condition of the church. It is encouraging that they are beginning to see the need for restoration of the church, but it remains to be seen if they know what to do and more importantly are willing to do it. Pride, stubbornness, spiritual competitiveness, tradition, timidity, relationships, etc. all stand in the way. Humility, obedience to the Spirit and boldness are needed!

Monday, February 29, 2016

Voting by the Spirit or by the Flesh

It is a simple fact that anyone who does not know Jesus has no choice but to vote by the flesh. That is just the way things are. The problem is that for a long time the majority of Christians in the United States have also voted by the flesh.  One quick example is that some Christians decide on whom to vote for by seeing who else comes out in support of a certain candidate.  It is alright to seek council from others, but make sure they are following the Spirit and not being selfish or depending on the mind of reason.  

At present, the majority of Christians lean to their own understanding rather than listening to the Holy Spirit. It is another sign of the state of the overall church in America. The church needs restoration, revival and awakening. Until there is a faithful remnant, the church is going to reap what she sows. Your candidate may win in the primary or in the general election, but it is not going to make a long term difference unless there is a faithful remnant church that fulfills what Jesus wants of His bride.

This is a good time to address what I call negative faith. Too many Christians who may even vote for a good candidate don’t believe things are going to really change because of their wrong end time’s beliefs. They are convinced that things are going to get worse and worse so even though they pray for a good candidate and vote for a good candidate they have no real faith for a church to come forth that is what Jesus really wants. It is sad!

There is a set time for God to really bless America if enough Christians in America will take 2 Chronicles 7: 14 and 16: 9 seriously.