Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Last Days and the Last Day

All people on earth are not only living in the last days but are approaching the last day. No one knows when the last day will be, but all should be prepared and living accordingly.

One thing that we can be sure of is that the war between Satan and his forces-both demonic and human- and Jesus Christ and His true followers is becoming more and more intense. Each day in the spiritual realm the spiritual war is becoming more definitive and succinct and on earth a line is being drawn.

On one side of the line are those who have decided to go the way of the world and on the other side are those who have decided to deny self, forsake all and take up their cross to follow Jesus.  There are many Christians  including preachers, who at the present are knowingly or unknowingly straddling the fence, but fence straddling days are fast coming to an end and there are eternal and earthly consequences for those who don’t step up for Jesus, His kingdom and His word rightly divided.

I have a question first for myself and then for all other professing Christians. If we lived during the days of the early church would we be among those who were accused of turning the world upside down? I believe that it is time to take a spiritual inventory and judge ourselves. We are living in the last days and the last day is approaching!

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