Sunday, November 20, 2016

The Fate of America

I have been saying for years that the fate of America depends upon what takes place among true Christians in America. This was true before the election and it is true after the election. It is true today and it will be true tomorrow. The fate of America depends on true Christians!

To those with ears to hear please understand that Satan and his forces, demonic and human are enemies of America. Satan has always known that he cannot destroy America unless he cripples the salt and light influence of true Christians.  I am warning you today that Satan and his forces are doubling down on their efforts to way-lay true Christians so that they can accomplish their plans for America.

There is so much that I can say and as the Spirit leads I will speak, but right now I just want you to know the situation and that you are needed to accomplish the will of the Lord Jesus and to resist the works of Satan and his forces.  Who is ready to put on the whole armor of God and stand against the schemings of the devil and his forces?

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