is not going to rapture out a Church that is not prepared for the marriage of
the Lamb! The Church in America has not yet made herself ready (Revelation
many years, I have gone through the Bible on a yearly basis. This morning, my
attention was drawn to something I wrote in my Bible on 4/2/11. I wrote, "How
long church? How long before you demonstrate true repentance?" This was in
response to Judges 10:10 and a note in my Bible. The note pointed out that after
18 years of Ammonite oppression, the Israelites demonstrated true repentance.
What is it going to take to bring about true repentance among enough Christians
in America? Will true repentance come before or after
before destruction is one thing, and repentance after destruction is another. It
is one thing to repent before losing our freedoms, and it is another thing to
repent while in captivity. Look at the price being paid by Christians and their
families where freedom has been lost. I encourage you to subscribe to Voice of
the Martyrs and get an idea of the price being paid by Christians where freedom
has been lost, or is very limited at best.
up Christians! If our nation goes down, Christians in the United States will
suffer like they have never suffered. If Christians took their religious and/or
carnal blinders off and really opened their eyes, they would see what is taking
place right now and that it is a strong indication of what is coming. Wake up
Christians! It is past time for you to repent. Get on your knees! Repent and
call for the Church to repent. Quit calling for America to repent and begin
calling for the Church in America to repent. It bothers me, it grieves my spirit
to keep seeing and hearing Christians calling for America to repent because it
tells me that they don't have a clue. Yes, America does need to turn to Jesus,
but too many Christians don’t understand that it is first things first. Many
don’t even realize that the Church needs to repent.
Wake up! The Church in America is
largely responsible for the mess around us because it has not practiced being
good salt and light. It is the Church that must lead the way in repentance. If
enough Christians repent, then they can be real salt and light to the harvest
fields of America. I love to see and hear of the lost becoming saved, but at
present, quite often the ones working in the harvest fields should be working to
get their local church straightened out. They go out and, amazingly, Jesus often
honors what they do. But too many are bringing in the sheaves and making them
into duplicates of themselves, rather than helping them to become formed into
the image of Christ. Wake up! It is the Church in America that needs to lead the
way in true repentance.
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