Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Restoration or Judgment

I am encouraging every Christian who sees that the Church is largely responsible for the condition of America to pray for repentance which leads to restoration. Restoration of the Church will come, but the question is will it come before or after extreme persecution of Christians. Another question is will it come before God’s judgment on America? For me and my house we choose restoration of the Church which results in revival and awakening that builds momentum till Jesus comes.
There is a judgment that begins at the Church. It can be self judgment that leads to repentance and restoration or it can be judgment from outside the Church. I pray for self judgment, repentance and restoration of the Church rather than the world systems being an agent of judgment on the Church.
There will be a segment of the Church which falls away and becomes part of the systems of the world regardless of what takes place, but there will be a faithful remnant Church with Jesus Christ formed within that is one with the Lord Jesus and with each other. Will it come forth before judgment on America?
A closing word on judgment: any judgment of God, however small or severe, before final judgment is to bring repentance. God is longsuffering and merciful! His judgments before final judgment are part of His mercy.

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