Friday, March 27, 2015

How to Wake up Christians in the United States

One of my long-time concerns has been how to wake up enough Christians to not only save my country, the United States of America, but other countries as well from Satan’s destructive onslaughts. I know that many Christians are tempted to react against my saying that they need to wake up. Some of them will say things like, “I love Jesus. I faithfully attend church services. We have a great pastor. We have all kinds of activities to help the needy. You just don’t know what we are doing.” All of that and more is well and good, but at present the fact remains that most Christians in the United States are either blind or partially blind to how serious things are. Furthermore, they have no real battle plan in place to counteract Satan’s aggressive moves. The bottom line is that the majority of Christians lack discernment about the real issues and threats. 

The reality is that Satan and his forces, demonic and human, are wreaking havoc throughout most of the earth. Their plan is for more to come, and one of their main targets is the United States. Violence and murder are not their only tactics. They are using any possible means to bring people into captivity. Starting in the Garden of Eden, deception and distraction have been two of Satan’s favorite tactics against mankind. At present, these two tactics are working very well within the United States, and I mean among professing Christians. 

Satan and his forces are aggressively moving to implement their plans. Because of the present success of deception and distraction, many Christians have mindsets that either prevent them from seeing clearly the serious ramifications of what Satan and his forces are doing, or it prevents them from doing what is necessary to slow down and eventually stop the enemy's onslaughts. Even worse, many Christians have the mindset that there is very little, if anything, that can be done, and the violence and turmoil are just signs that the Lord Jesus will soon return or rapture them out of here. This is a dangerous mentality that, in itself, blinds many Christians and prevents them from coming together and taking needed actions. Instead of uniting in faith, most Christians are simply carrying on with the status quo activities of their particular group. They have tunnel vision; they are inwardly focused. I do believe that we are in the last days, but we are not to stand by while Satan and his forces go unimpeded.

Another thing to consider and address is that, in its present state, the overall church is too weak and divided to accomplish much in the way of resistance. The weakness comes primarily from the lack of Holy Spirit power, and the division comes primarily from longstanding religious doctrines and traditions of mankind that have control of the minds of many Christians and turn them in on themselves, thereby preventing real unity of the faith. 

At present, the Holy Spirit has to rely on the few who are awake and are the nucleus of our Lord’s resistance movement. They are standing in the gap, speaking truth, sounding the alarm, and they are deep in prayer and intercession. But they can’t hold out forever without new recruits. The enemy has saved his worst for last and is on a rampage, whether Christians know it or not. In the United States, he has control of most of the media, most of the educational system, most of the entertainment industry, most parts of government and has infiltrated many parts of the church with his ministers and/or his teachings and traditions.  

What is the solution? The Spirit of the Lord keeps bringing me back to the necessity of being washed with truth (Ephesians 5:26) and being anointed with the Holy Spirit and power. At some point, Christians must wake up to the fact that the overall church is divided, and the division is caused by the doctrines and traditions of men that have either been mixed with the truth of God's Word or have replaced it altogether. They must also wake up to the biblical truth that, when they unite in the faith, they absolutely must be anointed with the Holy Spirit and power. There is no other way to victory!







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