Friday, October 25, 2013

We Have Real Problems in America

Regardless of personal political persuasions, true Christians have to admit that we have real problems, serious problems, in our country. The question then becomes:  how does the Lord Jesus want His followers to respond to these problems? Much, actually all, depends on whether His followers will depend on Him and be led by His Spirit. This is no time to depend on the arm of the flesh!

Will Christians, true Christians, forsake all to follow Jesus? Will they make the personal and corporate changes necessary to release more salt and light, or will they stubbornly stay as they are and continue to act in the flesh and depend on the arm of the flesh while they go down with the ship? Regretfully, I fear many would choose to continue posting and/or yelling vile insults at their opponents and go down with the ship, rather than humbling themselves before God so that He can heal our land.

It is obvious that many who profess to be followers of Christ are complacent, rather than being actively obedient to the Spirit of God and working in the harvest fields that are white for harvest. Many others continue working their fingers to the bone trying to change things when deep down within, their spiritual beliefs are that things are going to wax worse and worse no matter what. What contradictions!

I pray that true Christians in America will wake up before the American ship sinks with them, their children, or grandchildren aboard.


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