Friday, September 6, 2013

America's Only Hope


A restored, faithful, united in faith church with Jesus Christ formed within is America's only hope. The way to true restoration is for each member of the body of Christ to deny self, including many of their favorite religious traditions and private interpretations of Scripture, and follow Jesus. Following Jesus means totally yielding to the Holy Spirit and repenting of depending on the arm of the flesh to change things. In totally yielding to the Holy Spirit, one will become a faithful student of His teaching because He is the Teacher. He will teach what Scripture is really all about. 
One key that I have learned from the Holy Spirit is to study the things of Jesus, especially Him crucified, and the things of the kingdom of God. See John 14: 6; Matthew 4: 23 and Acts 28: 23, 31. Wouldn't it be wise for preachers to teach and preach what Jesus and Paul preached and for all members of the body of Christ to study what they ministered? Jesus and Paul taught and preached the things of the kingdom and the things of Jesus. They taught God’s truth about these two subjects. Don’t be taken in by preachers who preach about one or both of these but put their spin on things. For example, there are preachers that preach about Jesus but say He is just one of many ways and there are preachers who preach about the kingdom of God and make it a political kingdom, etc.
The Holy Spirit is looking for those who will allow Him directly to teach them the fullness of the “Good News” revealed in Scripture. The Holy Spirit is also raising up preachers who are preaching what Jesus and Paul preached. They are presently either few and far between or not very well known for the most part, but if you will allow the Holy Spirit He will lead you to one. 
Pray for restoration, revival and awakening while totally yielding to the Holy Spirit. He is waiting!

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