Witnessing to the Witnesses
When the deceived and overzealous witnesses come to your door, be prepared to be a victorious witness for Jesus Christ. Disciples of Jesus, the Christ, are to be promoters and defenders of the faith. To properly promote and defend the faith one must be born again, baptized in the Spirit, mature in the written Word of God, and part of the faithful remnant of believers.
If you are born again, baptized in the Spirit, an active part of the faithful remnant, and armed with the Sword of the Spirit, then you are ready for the battle. Therefore, when an opportunity comes knocking at your door, take the lead by the Spirit of God, and stand in victory for Jesus Christ. It is always important to remember that a major part of the battle with these witnesses is over who Jesus is. Those coming to your door have a battle plan, and their victory depends on your defeat. Their battle plan is to take unlearned people and overwhelm them with a mixture of truth and error; it is similar to Satan’s strategy with Eve. Your victory depends on your walk in the Spirit. To be forewarned is to be forearmed!
To be victorious against this assault, and it is a spiritual assault, one must be born again, baptized in the Holy Spirit, mature in the written Word of God, unified with true disciples, and most of all, living in ongoing intimate fellowship with God—Father, Son, and Spirit. If you meet these qualifications, then you are prepared for the battle. Stand clothed in the spiritual armor that God has provided for His soldiers, have the sword of the Spirit drawn and ready., and follow the Holy Spirit to victory for Jesus. In love speak the truth. Ward off the lies and deceptions of the enemy, and be a victorious witness for Jesus.
Disciples must be intimate with Jesus and knowledgeable of the whole counsel of His Word of truth. Remember that the Holy Spirit is here to lead to victory and bring to your mind what you have stored in your heart.
In closing, I will say that for certain ones who come to your door, you will be wise to hold them to John 1:1. They will want to move around in their bible, but stay in the lead. They are on your property, and you are a disciple of Jesus. Take the offensive, and victoriously defend the gospel of Jesus and His kingdom. Stand your ground in love and truth!
Why John 1:1? The witnesses will speak of Jesus being the son of God, but their bible does not make Him God. Where your Bible concludes verse one with “and the Word was God,” theirs reads that he was “a god.” There is no need to allow them to go anywhere else in their bible or yours until they acknowledge that Jesus is God.
They will want to go to John 1:18 and many other verses, but hold your ground. As you grow in your defense of the truth, you must also have an answer for John 1:18, but for a start, hold your ground with John 1:1. They will fight you spiritually and try to overwhelm you emotionally, but stand your ground in love and truth. They will eventually repent or leave. If they leave, you will have planted truth about Jesus in their minds and hearts. As they approach other prepared disciples, the truth you planted will be watered, and eventually, they may yield to truth and be set free.
The Holy Spirit will work with you while you plant God’s truth, and He will continue to work to set them free when true and mature disciples continue to witness the truth of God. So be prepared to be led of the Spirit. Give Him something to work with in the hearts and minds of others.
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