We need local churches that will fulfill our Lord's will for the Church He is building. Fellowship will be a vital part of these churches, but it is supernatural fellowship (Koinonia) and not just a natural fellowship taking place in a church setting.
Many people attended a church today to fulfill natural needs and desires in a spiritual setting rather than fulfilling God's will and purposes for them. It gives them a pseudo feeling of pleasing God and fulfilling the built-in need to be part of God’s family. Watch them throughout the coming week, and you will see the fruit of the natural man and not the fruit of the born again, Spirit-filled, Christ-centered man. They love for you to join them in their walk. In fact, in some cases, they will insist upon it. Such deception. But truth heard and received will set free and put one on God's path.
Who has ears to hear and hearts to obey? Where are the ministers who will insist upon forsaking all to follow Christ and do things His way instead of keeping people in a comfortable setting doing things man's way and calling it God's way?
God is going to find out who is really committed to Him and His sold out apostles, prophets, evangelist, pastors, and teachers. Will you be a Christian (disciple) who will yield to the fire of the Holy Spirit and stand for Christ, without deception and compromise, among family, friends, fellow workers, and strangers? Or, will you have to experience the coming fires of persecution to strengthen your mettle? Some will wilt even more under persecution because they aren't standing as they should now.
In the natural, you will see similar things played out in the coming months in Washington, D.C. You will see some leaders finally compromise because they are not really standing for and on “The Rock” now. The seeds of compromise are already sown in their minds and hearts. Thank God for those in all areas of life who will not give in to deception, pressure (subtle or flagrant), and compromise because their whole life—Sunday through Saturday—is lived totally for God by the Spirit of Jesus Christ. Amen!
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