Saturday, June 11, 2011

Prophetic Words of Restoration (June 2011)

Someday, hopefully soon, Christians will wake up. It would be great if the awakening came willingly and out of love for God and each other rather than by persecution and great hard times. We have seen nothing yet! The nothing seen yet will be a great and continuous awakening throughout the Church or it will be unimaginable devilish storms. I choose a willing great awakening! (6/30/2011)

Today I will preach about why Jesus was able to heal all kinds of sickness, all kinds of disease and cast out demons, and that He has called His Church to do the same works. (Matthew 4:23,24; John 14:12). The message is titled Full of Faith and Power and can be listened to at (6/26/2011)

While on earth Jesus went about healing all kinds of sickness, all kinds of disease and casting out demons because He was anointed with the Holy Spirit and power (Acts 10:38). He wants to anoint us with the same Holy Spirit and power so that we can go about doing the same works that He did (John 14:12). (6/29/2011)

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God (Matthew 5:19). Are you a peacemaker or a stress maker? Stress is an enemy of good health! Allow Jesus, our Prince of peace, to bring peace to you and then carry His peace and health to others by being a peacemaker in word, in emotions and in actions! (6/15/2011)

Jesus was able to go about doing good and healing all who were oppressed of the devil because God anointed Him with the Holy Spirit and with power (Acts 10:38). Jesus has commissioned all Christians to do the works that He did and the only way that we can accomplish our assignment is to also be anointed with the Holy Spirit and with power (John 14:12; Acts 1:8). (6/13/2011)

The question for many church goers is have you really been born again. The question for many born again believers is did you receive the true baptism in the Spirit when you believed. If not, celebrate Pentecost Sunday by receiving the promise of the Father (Luke 24: 49; Acts 1: 4, 8.) (6/12/2011)

To glorify Jesus Christ and save our country Christians in America must stop quenching the Holy Spirit (1 Thessalonians 5:19) and become anointed with the Holy Spirit and with power (Acts 1:8; Acts 10:38). (6/11/2011)

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