Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Deception and Discernment

I have learned that the first thing one should do when considering reading a book, besides asking God about it, is to research the author. For example, the author of The Shack turned away from God and the things of God. His writings, therefore, are intended to consciously or subconsciously lead people away from the true God. One minister researched the book and found at least 13 heresies in the book. I followed up and found that he was right.

Deception increases as the day of the Lord draws nearer. There will be a faithful remnant, but they cannot afford to be passive. Spiritual warfare is real, whether it comes in blatant forms or in deceptive forms. We are living in the time when even the elect are in danger of being deceived.

Hebrews 5:12 through 6:2 is a message for all professing Christians. Most Christians are presently choking on the milk of the Word and have not had their senses exercised (trained) to discern both good and evil (right from wrong, or truth from error). They are prime candidates for the deceptions of the devil. We are living in the time when people will call evil good and good evil, and deception will only increase as the Day approaches.

Some ministers are teaching that a church can grow in numbers if they will not minister about Jesus and the cross and/or not have crosses anywhere on the church property. The gift of discerning of spirits is sorely lacking in most parts of the church (see 1 Corinthians 12). Thank God He warned me about the book, The Shack, before I ever looked at it or knew the number of heresies within it. He did the same with things that are called "Purpose Driven."

While the devil has been working to raise up his ministers disguised as ministers of righteousness (2 Corinthians 11:13-15), God has been preparing His ministers who will not only equip the saints for the work of the ministry but will also sound the alarm (give warning) of what the devil is doing blatantly or in very subtle ways. Those with ears to hear will hear; others will be captured and/or led astray.

Note on 2 Corinthians 11:13-15: Many Christians would not be deceived by the devil when he moves in ugly, satanic ways, but when he transforms himself into an angel of light, they have to have their senses trained, or they are subject to being deceived and led astray. The same is true for the devil's ministers. Most Christians would not be deceived by an openly satanic minister or a minister of the occult. But when the devil has them disguised as your friendly Sunday-in-the-home, fried-chicken-eating, baby-hugging pastor, they are subject to being taken in—hook, line, and sinker.

Let's heed the message in Hebrews 6:1-2. Let's learn the six basic foundational teachings (the milk) of the Word of God and then go on to maturity by learning the advanced teaching (the meat) of the Word of God. Let's also pray that ministers who are off track will wake up, humble themselves, and preach Jesus Christ and Him crucified! Last but certainly not least, let's start exercising our discernment.

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