Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Answering Questions by the Spirit of God rather Than by Church Doctrines and Traditions

According to the Bible rightly divided (2 Timothy 2:15), why was Jesus able to perform miracles, heal the sick and cast out demons? I have to say according to the Bible rightly divided because various parts of the Church would derive the answer to this question from their specific church doctrines and traditions of men. Most Christians have been well trained to make the Bible say what their particular group wants it to say rather than allowing the Bible to say clearly what God says.

Christians must learn to fair mindedly search the Scriptures under the direction and guidance of the Holy Spirit to become sanctified by truth and united in faith (John 17:17, 20; Ephesians 4:13 and 5:26, 27). Much depends on this! Much is at stake!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Deception and Discernment

I have learned that the first thing one should do when considering reading a book, besides asking God about it, is to research the author. For example, the author of The Shack turned away from God and the things of God. His writings, therefore, are intended to consciously or subconsciously lead people away from the true God. One minister researched the book and found at least 13 heresies in the book. I followed up and found that he was right.

Deception increases as the day of the Lord draws nearer. There will be a faithful remnant, but they cannot afford to be passive. Spiritual warfare is real, whether it comes in blatant forms or in deceptive forms. We are living in the time when even the elect are in danger of being deceived.

Hebrews 5:12 through 6:2 is a message for all professing Christians. Most Christians are presently choking on the milk of the Word and have not had their senses exercised (trained) to discern both good and evil (right from wrong, or truth from error). They are prime candidates for the deceptions of the devil. We are living in the time when people will call evil good and good evil, and deception will only increase as the Day approaches.

Some ministers are teaching that a church can grow in numbers if they will not minister about Jesus and the cross and/or not have crosses anywhere on the church property. The gift of discerning of spirits is sorely lacking in most parts of the church (see 1 Corinthians 12). Thank God He warned me about the book, The Shack, before I ever looked at it or knew the number of heresies within it. He did the same with things that are called "Purpose Driven."

While the devil has been working to raise up his ministers disguised as ministers of righteousness (2 Corinthians 11:13-15), God has been preparing His ministers who will not only equip the saints for the work of the ministry but will also sound the alarm (give warning) of what the devil is doing blatantly or in very subtle ways. Those with ears to hear will hear; others will be captured and/or led astray.

Note on 2 Corinthians 11:13-15: Many Christians would not be deceived by the devil when he moves in ugly, satanic ways, but when he transforms himself into an angel of light, they have to have their senses trained, or they are subject to being deceived and led astray. The same is true for the devil's ministers. Most Christians would not be deceived by an openly satanic minister or a minister of the occult. But when the devil has them disguised as your friendly Sunday-in-the-home, fried-chicken-eating, baby-hugging pastor, they are subject to being taken in—hook, line, and sinker.

Let's heed the message in Hebrews 6:1-2. Let's learn the six basic foundational teachings (the milk) of the Word of God and then go on to maturity by learning the advanced teaching (the meat) of the Word of God. Let's also pray that ministers who are off track will wake up, humble themselves, and preach Jesus Christ and Him crucified! Last but certainly not least, let's start exercising our discernment.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Deception of The Purpose Driven Church and The Shack

Many Christians, including preachers, have been deceived by such books as The Purpose Driven Church and The Shack. I researched the pastor of one of my Facebook friends from Alabama and found that The Shack was one of three books that he listed as his favorites.

Visit the Jack Van Impe website and read and listen to messages that led to his no longer being on TBN. Hopefully you will learn insights about the devil's infiltration of the Church that will help you and others that you witness to. I am not emphasizing Dr. Impe's views on eschatology, but there is much to learn from his present stand for truth concerning the church.

From the time I started hearing about The Purpose Driven Church and The Shack, my spirit was troubled. I have been further troubled by how many ministers and church members are being taken in and deceived by these things. The deception has spread rapidly, and ministers who have been captured by these and other similar things are actually experiencing church growth, but what a price to pay for growth.

For more see my message titled Shafted by The Shack.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Prophetic Words of Restoration (June 2011)

Someday, hopefully soon, Christians will wake up. It would be great if the awakening came willingly and out of love for God and each other rather than by persecution and great hard times. We have seen nothing yet! The nothing seen yet will be a great and continuous awakening throughout the Church or it will be unimaginable devilish storms. I choose a willing great awakening! (6/30/2011)

Today I will preach about why Jesus was able to heal all kinds of sickness, all kinds of disease and cast out demons, and that He has called His Church to do the same works. (Matthew 4:23,24; John 14:12). The message is titled Full of Faith and Power and can be listened to at (6/26/2011)

While on earth Jesus went about healing all kinds of sickness, all kinds of disease and casting out demons because He was anointed with the Holy Spirit and power (Acts 10:38). He wants to anoint us with the same Holy Spirit and power so that we can go about doing the same works that He did (John 14:12). (6/29/2011)

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God (Matthew 5:19). Are you a peacemaker or a stress maker? Stress is an enemy of good health! Allow Jesus, our Prince of peace, to bring peace to you and then carry His peace and health to others by being a peacemaker in word, in emotions and in actions! (6/15/2011)

Jesus was able to go about doing good and healing all who were oppressed of the devil because God anointed Him with the Holy Spirit and with power (Acts 10:38). Jesus has commissioned all Christians to do the works that He did and the only way that we can accomplish our assignment is to also be anointed with the Holy Spirit and with power (John 14:12; Acts 1:8). (6/13/2011)

The question for many church goers is have you really been born again. The question for many born again believers is did you receive the true baptism in the Spirit when you believed. If not, celebrate Pentecost Sunday by receiving the promise of the Father (Luke 24: 49; Acts 1: 4, 8.) (6/12/2011)

To glorify Jesus Christ and save our country Christians in America must stop quenching the Holy Spirit (1 Thessalonians 5:19) and become anointed with the Holy Spirit and with power (Acts 1:8; Acts 10:38). (6/11/2011)

Friday, June 10, 2011

Personal Views versus Sanctification by Truth

Do you really study the Bible? When you read the Bible, do you view it from your church’s views and/or your personal views, or do you read it to be sanctified by truth (John 8:31, 32; John 17:17; Ephesians 5:26, 27). Presently most churches and Christians do the former.

All too often the Holy Spirit has not been allowed to bring the truth of God to the people of God (John 14:26). This has resulted in very little real and mature salt and light (Matthew 5:13-16), as well as very little real unity of the faith (Ephesians 4:13). No wonder the countries of the earth, especially the United States of America, are in such turmoil. There is a great price to pay for quenching the Spirit (1 Thessalonians 5:19) and for adding to and/or taking away from the Word of God (Deuteronomy 4:2).

Unless there is real repentance, restoration, revival, and awakening in the next few hours, the lack of sanctification by truth will never be more evident than this coming Pentecost Sunday. It is impossible to be sanctified by truth unless we allow the Holy Spirit to be what the Bible says He is. May real repentance that leads to restoration, revival, and awakening come to the Church and come quickly, or the turmoil is going to increase, and increase significantly. Let’s allow the Holy Spirit to be who He is and do what He is here to do. I surrender all!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A Call for the Church in America to Repent

The United States of America is headed for a destructive fall unless the Church in the United States fulfills 2 Chronicles 7:14. Any Christian with true discernment can see that our country is already on the path to destruction. What most Christians cannot or will not see is that the primary responsibility for being on this path belongs to the Church. The only hope for America is for the Church to wake up and truly repent!

Unless one is deceived by such things as thinking their church or denomination is “The Church," a fair-minded Christian should be able to recognize that most of the Church is not in line with the biblical pattern given by God. One of the main problems is a lack of knowledge of the power given the Church to address the ills in our society. Another main problem is the division within the Church. Although many deceptively try to cover the division by things such as agreeing to disagree, etc., the truth is that the Church is not in line with our Lord's prayer found in John 17.

I love the Lord God, I love His Church, and I love our country and her people. I do not want to see our country fall, whether in my lifetime or in the lifetime of my children and grandchildren. I just watched an account on television of Muslims in Australia receiving Jesus Christ, and my heart was thrilled and encouraged. But more than anything, I want to see the Church fulfill her call from God. If a Muslim can wake up and receive Jesus Christ, can the Church in America not wake up and repent? My prayer is that you will take this word to heart and seek God. It is not too late, but we must not delay too long. I love you in the Lord!