Monday, July 20, 2009

Restoring the New Testament Gospel

A Cry of the Spirit
My heart cries out for disciples with eyes to see and ears to hear. My discernment tells me that most of those presently visiting our web sites could be described as spiritual web surfers rather than true seekers of God and His truth. If that offends you, then so be it. Maybe it will cause you to wake up! All Christians presently living were born again and/or Spirit filled during a time when most of the Church is in desperate need of restoration. That does not mean that you were not born again or Spirit filled, but it does mean that your walk with the Lord was hindered from the beginning.

For most modern-day Christians, there is a great lesson to be learned from a serious study and personal application of the words found in Hebrews 5:12-6:2. Most members of the Church, including ministers, are in need of learning the basics of God’s Word and going on to maturity. I have given many warnings about what is ahead if enough mature Christians do not come forth, united in faith, following Jesus.

Restoration, Revival and Awakening
The three words Restoration, Revival, and Awakening were given to me by the Spirit of God many years ago. The need for restoration, revival, and awakening grows greater each and every day. We desperately need a faithful remnant of disciples who will fully return to Jesus Christ and His biblical truth. They must be fully revived; they must be awakened from their spiritual slumber never to sleep spiritually again. They must go forward to fulfill all that Jesus envisioned when He said that He would build His Church.

One of the greatest needs to accomplish the above is the restoration of the New Testament gospel. The devil is sly and deceptive. He has caused most of the Church to accept as truth his doctrines and traditions. This acceptance may vary in degree from church to church, but is nevertheless a great hindrance because a little of the devil’s doctrines and traditions leavens the whole lump.

What is the New Testament Gospel?
The Apostle Paul gives insight to the New Testament gospel in the last chapter of Acts. As a matter of fact, he gives it two times. In verse 23 we learn that he explained and solemnly testified of the kingdom of God, persuading them concerning Jesus from both the Law of Moses and the Prophets. In the last verse, we learn that he preached to all who came to him the kingdom of God and taught them the things concerning the Lord Jesus Christ.

The New Testament gospel has two parts. Those two parts must be ministered in truth and in entirety. The New Testament gospel is incomplete without either of the parts. An incomplete gospel produces incomplete Christians.

We must preach and teach about Jesus Christ and about His kingdom. We must preach and teach about Jesus Christ, and we must preach and teach what He preached and taught. Mark 1:1 reads: The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Matthew 4:23 teaches us that Jesus went about teaching and preaching the gospel of the kingdom.

The devil, in his slyness and deception, has deleted and/or modified the message of Jesus Christ and His kingdom. Be warned that you will meet resistance in the Church and in the world as you return to the truth of the New Testament gospel.

Are there any who will study to show themselves approved, and become among the few who will, as Paul did, teach and persuade all who come their way about Jesus Christ and His kingdom? Will you be among the faithful who put their hands to the plow and do not look back? If so, then you can be used of God to help bring forth true restoration, revival and awakening to the Church. Heaven waits and looks for the faithful!

1 comment:

Mary Anne said...

Is Jesus your Saviour, Lord of King?