Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Blind Christians

American Christians Repent Quickly or Lose Your Freedoms
What would be your reaction or response if you read the words above on a sign outside a church building that you drive by on a regular basis? You would be in the minority if you even read it, and you would be in a smaller minority if you really heard its message. Why? Most Christians have vision and hearing problems!

The Bible teaches us that Satan, the god of this age, blinds the minds of people. Most church members have been taught and conditioned to think that this applies only to the lost. It is true that the lost are blind, but it is also true that Satan has blinded and/or hindered the spiritual vision of multitudes of professing Christians. To whatever degree one’s mind is blinded their ability to spiritually see and hear is distorted. This distortion affects all that they do.

Two Groups of Christians
Most present-day Christians fall into one of two groups. They are either complacent, or they are extremely active. The complacent go through their regular routines, and the extremely active work their fingers to the bone. Both groups have been blinded by Satan.

My reason for writing this is to expose the problem and to look for those who will wake out of their spiritual slumber. My discernment says that few will give it much heed. Most of the complacent will continue their settled routines; the active will continue grinding away, feeling more justified than ever while being annoyed that anyone would question their motives, if they even took the time to read what I’ve written.

Back to the Church Sign
It is true that American Christians are going to lose their freedoms if they don’t repent quickly. It is a shame that God’s people, for the most part, have always had to learn the hard way. But just maybe, a faithful few will see and hear the warning and get in the gap and help turn things around before it is too late. If not, there will be a lot of complacent and active Christians digging ditches in the near future. Maybe then some of both groups will wake up. More than likely, however, many of the complacent will just find a comfortable routine, and the active will be zealously digging with what is left of their fingers.


deaconc said...

Pastor Wayne:

Please continue to issue your warnings to the church. Please believe that they are not falling on deaf ears. There will always be a remnant that will have ears to hear and eyes to see.

The US is following the same path that the ancient Israelites followed. This nation has turned from God and disaster is falling on us now. Most of the church either have not been taught the true word of God or ignore what they have been taught. Therefore, they are now asleep at the wheel and spiritual discernment is out the window.

The road to destruction is indeed broad and only a few walk on the narrow road. It is more easier to be comfortable than to actually pick up your cross and follow Christ no matter what.

One last point, this past week really shows how this nation has gone downhill. This past week, a funeral was held for an person that did not live a godly life, preachers tried to preach him into heaven and more people turned out for it than to worship the One that gives us life.

R. Wayne Wilson said...

Hi,it is good to hear from you. I do believe that there is a faithful remnant and that God will use them mightily. They will be known for their faithfulness and unity of faith, but most of all for their love and worship of God. God bless you, Wayne