For much of my life I have been looking for the real. I believe this is something the Lord Jesus has worked within me. It was expressed in an experience that happened in 1993 while my wife Susan and I were driving to the home of friends. As we waited for a stoplight to allow us to proceed, I pointed up toward heaven and with brokenness said, “God is real!” Then moving my hand horizontally, “There have to be real pastors!” I later added that there also have to be real Christians. These were cries that came from deep within my spirit.
My search has become more defined in the last few years. I could even say it is becoming more defined daily. The more defined it has become, the more I realize that I must be real; I must be true to Jesus Christ, His kingdom, and His word.
Following are some of the comments I wrote to a friend a few days ago which give voice to what has been growing inside my spirit (with minor editorial changes to give clarity to the reader).
“I think for most of my life I have been looking for the real, the true. I have learned in my search that I must first make sure that I have yielded all to Jesus Christ so that He can make me real. Having said that, I will add that in the midst of all that is going on within the Church, as well as outside of it, I believe the Lord is calling His real (true) disciples to come together. [Note: When I first wrote the previous line, I wrote ‘the Lord is bringing together’ but changed it to ‘the Lord is calling’ because those called must still respond.] I reiterate: I believe the Lord is calling his real disciples to come together.
“Before we moved several years ago, I was sitting in our living room one day and heard in my spirit, ‘You are not moving from something, but are going to something.’ I did not realize the full meaning of that statement at the time. Looking back, one thing I went to was a ‘stripping.’ When I speak of this, I am careful not to say I have been totally stripped because I know God is listening (in a drama script, you could add a cautious laugh at this point). I made note this morning that God strips away things to bring us to the place where self is stripped away. Self does not go away willingly or easily. It will even dress itself in the clothes of humility just to stay around. I desire to walk in the Spirit continuously. To do this I have learned that I must have faith in all that took place on the cross. I must believe and live like Jesus died for me, but I must also believe and live like I was crucified with Him. That can only happen when self has been stripped away.
“I recently wrote to you that I am a nothing. However, if we yield to God, He can do great and mighty things through us. We need 2 Chronicles 7:14 to be a reality in the body of Christ, but we also need to be found loyal, as we read about in 2 Chronicles 16:9.
2 Chronicles 7:14 NKJV: ‘… if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.’
2 Chronicles 16:9 NKJV: ‘For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.’
“When I was a child, I memorized Matthew 6:33, ‘But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.’ Although I have known about the kingdom since I was a child, God has shown me recently that there is a greater depth to be found in the meaning of the words seek first the kingdom of God, seek first His righteousness. I want to be completely surrendered and yielded to God. I want to be at the place where it is God and God only. I want to be so hidden in Christ that all that can be seen is Him. May we all be able to join with our brother Paul in saying, ‘It is not I who live but Christ who lives within me …’ (Galatians 2:20). May God have many to answer His call of coming together to follow Jesus Christ.”
Now, looking back over the letter above, I will add that the cost of attaining that place in God is full surrender to Him in every area of life. The cost is total self-denial, the cost is total consecration to God, the cost is taking up our cross daily and following Jesus Christ. I choose to pay the price! Who will join with me? Will our Lord Jesus find you among the real, the faithful, as He searches the earth?
What does it mean to be a “real” disciple of Jesus Christ?
What is the definition of the word “real”? It is that which is actual, true, genuine, or authentic, not pretentious, fictitious, imagined, or “relative.” One dictionary defines “real” as being or reflecting the essential or genuine character of something. God is actual, true, genuine, and authentic; He is real! I am looking for real pastors and real Christians (true set apart followers of Jesus) who truly reflect the character of Christ Jesus. We need real pastors to come forth to equip the body of Christ for the work of the ministry. We need real Christians (true disciples) who will come forth to edify one another and who will go forth ministering the truth of Jesus Christ and of the kingdom of God. We need people to go and make disciples unto Jesus Christ and not unto Paul, Apollos, Cephas, Martin Luther, John Wesley, or anyone else, including those who have started a church or denomination. We are disciples of Jesus Christ!
First Corinthians 3:1-4 NKJV: “And I, brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual people but as to carnal, as to babes in Christ. I fed you with milk and not with solid food; for until now you were not able to receive it, and even now you are still not able; for you are still carnal. For where there are envy, strife, and divisions among you, are you not carnal and behaving like mere men? For when one says, ‘I am of Paul,’ and another, ‘I am of Apollos,’ are you not carnal?” (See also 1 Corinthians 1:10-17.)
Let’s get honest! Let’s get real! We stumble over 1 Corinthians 3:1-4 constantly in the modern church. We stand back with our superior attitudes and talk of how false religions are growing, how the world is waxing worse and worse, how the rapture must take place soon, and all the while are blind to the fact that we are a major part of the problem. We have divided the body of Christ into so many parts that it is not a body “fitly joined” (Ephesians 4:16). It no longer even looks like a body. How can the world be drawn to Jesus when His body is so divided? As some politicians are more against our President than they are for our country, some Christians are more for their manmade doctrines and traditions than they are for Jesus Christ, His kingdom, His truth and His body. Oh, for conviction, humility and repentance! Oh, for love!
Where do we begin in becoming a “real” disciple of Jesus Christ?
There are many doctrines, traditions of men, and misunderstandings of Scriptures in the world and also in the Church that hinder and even stop some people from becoming real, mature followers of Jesus Christ. We must begin to address these issues as to their truth. In addressing them, we must be ready to lay aside any weight, any belief that has hindered us and the body of Christ from becoming real and mature in Christ. All doctrines and traditions of men are based on words or someone’s interpretation of words. We must make sure the beliefs of the Church are based upon the true words of Jesus Christ because His words are the only ones that give us a solid foundation on which to build our lives. His words will enable us to withstand the storms of life (Matthew 7:24-27). His words will not change.
We are going to look at some words that are vital to our becoming real, words that have too often been misunderstood, ignored, or watered down within the Church. In order for us to become real, we must begin to fearlessly examine the belief systems with which we have aligned ourselves, even if that involves re-examining some of our favorite church or denominational doctrines and beliefs.
As we look at these words, let me assure you up front that I do understand that certain things are not going to be completely fulfilled until Jesus Christ returns. I also understand that it will be done by the work of the Holy Spirit and not by our works. Our job is to fully cooperate with the work of the Holy Spirit. This requires knowing the Lord Jesus and His word intimately, which helps to safeguard us from any misuse of God’s word. Therefore, I encourage you to judge all that you hear, read, or see by the Living Word and His written word. As we said above, this will go a long way in giving us a solid foundation upon which to build our Christian life. It will also help train our spiritual senses to discern truth from error. Building one’s house upon Jesus and His word not only gives spiritual strength, but protection from storm winds and deceiving spirits.
Now may we look together at some of these words as they are used in Scripture and see what the Lord has to say about them. I ask you to let your mind and heart be as a slate upon which the Lord can write the pureness and intent of His word. Let us remember that showing ourselves approved as workmen requires us to take the time to pray over and diligently study all of God’s word. Now may we apply this principle to these words and the accompanying Scriptures.
The words we will look at here are “perfect,” “sanctification,” “consecration,” and “holiness.” These are words that we hear often in the Church, but there may be many believers who do not have full understanding of what they mean to the kingdom of God and to the believer. As we examine them, led by the Holy Spirit, we will gain a better understanding of God’s purposes and expectations for us, His children, and the importance of our obedience.
First, let’s look at the word “perfect” and its true biblical meaning. In Matthew 5:48, the word “perfect” means to prove the perfect will of God; complete in labor, growth, mental and moral character; full age. In John 17:23, the word “perfect” means complete finish, fulfill. Jesus is praying that we may be complete in unity. In Romans 12:1-2, the word means the same as in Matthew 5:48. In Hebrews 6:1, it means a completer, a finisher. Matthew 5:48 in the Amplified Bible defines “perfect” as growing into complete maturity of godliness in mind and character, having reached the proper height of virtue and integrity.
Many people make the excuse that they cannot be perfect in this life, which can lead them to a “perfect excuse” for willful sin. I say that tongue-in-cheek but to emphasize that we absolutely must become aware of these little foxes that spoil the vine if believers are to ever grow up into mature disciples of Jesus Christ. Gaining knowledge of the biblical meaning of this word “perfect” casts a whole new light on the word, revealing that seeking after or even striving for perfection is a legitimate goal for those who desire to be mature in Christ. It also removes our excuses for willful sin and provokes us to resist our sin nature. I have not forgotten that certain things are not going to be completed or fulfilled until Jesus returns, but I am attempting to show that with the help of the Holy Spirit and the rightly dividing of the word, there is much that can be accomplished by faithful disciples prior to our Lord’s return.
Second, let’s study what Scripture says to us about “consecration,” being cleansed, being holy. In 2 Corinthians 6:17 through 7:1, we read that we are to come out and be separate, and as sons and daughters, we are to cleanse ourselves and perfect holiness in the fear of God. In Ephesians 5:26-27, we are to become a glorious church. In 1 Peter 1:13-14, we are to be holy as God is holy in all our conduct.
Third, “sanctification” is being set apart, a separation to God to live a life of service and holiness. Sanctification must be pursued and sought after by the individual. For that person, it is a possession of holy character, built up little by little as the result of submission to the Holy Spirit, obedience to the word of God, and of following Christ’s example. While “consecration” is dedication to sacred service, “sanctification” is to be set apart to sacred service. A synonym of sanctification is “holiness.” As consecration and sanctification are to be pursued individually, so holiness is likewise to be pursued by the individual who, by choice, is set apart to God.
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