My son Wes called recently, and as I answered the phone, I heard him laughing as he said, "You were right; there is much more to know about football."
Wes has been very successful in athletics. When he was in college, he set school records in both soccer and football. Since graduating from college, he has continued to play football in indoor leagues. He played on a college championship team, and one of his arena teams won the conference championship with his last moment field goal. His present team is in first place. He helped win last night’s game with a 47-yard field goal through nine-feet wide goal posts. The announcer said, “Who would have believed that?” and his mother said, “His mother would have believed that!” LOL
Wes was voted Coach of the Year after his first year as a head football coach in middle school. He then moved on to high school, coaching as an assistant. This past season, he was the assistant coach on his school’s state championship basketball team. (This was a miracle in itself because the team is very small in stature. In addition to that, even though the school is 2A in its size, it is required by the county to play 3A and won the 3A state championship.) He has truly been blessed, but concerning football, I have very often told him that there is much more to know and learn.
The above mentioned phone call came after the first staff meeting with his school’s new head football coach, a coach who was just recently part of a state playoff team. A whole new world of football opened up in one meeting—a very long meeting, nevertheless, only one meeting. I have often said that there is football and then there is Football. There is a reason that some teams are successful and others are not. I played high school football for a man I loved and admired greatly. In his own words a few years after I played for him, he told me that he should have worked first as an assistant under a good head coach.
I have said all of the above to say that there is Bible teaching and then there is Bible Teaching. There is so much more to be learned from God’s Word than most Christians and even many churches know. I have encouraged Christians to read and study through the entire Bible on a regular basis. Unless one does so they will limit not only their knowledge of God and His Word but also the ministry that comes from the Holy Spirit to everyone who continues in the Word.
The more I study the Word, the more I realize there is more to know about God and His Word. But as I continue studying, I realize also that my discernment is growing. When discussing the Word with others or listening to them talk about the Bible, my spirit can usually discern whether or not they study the entire Bible on a regular basis. I can also discern whether they are sharing what the Holy Spirit has taught them or some man-made teaching they have heard someone else teach. I recently experienced a series of email exchanges about certain things of the Bible with someone I knew many years ago. This person has been taught and influenced by a number of different teachers in the last several years. In our sharing, it was almost as if we had different Bibles, and I don't mean different translations. What are we to do to bring a return to God and a return to His Word? We must pray, fast, study to show ourselves approved and, in love and boldness, share the truth of God and His Word with others. We must pray that a hunger for intimacy with God and a thorough knowledge and understanding of His Word is birthed in every true disciple.
In a recent dream, I was preaching, “Return to God! Return to God’s Word!” Most professing Christians are not ready to listen to someone talking about returning to God and His Word, especially someone who is not in their circle. They are satisfied where they are for the most part—enjoying the status quo. To change, they are going to have to be softened up, as it were. The softening will come either as they hear and internally respond to truth, or it will come from hard times. I hope it is the former. It can be the former for many if a faithful remnant will pave the way. All of us have brothers and sisters who will listen if we will witness in example and word to them. If we will be disciples who make disciples, then we can get the ball rolling, so to speak. To be those disciples, we must be humble and teachable and then pray, fast, and witness to others in love, truth, obedience, and boldness.
In spite of all the reasons that professing Christians are hindered at present, I believe a time is coming when many will have their eyes opened, some willingly and some forced open by circumstances. I pray that God will quickly raise up ministers of His Word who are given to prayer; who are filled with His love, truth, Spirit, and power; and who are free from all of man’s various traditions and teachings that have infiltrated the Church by the strategy of the devil. Some of these will be ministers who have been ministering a long time but will respond to God's Spirit in a new way. The latter end of their ministry will be greater than the former, to the glory of God. Others, young and old, will be called by the Holy Spirit and will respond to that call. These ministers will boldly proclaim Jesus Christ, His kingdom, and His Word. I believe, in time, that many professing Christians and lost sheep will hear and respond to their message. There is and will continue to be a great turning away, but there will be a great turning to God and His Word. This will happen in time.
The truth is, however, that we presently need disciples of Jesus who have their eyes opened and are set apart to Jesus Christ and His Word. I love the Church and recognize that there are good things taking place, but I know that God has spoken that the Church needs restoration. We must have disciples with ears to hear and eyes to see, which includes knowing that 2 Chronicles 7:14 is written to the Church. We keep praying for the world to repent, but the Church must lead the way. Think about this for a moment, we witness to the lost with Bible in hand and then when they are born again, they become part of various churches who teach them contradictory things from the same Bible. It is time to seriously understand that we have one Lord, one faith, one Church, one Bible, and one Holy Spirit who teaches the same things to all who will repent. It is time to become humble and teachable. It is time to realize that the Holy Spirit we say we are depending on during our Church services is not going to teach contradictory things. He wants a Church of maturity, unity, holiness, and power. Let’s quit hiding behind “agreeing to disagree” and “in essentials, unity …”etc., and as disciples of Jesus Christ, let’s continue in the Word until we are all sanctified by the same truth from the same Teacher and the same Bible. This is an urgent, if not desperate need.
There is a sense of urgency in me that if any who are touched by what I am saying would start a new study of the New Testament, asking the Holy Spirit to teach them and to free them from any wrong teachings, then they can help pave the way. Study of the whole Bible is needed and is actually a requirement, but a diligent study of the New Covenant under the teaching of the Holy Spirit will serve as a good start. It doesn't matter your age, young or old, this will make a great difference in you and then in others. I cannot over-emphasize the importance of this. I have tried and tried to get people's attention; I will keep trying and will never give up. I hope I will get some calls and hear people saying, “There is so much more to God's Word than I have been taught in the past!” I am sending this to only a few people. I am including you because I have seen something in you that encourages me to believe you will call on God through prayer and study, and He will respond and show you great and mighty things that you know not of.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
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