Tuesday, March 6, 2018

A Divided Church Grieves the Heart of Jesus!

At present the church is more divided than it has ever been before. This must grieve the heart of Jesus who just prior to His crucifixion prayed for us to be one with God and with each other (John 17).

I often hear ministers talking about how many souls are being saved and/or how their ministry or church is growing in number, but the problem is that in spite of this the status quo division remains the same or often increases. Something is wrong, really wrong!

Will you ask the Holy Spirit to give you the heart of Jesus for His church? Will you open your mind and heart to see the problem and allow the Holy Spirit to show you what is needed to answer the heart cry of the One who is not only our Savior but our Lord- Jesus Christ the Head of the church? (Mon. 3/5/2018)

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