Monday, November 19, 2018

Majority of Christians in U. S. Not Willing to pay the Price

The Majority of Christians in the United States are not yet willing to pay the price for saving their Christian freedom and our Constitutional Republic. They are as stubborn about holding onto their religious doctrines and traditions as the people of Israel were in the Old Testament and the majority of the Jews were when Jesus was on earth.
It seems that the majority of church members in the United States would rather sink with the ship (lose freedom to speak God's truth and worship Jesus openly as well as losing their Constitutional Republic) rather than repent of their doctrines and traditions of man.
All along, by the Spirit, I have said that we need spiritual restoration to save our nation and our Christian freedom and it would mean giving up the doctrines and traditions of man, but it seems that some who seemed to agree for a season didn't really realize what was involved.
When it got down to it, they didn't want truth that sets free and brings spiritual restoration that saves their Christian freedom and Constitutional Republic if the cost meant repenting of their favorite doctrines and traditions that man has developed over the centuries.
Most of the Old Testament prophets ran into the same resistance, and Jesus was so on target when He said "by your traditions you make the word of God of no effect." Selah!

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Mature Faith and Biblical Promises versus Immature Faith and Chasing Things

Hebrews 6:1 Therefore, leaving the discussion of the elementary principles of Christ, let us go on to perfection (maturity), not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God.

It is the desire of our Lord Jesus that the members of the church He is building become mature which includes becoming mature in faith. Mature disciples follow Jesus and by faith fulfill His will on earth. By faith they receive what is necessary to help them do what God has called them to do. They know that as they seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness they by faith will receive what is necessary to live life and finish their assigned course on earth. Their focus is on Jesus and fulfilling their part in the church that He is building. They have full assurance that He will provide what is needed for their life on earth.

Immature Christians chase promises of the word to get things. They want to have faith to help them get things. They often deceive themselves by living a life of mixture. They mix living for Jesus with living for self. They mix seeking the kingdom, if they seek it at all, with seeking things. They often follow ministers that are false, carnal or immature but are very good at tickling their ears and by mixing in a little truth keep them and their support, especially their financial support. They often misuse words like destiny or fulfilling your destiny to keep people excited in the flesh while making them think they are in the Spirit.

Jesus is looking for born again, Spirit filled people that deny self, forsake all and take up their cross to follow Him and fulfill His destiny for them. He wants them to be a disciple that truly seeks first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. He wants each of them to in truth and sincerity be able to say it is not I who live but Christ who lives within me. The eyes of the Lord are looking to and fro throughout the earth for those who will be loyal to Him (2 Chronicles 16:9)

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

A Divided Church Grieves the Heart of Jesus!

At present the church is more divided than it has ever been before. This must grieve the heart of Jesus who just prior to His crucifixion prayed for us to be one with God and with each other (John 17).

I often hear ministers talking about how many souls are being saved and/or how their ministry or church is growing in number, but the problem is that in spite of this the status quo division remains the same or often increases. Something is wrong, really wrong!

Will you ask the Holy Spirit to give you the heart of Jesus for His church? Will you open your mind and heart to see the problem and allow the Holy Spirit to show you what is needed to answer the heart cry of the One who is not only our Savior but our Lord- Jesus Christ the Head of the church? (Mon. 3/5/2018)

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Deliver Us from Evil

If you really want to stop the evil in our country, then ask God to intervene. Jesus is the one that told us to pray that we would be delivered from evil. Go to God in Jesus name and make specific request. Name names to God where needed. You can trust God to know how to take care of things; you just do the asking. He knew how to deal with Saul of Tarsus and He knew how to deal with Ananias  and Sapphira.

We just need to put things before Him in prayer and ask Him to deliver us from evil. Quit complaining, don't hate; take your concerns to God. If we can get enough true Christians praying about the real issues, I promise you that God will make some moves that result in the fear of God coming on a lot of people. If you try to take care of things with anger and hateful rhetoric, God will back off and let you reap what you sow. I pray that you will pray! Onward Christian Soldiers. (2/1/2017)