Saturday, May 13, 2017

Political Joaning and Trash Talking

Political Joaning and Trash Talking

Some athletes are very good at joaning and trash talking. Their purpose is to get an advantage over and ultimately defeat their opponents by distracting them from their game.  At present progressives (socialist, communist, and atheist) are using political joaning and other distractions to get conservatives and Christians off of their game. Regretfully, many Christians and conservatives are falling for it and allowing the progressives to not only set the set the agenda, but to advance their cause.

The Spirit of the Lord is looking for people that He can lead to victory. He is looking for people that will get focused on His agenda and will not be distracted by the wiles of the devil. The future of our country and Christian freedom are at stake. The battle is more intense now than it has ever been. Don’t become complacent because of a few victories. Satan and his followers, demonic and human, will not give up until Jesus returns and brings judgment. The battle is always ongoing! The question is, will we engage in victorious battle or will we get distracted and experience unnecessary defeats?

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