Monday, February 29, 2016

Political Considerations

No political party is the kingdom of God but which party platform is further from biblical truth and godly morality? Are there any candidates that are true followers of Jesus? Are there any candidates that rightly divide the Constitution as our founders intended?


Is the democratic party of the past still in existence or has it been high jacked by socialist/communist that are supported by the media, entertainers, educators, etc. who have like leanings. I am sure that there are still some true democrats but they seem to be few and far between.


What about the word progressive? What is a progressive? Does it represent something good for Christians that is in line with the Bible and our Constitution rightly divided or is it something we need to discern more closely? Are Christians being hoodwinked by that word or is it a good word describing good things?  Satan comes as an angel of light and his workers come disguised as ministers of righteousness so I have to ask who or what is going on with this word? Is it of God and in line with his word or not?


Can you discern if there are any real Christians among the Republican candidates? Do you know Jesus and His word well enough to judge? Please don't give me this ridiculous stuff about not judging. Are there any candidates in the party that are true followers of Jesus? There is a difference in being religious and being a true follower of Jesus.


Can you believe that hundreds of pastors (red, yellow, black, brown and white) are leading their followers away from the Bible and the Constitution rightly divided in their promotion of certain candidates? Satan is still the deceiver that he was in the Garden of Eden. He is just better at it because he has had a lot of experience. He dangles things that are shiny and pretty to blind people from his real motives. He wants to destroy the United States and he is using any willing people he can deceive to help him, including those who call themselves a follower of Jesus the Christ. Jesus Christ, help us please?

I have been trying to awaken Christians for years to the need for restoration of the church. In a time when a spirit of delusion has come over a large part of modern Christianity, where are those who have totally yielded to the Holy Spirit and are being led by Him? Where are those who are rightly dividing the word of God and our Constitution? Where are those who have their senses exercised to discern political candidates?




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