Monday, February 29, 2016

Voting by the Spirit or by the Flesh

It is a simple fact that anyone who does not know Jesus has no choice but to vote by the flesh. That is just the way things are. The problem is that for a long time the majority of Christians in the United States have also voted by the flesh.  One quick example is that some Christians decide on whom to vote for by seeing who else comes out in support of a certain candidate.  It is alright to seek council from others, but make sure they are following the Spirit and not being selfish or depending on the mind of reason.  

At present, the majority of Christians lean to their own understanding rather than listening to the Holy Spirit. It is another sign of the state of the overall church in America. The church needs restoration, revival and awakening. Until there is a faithful remnant, the church is going to reap what she sows. Your candidate may win in the primary or in the general election, but it is not going to make a long term difference unless there is a faithful remnant church that fulfills what Jesus wants of His bride.

This is a good time to address what I call negative faith. Too many Christians who may even vote for a good candidate don’t believe things are going to really change because of their wrong end time’s beliefs. They are convinced that things are going to get worse and worse so even though they pray for a good candidate and vote for a good candidate they have no real faith for a church to come forth that is what Jesus really wants. It is sad!

There is a set time for God to really bless America if enough Christians in America will take 2 Chronicles 7: 14 and 16: 9 seriously.

Simple Voting Guidelines for True and Mature Followers of Jesus

For a mature and discerning follower of Jesus Christ, making a decision on who to vote for in the primary is as simple as researching who is true to Jesus and the Bible and our Constitution rightly divided. The bottom line is who has an ongoing witness of seeking to be true to Jesus, His word and our Constitution? This type of candidate, if elected, may not be perfect but will have the full resources of heaven on his side.


A lot of things are being said and promised to American voters, but do the things being said and promised fit properly into the whole of being true to Jesus, His word and our Constitution. If not, what is being said may tickle enough ears to be elected, but in the long run things will not work out to the good of Christians in America.


If one is consecrated to Jesus, lives by His word and determines that all must be true to our Constitution, then any individual need and/or policy will be addressed accordingly. There are some candidates who have researched what key issues people are interested in and they consistently emphasize those things and say what they believe people, including Christians, want to hear. But does what they say come from the heart of one who is consecrated to Jesus, is dedicated to living by His word and has been and continues to be a defender of our Constitution?


How can anyone who is a true follower of Jesus and a true patriotic citizen of our beloved country even consider voting for an outright socialist/communist or someone who has progressive leanings toward socialism or communism? Where are their faith, trust and wisdom?


A true and mature follower of Jesus has their senses exercised to discern both good and evil. They can discern ministers and they can discern candidates. They know what to look for; they don’t get distracted from keeping their focus on the main thing. They can distinguish the ministers that equip the saints in the whole council of God from the ministers that pick subjects that tickles the ears of immature Christians and draws big crowds. They can distinguish the candidates that are focused on being true to Jesus, His word and our Constitution from the candidates who are focused on self and are saying whatever is necessary to advance their personal agendas.


What is the need? The need is to find ministers who are true to Jesus and the Bible and candidates who are true to Jesus, the Bible and our Constitution. We desperately need ministers that will train Christians in the whole council of God and then individual needs will be met. We need governmental servants who will stay true to our full Constitution and then individual needs will be met.


Do you understand the principles I am emphasizing. A preacher can talk about things that please the ears of people while never intending to be true to the whole council of God. A candidate can research and find certain needs and then promise over and over to meet them, but does not constantly emphasize allegiance to our Constitution rightly divided. Do you see the difference?




Political Considerations

No political party is the kingdom of God but which party platform is further from biblical truth and godly morality? Are there any candidates that are true followers of Jesus? Are there any candidates that rightly divide the Constitution as our founders intended?


Is the democratic party of the past still in existence or has it been high jacked by socialist/communist that are supported by the media, entertainers, educators, etc. who have like leanings. I am sure that there are still some true democrats but they seem to be few and far between.


What about the word progressive? What is a progressive? Does it represent something good for Christians that is in line with the Bible and our Constitution rightly divided or is it something we need to discern more closely? Are Christians being hoodwinked by that word or is it a good word describing good things?  Satan comes as an angel of light and his workers come disguised as ministers of righteousness so I have to ask who or what is going on with this word? Is it of God and in line with his word or not?


Can you discern if there are any real Christians among the Republican candidates? Do you know Jesus and His word well enough to judge? Please don't give me this ridiculous stuff about not judging. Are there any candidates in the party that are true followers of Jesus? There is a difference in being religious and being a true follower of Jesus.


Can you believe that hundreds of pastors (red, yellow, black, brown and white) are leading their followers away from the Bible and the Constitution rightly divided in their promotion of certain candidates? Satan is still the deceiver that he was in the Garden of Eden. He is just better at it because he has had a lot of experience. He dangles things that are shiny and pretty to blind people from his real motives. He wants to destroy the United States and he is using any willing people he can deceive to help him, including those who call themselves a follower of Jesus the Christ. Jesus Christ, help us please?

I have been trying to awaken Christians for years to the need for restoration of the church. In a time when a spirit of delusion has come over a large part of modern Christianity, where are those who have totally yielded to the Holy Spirit and are being led by Him? Where are those who are rightly dividing the word of God and our Constitution? Where are those who have their senses exercised to discern political candidates?




Friday, February 19, 2016

Discernent is Missing Among Many Ministers

Discernment is Missing Among Many Ministers!


I am often amazed when I see things that reveal how sorely Christians are lacking in discernment, but then what can one really expect of those who have been prevented from having their senses trained to discern good and evil by spiritual leaders who may not even be born again, and are definitely either lacking discernment themselves or have agendas that are not in line with the Spirit of Christ and the word of God rightly divided?


At present, this is very evident in things that are taking place in the presidential race. It is interesting to watch debates and town hall meetings of both parties, but it is even more interesting afterwards to see the spin put on things by actual socialist and/or communist or those with leanings in those directions, whether they are in the media or in the pulpit.


Can you discern the candidates as well as those who put ungodly spin on things? Remember that the devil not only comes as an angel of light but sends his people into pulpits disguised as ministers sent by Jesus. We are not playing games! These things have earthly and eternal consequences. The results of things in 2016 will determine many things for you and your descendants (those beautiful children and grandchildren).



Thursday, February 11, 2016

Where Are the Spiritually Minded Christians?

Too many conservative Christians are predominantly politically minded rather than spiritually minded. They spend more time on things that are politically oriented than they do in prayer and study of the word rightly divided.  Why is this? The flesh, the old nature, loves things of the world such as politically oriented things. The flesh does not like to spend time in effective fervent prayer and diligent study of the word rightly divided. I add rightly divided because the flesh does like to spend time on the doctrines and traditions of man.
The Lord Jesus is looking to and fro throughout the earth for those who will stand in the gap and make effective fervent prayers that will avail much for the advancement of His kingdom and the defeat of any and everything opposed to Him and His kingdom. Intercession can be for and it can be against.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

The Year 2016

What takes place this year has major present and long term future ramifications for you, your family and your future descendants. We are at a major crossroads in time and events!

If we continue on the same road that we have been traveling on, I can’t think of words that are strong enough to explain how rough it is going to be. Personally, I am examining myself with the intent of making sure that I am fully yielded and consecrated to God-Father, Son and Spirit. I only want to travel on the highway of true holiness, righteousness and obedience. I want to make sure that I have denied self and forsaken all to follow Jesus and seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.