Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Alert to True Christians

I have been warning for years that the battle is against Jesus and His followers, and that Christians in America should wake up to see that your Christian freedom is under attack. Today I have a fresh warning that the time is short for Christian freedom in America unless enough Christians wake up and wake up soon.

To help wake up true Christians I must also address end times to make the word above clear to your hearts and minds. Things are getting worse all over the world, including in America. Some preachers and Christians recognize that fact, but their response is that Jesus is coming soon which means that they will be saved from the chaos and destruction. Jesus is coming, but there is something that is missing in the minds of most of those who long for His return. They are missing the truth that Jesus is coming for a church that has made herself ready (Revelation 19:7). Being ready includes several things, and one of those key things is the unity of the faith that Jesus prayed for in John 17 (see also Ephesians 4:13).

So what is the conclusion? We Christians in America can go along as we are and experience greater and greater loss of Christian freedom or we can wake up, repent, yield to the Holy Spirit and allow Him to make us one with the Lord Jesus and with each other. The prayer of Jesus is going to be answered! For us it can take place while we have Christian freedom or after the loss of Christian freedom and all that loss will mean, but it is going to take place.

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