Monday, September 14, 2015

Prophetic Words (September 2015)

There is a difference in someone doing things for Jesus and someone yielding to the Spirit of God and allowing Jesus to live within them and do His works through them.  The first is religious and the second is spiritual. There are many sincere, dedicated and well intending Christians who fall into the first category. The church needs Christians who have fully yielded to the Spirit of Christ and are being led by Him to do the works that Jesus did. When enough Christians humble themselves and come to this place of yielding, then and only then will the church fulfill Isaiah 60: 1 and 60: 2b. Until that time the church will struggle and darkness will cover the earth and deep darkness the people (Isaiah 60: 2a). (Monday 9/14/2015) 

One successful tactic that the progressives (socialist/communist) use to control Christians is their use of key Christian words such as love, grace and mercy. For example, these words are being highlighted as a primary motive for bringing in Muslim refugees to the United States; anyone who questions or objects is attacked as being unloving and uncaring. Never mind that what is being done is an old and long time strategy of Islam to help accomplish its goal of world dominion. (Tuesday 9/15/2015)

True disciples of Jesus are true Christians, but not all people who call themselves Christians are true disciples of Jesus and therefore are not true Christians. This includes some ministers in the institutionalized church.  We must have our senses trained to discern both good and evil which includes being able to discern true Christians from false and counterfeit Christians.  It also includes being able to discern the true, faithful and uncompromising body of Christ from the false, unfaithful and compromising system of religion which will be widely accepted, supported, promoted and acclaimed by the world. Among other things the true will be known by the unity of the faith and the false will be known by tolerance and unity with diversity. The true is preparing for the return of Jesus and the false is preparing to ride the beast. The true will forsake all to follow and witness Jesus and His kingdom; the false will progressively oppose and try to destroy the true and their witness. Selah! (Tuesday 9/15/15)

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