Thursday, August 27, 2015

Relationship and Fellowship with God

We all probably know of situations in which blood relatives do not fellowship with each other; in fact they might not even be on speaking terms. They have relationship through birth, but do not have fellowship. This is a sad situation!

There is an even sadder situation between many Christians and God. Many Christians do not enjoy an abiding and ongoing intimate fellowship with God. They have relationship because of being born again, but do not enjoy the fullness of close and intimate communion with God.  They may desire close communion with Him above all else, but have not yet been able to experience it as an ongoing reality.  I have good news! It is possible for all the children of God to know Him in close, intimate fellowship.
The key to this becoming a reality in the lives of every believer is having Jesus Christ formed within (Galatians 4:19). Jesus and the Father are one (John 17:21) and when Jesus is formed in us we come into a place of abiding that the Lord God desires for all His children. 
If this is your desire, then pursue it with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. Yield to the fullness of the Holy Spirit and allow Him to form Jesus Christ within you. Being born again by faith was your beginning point with God; now by faith enter into all that Christ has made available for you. Seek God by faith for Jesus Christ to be formed within you and enter into life more abundantly.



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