Thursday, September 18, 2014

As a Nation, is America Faithful to Jesus Christ?

God still judges disobedient nations! God is neither a respecter of persons nor of nations. If a person or nation is faithful to Jesus Christ, then God is faithful to them. If a person or nation is not faithful to Jesus Christ, then eventually a price will be paid. That price is often the reaping of what the person or nation has sown.

 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. (Matthew 24:7).

Regardless of its present state and revisionist lies, America was founded as and to be a Christian nation. That does not mean that everyone living in America at the time of her founding was a Christian nor does it mean that all Christians were mature in Christ. It also does not mean that America was perfect, but still the truth is that America was founded as and to be a Christian nation and the Lord Jesus Christ blessed her abundantly.

America was meant to be a Christian nation, but I cannot unequivocally state that she is still such a nation. If “One Nation under God” no longer means “One Nation under Jesus Christ” then how can we be “One Nation under God”?  How did this take place? While various parts of the church became more and more divided because of entrenchment in their pet traditions and doctrines, forces under the control and influence of Satan worked patiently and consistently to change America to something other than what Jesus Christ intended for her to be.  So no; America is no longer a Christian nation and judgment begins at the various churches that have not been watchman on the walls.

And I will send the sword, the famine, and the pestilence among them, till they are consumed from the land that I gave them and their fathers (Jeremiah 24:10).

Have we passed the point of no return where we cannot recoup what has been lost or better yet forfeited? I believe there is still hope but we are getting closer and closer to the point of no return which means that we haven’t seen anything yet in the way of destruction and loss of freedoms. We must not continue down the present path! If true, real and lasting restoration, revival and awakening are not forthcoming, then when the point of no return is reached all hell breaks loose and repentance will not change things quickly.

In conclusion, many American Christians think that they will experience the rapture before these judgments take place, especially to any great degree; many others are distracted by things of life and things of church and aren’t really paying attention. The truth is that these things are already taking place and are increasing in number and intensity! Where are the watchmen? Who is watching and praying? Who sees that people from the various parts of the church must repent and unite in faith and become part of the faithful remnant that makes up the church that Jesus is building.



1 comment:

a joyful noise said...

I am surfing and enjoyed your post. Yes America in general is Faithful to Jesus Christ - but that is quickly changing as Islam is infiltrating our nation and others who hate Jesus.
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