This message is for men on Father’s Day. It is not only for
men that are called to be apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers,
but for all men that will accept the Lord’s call to deny self and take up the
cross daily to follow Him.
Most modern Christian churches and their institutions (Seminaries,
Bible schools, etc.) recruit and make men into their image. They may emphasize
Jesus, but for the most part their end product is men in their image. The men
are then sent out to duplicate themselves and to carry out the methods of the
particular group that they are associated with.
On the other hand God is looking to and fro for men that are
loyal to Him and will allow the Holy Spirit to form Jesus Christ within them.
They will then by the Spirit and Spirit only carry on the works of Jesus and equip
willing people for the work of the ministry.
The Holy Spirit isn’t looking for better methods! He is
looking for men that desire to have Christ formed within, men that are born of
the Spirit, baptized in the Spirit and sanctified by God’s truth and His truth
only. These men won’t deal in personal opinions and the doctrines and
traditions of men. They will preach and teach the things of God kingdom and the
things of Jesus (with strong emphasis on Jesus and Him crucified). Their word will
be confirmed by Jesus with accompanying signs and wonders.
These men of God will be used of God to bring forth a
faithful remnant that will be extremely persecuted by parts of the church as
well as by the world, but will turn the world upside down for Jesus.
On this Father’s Day are you ready to answer the Lord’s
call? There will be restoration, revival and awakening at some point. It is
just a matter of if it takes place before or after certain things occur. Remember
that it is better to follow Jesus and be persecuted for righteousness sake than
to reap the results of a house that is divided into a bunch of groups with different
opinions, doctrines and traditions.
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