Saturday, May 3, 2014

False Doctrines and Traditions

Will Christians wake up and repent of their doctrines and traditions of men before America is destroyed from within and without? Yes, there are many ungodly things going on in our beloved country, but Christians need to first look within before they look without. There is growing evil darkness in America because there is less and less light emanating from Christians. The main culprits for the lack of light are the false doctrines and traditions that presently control most parts of the Church. Only when enough Christians wake up to the realization that they are supposed to be salt and light, and repent of those false doctrines and traditions is there hope for the future of our children and grandchildren in America.  If you really care about their future, then quit fussing about how bad things are and give up those devilish and divisive false doctrines and traditions.

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