It has become almost common place to hear preachers and other
Christians talk about the ills of America and the loss of spiritual direction.
Those doing so often refer to 2 Chronicles 7: 14 and talk about the need to
pray and fast for America. They speak of their love for America but have no
problem talking about where America has gone wrong. I agree that America is
headed in the wrong direction and grave danger lies ahead. Evil is waxing worse
and worse and freedoms are eroding rapidly. I have great concern for the future
of our children and grandchildren. But I want to make something clear, most
preachers and Christians are putting the focus in the wrong place.
It is the Church in America that needs to repent! The Church
needs to pray and repent for its loss of spiritual
direction. Why can’t the preachers make that clear? They easily talk about the
problems of America and the faults of certain Americans, but seldom if ever
address the problems of the Church and the faults of Christians. They are
either blind to the real problem, have some unbiblical view or might even be
afraid to offend their financial contributors.
Where are you? Do you see that it is those who call
themselves Christians that are called to repentance? Do you see that Christians
in America are to be salt and light to America? Who is it that has lost
spiritual direction? Do you have the courage to face the real issues?