Saturday, February 1, 2014

Car Through the Wall

I had a lot of business to take care of yesterday afternoon. One thing was to get my daughter Kristi's car tag. The tag office had been closed for the last couple of days because of snow and ice and there was a pretty good crowd of people inside.

I had gotten about half way through the long line and suddenly there was a loud noise and people starting yelling and running. Someone had driven a car through the wall of the building. The car had struck someone outside and then possibly hit someone inside the building. Everyone was told to leave and the building closed. I pray all will be alright.

I will add a somber note: I was aware that this could have been something else. May the Lord Jesus keep us. I encourage all to study and declare Psalm 91 and to pray that their loved ones are washed with and covered by the blood of Jesus. (Read our message on Psalm 91 Personalized).

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