John 3: 16 tells any and all the only way to be restored to
God; it is by being born again by faith in the finished work of Jesus the Christ
(Jesus and Him crucified). One should be baptized in water as soon as possible
after being born again, but John 3: 16 is not talking about being water
baptized and neither is Matthew 3: 11. In Matthew 3: 11 John the Baptist is
talking about the same thing that Jesus refers to in Luke 24: 49 and Luke
writes about in Acts 1: 4. Jesus is the One and only One who baptizes in the
Holy Spirit and fire. The Promise we learn about in Luke 24: 49 and Acts 1: 4
is what John the Baptist prophesied about Jesus in Matthew 3:11.
There is spiritual darkness in Washington D. C. and
throughout our beloved country. The main reason for this is the lack of
spiritual light emanating from the various parts of the Church. This light is
hindered by the lack of sanctification of truth within the various parts of the
Church. Another result of the lack of truth within the Church is lack of unity
within the Church. Jesus addressed this in His high priestly prayer found in
John 17. John 17: 20, 21 will never take place without John 17: 17 which is
also referred to in Ephesians 5: 26. God help us by sending true and mature
ministers as found in Ephesians 4: 11 who will bring about what is found in
Ephesians 4: 12-16 and 5: 27. Jesus is waiting for the bride to make herself
ready (Revelation 19: 7). He is building His Church (Matthew 16: 18).
Another key point is that we must not only preach about
Jesus, we must preach what He preached. He preached the “good news” of the
kingdom of God (Matthew 4: 23) as well as preaching about Himself (John 14:
6). Many parts of the Church don’t do
either properly. We must get the real subjects with the real substance. For
example, some preach Jesus as a way and not the Way and the few who do preach
about the kingdom often make it a political kingdom, etc. Presently, too many
parts of the Church are overly caught up with Matthew 24: 3-6 and have missed
the truth and importance of Matthew 24: 14. Look how Matthew 24: 6 ends and
contrast it with how Matthew 24: 14 ends.
I have faith and hope that truth is coming forth and enough
Christians will hear, repent and unite in faith. Jesus is going to have His Church with Him
formed within (Matthew 24: 6 and Galatians 4: 19). The Church, His bride, will
make herself ready (Revelation 19: 7). Let’s unite in faith and get about the
Father’s business!
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