Monday, February 25, 2013

A Call to Spiritual Warfare

While false, immature, and deceived ministers are tickling the ears of millions of Christians, and many other Christians are AWOL while nursing their wounds and hurt feelings, true prophets of God are seeking to awaken, heal, restore, equip, and bring forth a true and mature remnant Church made up of disciples who will follow their Lord Jesus Christ and accomplish all that He intended when He said, “I will build my Church and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it” (Matthew 16:18).  

The trump will sound when it is time for the Lord Jesus to return. True prophets of God are now sounding the call to prepare for His return. This sound includes not only a call to witness the good news of Jesus and His kingdom (Acts 28:23, 31) but a call to true spiritual warfare. Spiritual warfare is real! It goes on twenty-four hours a day and will continue until the glorious return of our Lord Jesus Christ. The primary enemy is one that is unseen by the natural eye but seeks to steal, kill, and destroy anything of God in the visible realm.

This is a day of trumpet and alarm (Zephaniah 1:16). Wake up and hear the call. The trumpet is not only signaling that the enemy is approaching but is warning that he is already here. The alarm is a war shout! Put on your armor; take up the sword of the Spirit and, as Christian soldiers, march as to war.  

To be informed is to be knowledgeable, forewarned, forearmed, and prepared to do spiritual warfare against unseen forces that aim to wreak havoc in the visible world. This is an alert! Are you listening, really listening? Do you hear the call? Will you hear the call and respond by and to the Spirit? Are you prepared? Will you prepare? Will you hear and respond to the call for spiritual warfare? Will you take your place as a soldier of the Lord Jesus in His last days army? Onward Christian soldiers...




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