Do you know the difference in true and false Christianity?
How can one know if a local church is part of true or false Christianity? The
line is very blurred today unless one has their senses trained to know the
difference in good and evil (Hebrews 5:14). Not knowing the difference has serious
consequences for individuals, families, communities and nations.
As for the United States, we are fast approaching a point of
no return in saving the United States unless enough people recognize the
difference. By this I mean recognizing the difference in true and false
Christianity and fulfilling 2 Chronicles 7:14. The eyes of the Lord are looking
to see who is really loyal to Him (2 Chronicles 16:9) and who is just playing
church and having nostalgic memories of past things that may or may not have
been a part of true Christianity. (1/27/2013)
Women on Front Lines of War:
could go in several directions with my response and I definitely have concerns
about this situation, but we must ask ourselves how this has come about. Could
the feminist movement and humanism along with liberal, socialistic, and
progressive thinking
and actions have brought us to this place? Individuals and countries do reap
what they so! My response would not fit in a feel good, seeker sensitive, purpose driven church, but we must examine ourselves. We cannot blame foolish decisions all on those that fit into the thinking and actions I have listed above. Much of the blame lies squarely on a divided, immature church that is not united in faith and is often more like the world than like Jesus. In other words, Christians have allowed many things to take place because we are not united in faith and have abdicated much of the responsibility God has assigned to us. Therefore we must have a remnant church that is true salt and light or more devilish storms yet not thought of in manner and degree are just up the road.
We Christians are in a war that not only requires women to be on the front lines but also requires boys and girls. Our war is a spiritual war against principalities and powers that are unseen. They are the forces behind the foolish and evil things we do see.
Learn that spiritual warfare is real and things are not just going to work out in time unless we put on our armor, unite in true biblical unity and faith and follow the Spirit of our Lord into the real war that is behind natural wars. Victory is only in Jesus the Messiah! (1/25/2013)
Learn that spiritual warfare is real and things are not just going to work out in time unless we put on our armour, unite in true biblical unity and faith and follow the Spirit of our Lord into the real war that is behind natural wars. Victory is only in Jesus the Messiah! (1/25/2013)
There is a devil who comes to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10) If one accepts everything as from God then there is nothing to resist. Submit to God and His plans; resist the devil and his plans (James 4:7). (1/25/2013)
I justify no one's right to be mean and have wrong or cruel intentions but many of those who by their
thoughts and/or words and actions with condemn those who expressed their freedom to meet in various state capitals today are the same ones who said nothing when the flash mobs gathered in various cities last year. It is also interesting that when some say or do certain things it is considered their freedom of speech and assembly but when others say or do certain things they are considered hateful and racist.
Something is not right in our country! Our country needs healing and only the Lord Jesus can bring that healing. We need the Lord Jesus Christ! The true Spirit and character of Jesus Christ expressed in and through enough people is the only thing that is going to save the United States from eventual total collapse! May we have true restoration, revival and awakening. May the glory of the Lord fill our land by filling a faithful remnant of true followers of Christ with His Spirit and character. (1/19/2013)
Do you know why our Spirit-led Founding Fathers wrote the second amendment to our Godly Constitution? Do you really know why? Have you studied, meditated and prayed about it? (1/15/2013)
1 comment:
It is the will of the Father that all men be saved. The question is can men reject what the words of Jesus and still be saved.
John 6:40 For this is the will of My Father, that everyone who beholds the Son and believes in Him will have eternal life, and I Myself will raise him up on the last day."
The Father wants all men to be saved. Can men say God only wants a select few to be saved and claim to believe the words of Jesus?
John 12:48-50 He who rejects Me and does not receive My sayings, has one who judges him; the word I spoke is what will judge him at the last day........
Can men be a true believer in Jesus and at the same time reject His word?
How many times can men say, "Jesus did not mean what He said." Can men proclaim their creed books and other denominational teaching takes precedent over the words of Jesus and still be saved?
Mark 16:16 He who has believed and has been baptized shall be saved; but he who has disbelieved shall be condemned.
Can you reject the fact that Jesus said "Has been baptized shall be saved?" Are you receiving the sayings of Jesus when you proclaim that water baptism does not precede salvation?
Matthew 24:10-13 At that time many will fall away and will betray one another and hate one another.......13 But the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.
Can men oppose what Jesus said and declare that men that are once saved are always saved? Will they still be saved?
John 3:5 Jesus answered, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit he cannot enter the kingdom of God.
Can men proclaim that Jesus was saying, in order to enter the kingdom of God you have be born by natural child birth. Can you imagine Jesus saying that a requirement to enter the kingdom of God is being born of amniotic fluid?
John 14:6 Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no one comes to the Father but through Me."
Can believers in Christ say that Jesus is just one of many roads to salvation and remain saved?
John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son , that whoever believes in Him shall not perish , but have eternal life.
Some say, that John 3:16 actually means that whoever God has preselected, will believe and be saved and all others will burn in hell for all eternity.
Can men give their private interpretation of Scripture and still be saved?
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