Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Prophetic Words of Restoration (August 2011)

Christians, We Have a Problem:

Jesus is building His Church with disciples who have denied self to follow Him. But the problem is, rather than denying self and following Jesus, most people are presently attending a church built by people because that church suits their personal appetite for various things like religion, socializing, entertainment, motivation, business contacts, etc.

Things will change and there will be real restoration, revival and awakening when people decide to forsake all to follow Jesus Christ. The question is will they willingly become broken and contrite and yield all to the Holy Spirit or will they have to go through hard times before they wake up and repent. (8/31/2011)

The Promises of God:

God has already said yes to all His promises and is waiting for you to discover and say amen to them (2 Corinthians 1: 20). Do you have faith to say amen to the promises of God? (8/22/2011)

Knowing God’s Will:

Our message this morning is titled “Knowing God’s Will for Your Life.” The eyes of the Lord are looking back and forth throughout the whole earth for anyone who will be loyal to Him and do His will (2 Chronicles 16:9). To know His will one must first commit to do His Will (John 7:17).

Yielding to the Holy Spirit:

One major key to living for Jesus is to surrender and yield to the Holy Spirit allowing Him to live the life of Jesus in and through us. This gives meaning to it is not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit says the Lord of hosts (Zechariah4: 6). This Scripture means that it is not by our human abilities and efforts but by surrender and yielding to the Holy Spirit that we are to live.

Some people react to strong prophetic words such as the call to repentance and dedication because they think they have got to do it in their own efforts and it overwhelms them. In doing so, they settle for the religious status quo and/or fall prey to things like “cheap grace.” Let's learn to rest in Jesus and His finished work by yielding and living by the Spirit and grace, not by works and the law (legalism). Victory is in Jesus! It is finished! The work is finished, begin to yield. (8/18/2011)

Born Again and Living By Faith:

There are many people in and out of the Church who are not born again because they do not yet understand that salvation is by faith and faith alone. There are many born again Christians who are not fulfilling all of the Great Commission because they are not full of faith and power (Acts 6: 8). (8/15/2011)

Anointed With Power:

Our message this morning is titled "Anointed With Power." We are born again by the Holy Spirit who draws us to Jesus. Jesus then baptizes us in the Holy Spirit so that we have the power of God to be witnesses who go about doing good as Jesus did while He was on earth (Acts 10:38). Note: Biblical truth doesn't always agree with various Church doctrines and traditions. I choose to go with Biblical truth! (8/14/2011)

Fires of Revival or Fires of Destruction:

Christians, especially Christians in the West, have a choice of willingly receiving the truth and fire of the Holy Spirit or witnessing fire in their cities. There will be fires of revival among Christians that produce a true and faithful remnant Church or there will be fires of destruction by those walking in darkness because of the lack of salt and light coming forth from the Church. Don’t for a minute think that you can either escape this or vote your way out of it. One or the other, spiritual or destructive fire is on the way. (8/12/2011)


An understanding of the differences in the French Revolution and the American Revolution will help one discern how to respond to current and approaching events around the world. One led to mob rule and eventually a dictatorship while the other led to a constitutional republic. (8/12/2011)

The Lack of Discernment:

Many Christians are not hearing and/or heeding the warnings from God about devilish storms because they do not know how to recognize and identify devilish storms. In the natural, most people, even children, are able to identify a tornado as a weather storm. But many of God’s people have not had their senses trained to discern both good and evil (Hebrews 5:12-14) and are not able to identify various events, happenings and occurrences as devilish storms. Therefore little real attention, preparation and resistance are being given to the devil and his storms. (8/09/2011)

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