Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Words of Restoration (November 2010)

Waiting patiently on God reveals our faith, trust and dependence. (11/30/2010)

Over the past 2,000 years many people have been born of the Spirit, some of them have been baptized in the Holy Spirit (Matt. 3:11), but few have really learned to "Walk in the Spirit" (Gal. 5:16). Jesus Christ continues to build His Church, but has always envisioned a people born of the Spirit, filled with the Spirit and continuously led by the Spirit (Rom. 8:14). (11/29/2010)

In a new and greater way,let's learn to live in gratitude to God (Father, Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit) and truly give Him thanks everyday. Have a life of joyful and Happy Thanksgiving! The Lord Jesus bless and keep you and your family. Love, Wayne (11/25/2010)

Experience, culture, and environment (including church doctrines and traditions) are having a greater affect upon many Christians than are the Holy Spirit and biblical truth. (11/23/2010)

Spiritual and natural gifts may flow through some people like a river, but if there are flaws in their character the flaws will always taint the flow. Flaws in character may be hidden underground for awhile, but they will eventually erupt and taint the atmosphere like an erupting volcano. Gifts will pass away; spiritual fruit is eternal! (11/19/2010)

We remember and honor our military personnel of the past and present; thank God for their service, dedication and sacrifices.

Spiritually, may the Church unite in faith to battle the unseen forces that are behind the seen conflicts. As we unite and do battle, thanks be to God who gives us victory through our Lord Jesus Christ(1 Cor.15:57).(11/11/2010)

Let humility, righteousness, graciousness and above all love prevail! Humility and words of humility will bring forth God's favor and blessings; pride and words of pride always call for a fall. (11/3/2010)

May 1 Timothy 2:1-3 become a priority for every true disciple of Jesus Christ!

Righteousness exalts a nation...(Proverbs 14:34). VOTE AND VOTE RIGHTEOUSNESS! Don't vote party, race or color, culture, male or female, personal preferences, etc. Vote righteousness and righteousness only!(11/2/2010)

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