Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Unity or Division

God Desires Unity
It is the desire and will of God that His family live on earth in unity with Him and with each other. This was strong in the heart and mind of Jesus just prior to the cross. It is a theme that runs from the beginning until the end of the Bible. God is God and He wants a family that is united in faith. This is and has always been very important to God; it must become important to His earthly family, the body of Christ.

The Devil Hates Unity
The devil works to prevent unity from developing, and to destroy it wherever it may have taken place. He fears Jesus Christ and he fears a unified body of Christ. Since the birth of the Church the devil and his forces has seldom had to deal with a Church that is united in faith under her head Jesus Christ. When this ever takes place, he will experience the full realization and impact of what Jesus meant when He said that “He would build His Church and the gates of hell would not prevail against it.” Therefore he, the devil, works overtime to prevent true and lasting unity in the Church.

Modern Sectarianism
Regardless of how it would be described by different people, we have a problem of rampant sectarianism in the modern Church. We do not have widespread unity with God and with each other, instead we have ungodly division. In some places it is open and extreme, in some places it is hidden, and in other places it is small but in every case it is not of God. It opposes God’s kingdom and God’s will by greatly hindering the Church from seeking God’s kingdom and fulfilling His will on earth.

To what ever degree sectarianism is at work, it is an enemy of our Lord’s high priestly prayer found in John 17 and it is a devilish hindrance not only to the building of the Church but to the work of the Church. All of our good and commendable works can not make up for and cover this sin. The Church at Ephesus was greatly commended by our Lord but…

Self Defense or Honesty
Many Christians would look at a definition of the word sectarian and quickly go on the defense by saying that their group is not parochial nor is it a bigoted, narrow minded sect. But when they take an honest look at the Church beyond their group they will have to acknowledge that the Church is divided rather that united regardless of the words they might choose to describe it. Some can’t take an honest look because they think that the church they belong to is the Church. Some are very open about this and others are more subtle, but in each case the thought process exist. Until these and other walls are taken down the Church will never work together to accomplish and complete God’s will for her on earth. Until we work together we are not going to be victorious in the full sense intended by God. We need honest and true self examination and not self defense.

Until eyes and ears are opened by the Holy Spirit, most of those who might even acknowledge the problem would react by declaring that it will not be resolved until Jesus returns and then they would go about life as usual. How sad! That mindset surely saddens God's heart; it most definitely makes the devil happy.

I believe that there will be a remnant Church all over this earth that is mature in Christ and is united in faith. I believe that it will happen before our Lord’s return. If it doesn’t happen before His return then the gates of hell will prevail needlessly and the work and witness of the Church will suffer greatly. Eternal lives are at stake! Let's allow the Holy Spirit to unite us in faith by sanctifying us with truth (John 17:17; 20-26)

The eyes of the Lord are looking for those who will fully surrender to the Spirit of God. He is looking for those with open eyes and ears that will allow Him to wash and sanctify them with truth. At some time He will find what He is looking for. There will be a people of God, made up of believing Jews and Gentiles, all over this earth, who will humble themselves, pray, seek God and turn from their wicked ways which includes any and all satanic division. They will unify in faith with God and with each other.

Will you be among those who unify in faith? Will you even take the lead? If this is your desire, then still yourself before God and allow His Spirit to begin opening your eyes and ears. Allow Him to speak God’s concern about division in the Church and His desire for unity in the Church into your mind and heart? Stay humble and teachable and He will cause you to become sanctified by truth. Study 1 Corinthians 3 until the revelation found within becomes alive, relevant and current to you. The Lord bless, keep and unify His body.

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