Monday, September 14, 2009

Understanding Wheat and Tares

True Holiness versus Cheap Love and Grace
God desires a Holy Church. Scripture rightly divided reveals that not only is God holy, but He wants a holy people. He wants a people who are holy in all their conduct (1 Peter 1:13-16). Now, it is evident that some have tried to be holy by works of the flesh; legalism and religious spirits have had a "heyday" in parts of the Church. On the other hand, there are those who live carnal, sinful lives and change Scripture to justify their choices. They live and espouse a cheap love and grace.

In many places the pulpit has been taken over by carnal men and women who live deliberate sinful lifestyles and justify it by changing the meaning of Scripture. They are gaining many followers and are joining forces. In the past, some tried to hide their secret sins from most people, but now they are becoming more open and flagrant. Ministers and congregations are popping up all over the place that espouse and demonstrate a new way of living. They preach and talk about Jesus, love, justice, mercy, and grace while living like the world and proclaiming that heaven awaits them. They are deceived and are deceiving many others; it is a flagrant case of the blind leading the blind. God's Word warns that false teachers will lead many astray with their destructive heresies, and it is happening all around us.

Lack of Biblical Study
Second Timothy 2:15 in the Amplified Bible states: Study and be eager and do your utmost to present yourself to God approved (tested by trial), a workman who has no cause to be ashamed, correctly analyzing and accurately dividing [rightly handling and skillfully teaching] the Word of Truth. Sadly, few professing Christians, including those in ministry, personally study, correctly analyze, and accurately divide the Word of God enough to know truth from error or to discern good and evil. They are therefore easily deceived by every wind of doctrine and those ministers who, likewise, do not study, correctly analyze, and rightly divide Scripture. Those who do not know God’s Word become easy prey for false teaching, whether that teaching is done mistakenly by immature ministers or deliberately by false and carnal ministers.

Parable of Wheat and Tares
One of the many topics that is often wrongly taught is the parable of the wheat and tares. Immature ministers who don't know better and false ministers with deceitful and/or carnal motives have improperly trained church members about the parable of the wheat and tares, resulting in many professing Christians misinterpreting what Scripture teaches about wheat and tares. It begins by changing the meaning of one word in this parable. The error and the deception begin by stating that, in this parable, the field is the Church. From there, false teaching springs forth that is devastating to the holiness, purity, unity and maturity of the Church. Many doors are opened for accepting, hiding, or even justifying carnal and immoral behavior in ministers and church members.

Knowing Truth Sets Free
Those who continue in the Word will learn the truth about this parable. The field represents the world. In the world, there are both righteous sons of God and wicked sons of the evil one. The Church, on the other hand, is to be made up of disciples who have been crucified with Christ, have denied self and forsaken all to follow Him in the unity of faith with other true and like-minded disciples. Together, they are fulfilling God's will on earth and making themselves ready for the marriage of the Lamb. Always know and remember that there is a tremendous difference in wheat and tares making up the population of the world and wheat and tares making up the body of Christ. Many professing Christians, including some ministers, do not know the difference (Just as they don't know the difference in the Kingdom of God and the Church). Those ministers are not equipping the saints properly! The parable is about wheat and tares growing side by side in the world; it is not about wheat and tares growing side by side in the Church.

Jesus Christ is looking for a Church in His image. He is looking for a Church that has Christ formed within. He is looking for a Church that is mature, holy as He is holy, and unified in faith. He is not looking for a Church that is divided, immature, and fleshly in her conduct. He is not looking for a Church made up of wheat and tares. He is looking for a Church made up of obedient disciples who are going out into the world and ministering the gospel to the lost in the world. He is looking for disciples to be used of Him to witness truth that will turn the lost into good wheat. He is looking for a Church that is so formed in His image and so filled with His power that when the lost visit with them, they are transformed by the Spirit and presence of Christ. They come in lost and leave as wheat. They come in worldly and heavy laden and leave born again, Spirit filled, and singing the praises of God.

The Parable of the Wheat and the Tares
(Matthew 13) 24 Another parable He put forth to them, saying: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field; 25 but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way. 26 But when the grain had sprouted and produced a crop, then the tares also appeared. 27 So the servants of the owner came and said to him, ‘Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then does it have tares?’ 28 He said to them, ‘An enemy has done this.’ The servants said to him, ‘Do you want us then to go and gather them up?’ 29 But he said, ‘No, lest while you gather up the tares you also uproot the wheat with them. 30 Let both grow together until the harvest, and at the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, “First gather together the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them, but gather the wheat into my barn.”’”

The Parable Explained
36 Then Jesus sent the multitude away and went into the house. And His disciples came to Him, saying, “Explain to us the parable of the tares of the field.” 37 He answered and said to them: “He who sows the good seed is the Son of Man. 38 The field is the world, the good seeds are the sons of the kingdom, but the tares are the sons of the wicked. 39 The enemy who sowed them is the devil, the harvest is the end of the age, and the reapers are the angels. 40 Therefore as the tares are gathered and burned in the fire, so it will be at the end of this age. 41 The Son of Man will send out His angels, and they will gather out of His kingdom all things that offend, and those who practice lawlessness, 42 and will cast them into the furnace of fire. There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth. 43 Then the righteous will shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears to hear, let him hear!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Trumpets of Truth

Drawing a Crowd
In too many parts of the modern-day Church, it doesn't take truth to draw a crowd. It only takes curious people seeking things like personal fulfillment, personality, religious tradition, entertainment and teachings that they personally agree with and/or makes them feel good and at ease. Human nature causes people to be easily drawn to various personalities and speakers who make them feel good or who express like-minded opinions about Scripture and things of life, including politics.

There are many preachers who are prepared and more than ready and willing to give people what they want. They are controlled more by human nature than the Spirit of God. Therefore they offer whatever it takes to draw you or a crowd within the context of their religious traditions and private interpretations. They can speak the needed religious language, and already have in place what you are interested in or will let you start something in line with your personal interest. They will put natural leaders in charge and offer willing followers many opportunities to choose from. They have something for everyone or will soon make it available.

They are quite adept at offering entertainment and personal opinions rather than pure truth. When they do refer to Scripture, they often water it down or interpret it to make it fit into an acceptable modern context that makes enough of those listening feel comfortably at ease. After all, they want people to choose or continue choosing their particular church as their church home.

Giving an Account
There will be a day when all people give an account for how they handled the Word of God. In that day ministers will give a greater account. Therefore, all ministers should move with fear and trembling in how and what they preach and teach. Many ministers will say, "Lord, Lord ...," but a loving Jesus Christ will say, "Depart from me ..." They will depart because they did not handle the Word of God properly and, thereby, misled many people.

Ministers Who are Trumpets of Truth
The Church needs ministers who are "Trumpets of Truth." The eyes of the Lord are looking throughout the earth for ministers who are loyal to Him. These ministers will preach and rightly divide the Word whether people are ready for it or not.

The eyes of the Lord are not only looking for ministers who are true to Him and His Word of truth, He is looking for people who are hungering for truth. He is looking throughout the earth for true disciples who will be drawn by His Spirit to the ministers who are trumpeting pure and unadulterated truth. He is looking for disciples who have forsaken the private interpretations and traditions of men that have infiltrated the Church and are hungry for the Lord and His Word of truth.

These disciples will not turn away from the hard sayings that go against the grain of their previous traditions, interpretations, and opinions. Instead, they will seek out, find and listen to those ministers whom the Holy Spirit has trained and sent to equip His saints for the work of the ministry. They will rejoice at finding truth; they will take their Spirit led place in a local Church where they can help fulfill God's will and purposes.

Distance will not matter! They will willingly travel and joyfully submit themselves to being equipped for the work of the ministry. A minister who is a trumpet of truth will equip them to becoming disciples who are "trumpets of truth." They will be filled with the Spirit and will continue in the Word until they know truth, proving that they are true disciples of Jesus Christ. They will be part of a local church that moves them on the path of maturity and the true unity of faith.

Many say that only a few will remain faithful to Jesus Christ and His truth as time on earth moves toward the return of the Lord. Whether the number is few or many, the faithful remnant will be one that is made up of true and mature ministers who preach and teach only truth and true disciples who have been set apart to God by being washed in truth.

There will be a faithful remnant on the earth prior to the Lord's return that fulfills the description of the Church given in Ephesians 4: 11-16 and Ephesians 5: 26, 27. Those who desire to be part of that glorious Church will yield all to the Holy Spirit. They will seek out and find ministers who are "Trumpets of Truth" and they themselves will become disciples who are "Trumpets of Truth!"

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Study and Rightly Divide the Bible

Neglect of the Word
Most Christians have never developed a discipline of Bible study. Few Christians, including ministers, read and/or study the Bible through on a regular basis. Of those who do profess to study Scripture, most do so from a perspective of private interpretations and traditions of men. Rather than allowing the Holy Spirit to speak truth to them, they read into the Word their preconceived interpretations.

This rampant neglect of true disciplined study of God's Word of truth has produced a Church which is biblically illiterate and full of internal problems. Yes, most internal problems within the Church can be traced to a neglect of knowing and living by the Word. Christians just do not know the Bible. Therefore they are unable to rightly divide Scripture. They are unable to discern between good and evil.

Two of our major internal problems are immaturity and division. We can not unite in faith because we are divided into so many sects. Things have been this way for so long that most Christians do not know of or expect anything else or different.

Let's Go On To Maturity
The Holy Spirt through the writer of Hebrews not only defines the problem but gives the solution (Hebrews 5:12-6:2). The problem was that those who should be teaching and helping others grow to maturity in Christ were still babies themselves. The solution was to study the six basic biblical doctrines until they were firmly established in them and then to go on to maturity.

All new disciples should quickly be taught the six basic doctrines found in Hebrews 6:1-2. Make sure that you and your family know them backwards and forwards. They are (1) repentance from dead works, (2) faith toward God, (3) the doctrine of baptisms-note baptisms is plural, (4) the laying on of hands, (5) the resurrection of the dead, and (6) eternal judgment. These are the elementary or milk doctrines. No one can or will ever go on to full maturity in Christ and His Word without being thoroughly trained in these milk doctrines. No one will ever have their senses fully trained to discern both good and evil without first being grounded in these six doctrines (see Hebrews 5:12-14).

Become Humble, Teachable and Discerning
Stay humble and teachable, but be careful of who you learn from. Always check out everything anyone says with the Word. I often tell people to check out everything I say with the Word, and to do so with all people including ministers. Always require chapter and verse, chapter and verse in context and rightly divided. No private interpretations and traditions of men are allowed; they are off limits.

Everyone really needs to become a student of the Word. Make it a normal part of your life to study through the Bible on a regular basis. Let the Holy Spirit teach you and never read into the Word. What do I mean by never reading into the Word? I mean that as you study the Word do not make it say in any shape or form what you or others want it to say. I mean do not ever read any private interpretation into the Word. There is no place for personal opinions, personal preferences or private interpretations. Those are three of the major culprits that have caused the Church to be divided in to so many parts rather than being sanctified by truth and united in faith (see John 17:17, 20-22 and Ephesians 5:26, 27).

It is alright to read study books and have Bibles with notes, but be careful of the notes. For one example, there is a reason that there is a Bible called "Scofield's Bible." It has Scofield's notes, and many people end up believing and teaching what Scofield said rather than believing and teaching what the Bible said. This principle is true for every Bible with notes. The notes may be helpful, but know Jesus Christ and His Word so that you can discern the notes.

My heart grieves because Christians have not usually been trained properly after being born again and baptized in the Holy Spirit. They are really born again and really Spirit filled and then are taught mixture of truth and personal opinions, personal preferences and private interpretations which stymies and hinders their growth, prevents maturity and causes division rather than unity of faith. These are a few reasons why the Church as a whole needs restoration. Thank God for Luther, Wesley and others, but full restoration requires going not back to them, but back to Jesus Christ and His Word.

The Bible has all the revelation we need; we just need the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him and His Word. The restored Church will train new disciples correctly from the very beginning and they will mature quickly. The result will be a Church as pictured in Ephesians 4:11-16 and 5:26, 27.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Unity or Division

God Desires Unity
It is the desire and will of God that His family live on earth in unity with Him and with each other. This was strong in the heart and mind of Jesus just prior to the cross. It is a theme that runs from the beginning until the end of the Bible. God is God and He wants a family that is united in faith. This is and has always been very important to God; it must become important to His earthly family, the body of Christ.

The Devil Hates Unity
The devil works to prevent unity from developing, and to destroy it wherever it may have taken place. He fears Jesus Christ and he fears a unified body of Christ. Since the birth of the Church the devil and his forces has seldom had to deal with a Church that is united in faith under her head Jesus Christ. When this ever takes place, he will experience the full realization and impact of what Jesus meant when He said that “He would build His Church and the gates of hell would not prevail against it.” Therefore he, the devil, works overtime to prevent true and lasting unity in the Church.

Modern Sectarianism
Regardless of how it would be described by different people, we have a problem of rampant sectarianism in the modern Church. We do not have widespread unity with God and with each other, instead we have ungodly division. In some places it is open and extreme, in some places it is hidden, and in other places it is small but in every case it is not of God. It opposes God’s kingdom and God’s will by greatly hindering the Church from seeking God’s kingdom and fulfilling His will on earth.

To what ever degree sectarianism is at work, it is an enemy of our Lord’s high priestly prayer found in John 17 and it is a devilish hindrance not only to the building of the Church but to the work of the Church. All of our good and commendable works can not make up for and cover this sin. The Church at Ephesus was greatly commended by our Lord but…

Self Defense or Honesty
Many Christians would look at a definition of the word sectarian and quickly go on the defense by saying that their group is not parochial nor is it a bigoted, narrow minded sect. But when they take an honest look at the Church beyond their group they will have to acknowledge that the Church is divided rather that united regardless of the words they might choose to describe it. Some can’t take an honest look because they think that the church they belong to is the Church. Some are very open about this and others are more subtle, but in each case the thought process exist. Until these and other walls are taken down the Church will never work together to accomplish and complete God’s will for her on earth. Until we work together we are not going to be victorious in the full sense intended by God. We need honest and true self examination and not self defense.

Until eyes and ears are opened by the Holy Spirit, most of those who might even acknowledge the problem would react by declaring that it will not be resolved until Jesus returns and then they would go about life as usual. How sad! That mindset surely saddens God's heart; it most definitely makes the devil happy.

I believe that there will be a remnant Church all over this earth that is mature in Christ and is united in faith. I believe that it will happen before our Lord’s return. If it doesn’t happen before His return then the gates of hell will prevail needlessly and the work and witness of the Church will suffer greatly. Eternal lives are at stake! Let's allow the Holy Spirit to unite us in faith by sanctifying us with truth (John 17:17; 20-26)

The eyes of the Lord are looking for those who will fully surrender to the Spirit of God. He is looking for those with open eyes and ears that will allow Him to wash and sanctify them with truth. At some time He will find what He is looking for. There will be a people of God, made up of believing Jews and Gentiles, all over this earth, who will humble themselves, pray, seek God and turn from their wicked ways which includes any and all satanic division. They will unify in faith with God and with each other.

Will you be among those who unify in faith? Will you even take the lead? If this is your desire, then still yourself before God and allow His Spirit to begin opening your eyes and ears. Allow Him to speak God’s concern about division in the Church and His desire for unity in the Church into your mind and heart? Stay humble and teachable and He will cause you to become sanctified by truth. Study 1 Corinthians 3 until the revelation found within becomes alive, relevant and current to you. The Lord bless, keep and unify His body.