Monday, June 22, 2009

Full of Faith and Power

The Truth about America and Change
Recently, I heard a song that over and over repeated the words “We pray for you America”. My immediate thoughts were that those singing the song either assumed that the Church in America was just fine or else they were blind to the real condition of the Church in America. After singing the words “We pray for you America” they would add something. The last thing I remember being added was about change-We pray for you America for change!

Change can be either good or bad. Change can be either godly or ungodly. If change is not godly, it is not good. Godly change in America will only come if and when the Church in America makes “Godly Changes”. America is on a path towards chaos and destruction. All Americans who profess to be Christian should want and pray for America to be saved from chaos and destruction. All Christians in America must receive the truth that only the Church in America can save America. If America is to be saved, it will be by the Church. It is by the Church becoming all that God wants her to be. It is by the Church having Christ formed within her. It is by each member of the Church having Christ formed within them.

To have Christ formed within is to be “Full of faith and Power’. Men, it is time! It is time for all men in the Church to be filled with faith and power. Women, it is time! It is time to complement the men in the Church. You can only do that if you are filled with faith and power. A Church filled with faith and power will be the salt and light necessary to bring the needed change to America. Quit focusing on getting out of a mess you have helped create and become a witness that does what Jesus Christ wants of His Church. The return of Jesus Christ is our hope, but when He comes let Him find a Church that is filled with faith and power.

Mankind’s Replacements
In the world, mankind denies the true God. In the Church, mankind often changes and replaces the things and ways of God. Man's various doctrines, ideas, beliefs and traditions have either replaced or have been mixed with God's truth and ways. For example, all too often the Baptist way, the Methodist way, the Pentecostal way, the Catholic way, the Charismatic way, the Non-Denominational way or the House Church way has replaced and is preferred over God's Way.

In the Church at Ephesus good works replaced the love and worship of the Lord. In today’s Church good works have also often replaced the love of the Lord; good works have replaced true biblical discipleship. In today’s Church good music and singing have replaced true worship. In today’s Church faith and power have often been set aside as something of the past only. In today’s Church faith and power have been taught incorrectly and have been misused in practice and experience.

Where is the Real?
Discerning and defining all of mankind’s replacements in the Church raises the question of where is the real. The real will be wherever an individual forsakes all that mankind has added to the Church. The real will be wherever an individual recovers all that mankind has subtracted from the Church. The real will be where an individual forsakes all that the world offers, denies self, takes up his or her cross and follows Christ Jesus to be a witness to that same world. The real is a purged witness who says to the Lord, Here am I! Send me (Isaiah 6:5-8).

Full of Faith
To be filled with faith is to be filled with God’s word of truth. It is to hide God’s word in your heart and to meditate on His truth day and night. It is to be sanctified by His truth until you are set apart to God and His word. It is to be able to say God’s word within me is like fire shut up in my bones.

Full of Power
To be full of power is to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Jesus the Christ told His first disciples to wait in Jerusalem and they would receive power when the Holy Spirit came upon them (Acts 1:4, 8). Stephen is an example of one who was filled with faith and power (Acts 6:5; 8-10).

In Matthew 3:11 we read that John the Baptist said that Jesus would baptize His disciples with the Holy Spirit and fire. In Matthew 7:24-27 Jesus teaches us that we must build our lives upon His words. Prophetically, I tell you that rains, floods and winds are ahead. Gear up!

Biblically, a normal disciple is one that is full of faith and power. Be restored to that state! Rearrange your spiritual priorities. Renew your mind. Remember that a part of the Church has falsely believed and taught that certain things have passed away. In essence they have said that faith and power is not for now or they have limited faith and power. Another part of the Church has abused and misused faith and power. Remember these things, but above all remember that there is the real.

There is real faith and power! You can be one who is full of faith and power. Hunger for God; seek Him. Seek Him in prayer, fasting and in His word of truth. Surrender all to Him. Be about His business, but know that His work can only be accomplished by His means. He has told us what to do, and He has said have faith in Him and be filled with His Spirit. Ask and receive. Be Full of Faith and Power.

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