Thursday, September 11, 2008
Let the Church Be the Church
Political Parties and the Kingdom of God
No political party is the kingdom of God! No political party has the answers or solutions to the needs of society! Christians who attach themselves to a particular political party are not being very wise. I do not care who they are, what Club they lead, or how much influence they seem to exert. Can you just see Jesus Christ or Peter, John and Paul involved in politics like professing Christian leaders and Christians are today? O, it is alright to vote, but keep everything in a biblical perspective; too many professing Christians are voting color, culture and/or gender rather than by the Spirit. If God leads a Christian, a true Christian, to be involved as a candidate then praise God, but keep all things in godly perspective.
True disciples are citizens of another kingdom. It is time for those disciples to seek that kingdom and represent it by flavoring their environment and shining as lights. To do this will require restoration of a remnant Church because the overall Church is presently in great need of restoration. I say remnant because there will be a portion of the Church that will not only not be restored, but will fall away. There is a portion of the Church that is already falling away.
A Purified and Restored Remnant
If enough disciples are not restored to Jesus Christ and His biblical Way, then among other things it may eventually be better for the purifying of the Church that she loses some of her freedoms, including the freedom to vote. I do not want loss of freedoms, but I do want to see in the United States and other nations a purified, mature and united in faith Church who has Jesus Christ formed within. Some of the most dedicated disciples on earth are living in countries and/or nations where they do not even have the freedom to assemble. I want above all else to see Jesus Christ glorified by a glorious Church. I want to see a Church that is salt and light! I want to see a Church that has forsaken all to follow Jesus Christ and is seeking His Kingdom and righteousness. I want to see a Church that is built on the Word of truth without any of man's leaven being anywhere involved. The Church that does these things will be salt and light influence to society for God, whether she has the right to vote or not.
It is the Church that is the primary problem in the United States, or anywhere else for that matter. The healing of the United States begins with the Church in the United States. Because of the internal problems and division within the Church, she is adding to the problems, rather than being salt and light to the lost around her. The Church herself is the main culprit preventing the Church from being restored! The Church must repent first! Repentance, true repentance, will not take place unless there is true godly sorrow and humility. There will not be any real change in our country, or any country, until the Church changes.
The issues to be addressed and the work to be done require a unified effort by enough true disciples. For there to be true unity of faith, there must be sanctification by truth. The Church is primarily divided and not up to the task at hand because of doctrinal differences. Doctrinal differences are the main culprit for the Church not being and doing what Jesus wants of her. Doctrinal differences exist because people have changed the Word to fit their desires and purposes.
Most professing Christians are not dedicated enough to learn truth and identify the errors in their part of the Church. Many of those who do identify errors are not concerned enough to do something about them. Christian religious tradition is a powerful force, but it must be reckoned with by true disciples. Cheap love and cheap grace have captivated the minds and hearts of many, and they simply overlook things in the name of grace and love.
The doctrinal differences must be washed away by truth. It is a deceptive thing to talk about agreeing to disagree and agreeing on the essentials. These are all strategies to prevent repentance, humility, and the necessary sanctification of truth and real unity of faith. Spiritual pride and stubbornness are often at the root of these strategies.
Who will have ears to hear without having to go through hard times? Who will deny self, forsake all and take up their cross to follow Jesus? Who will study all of the Word of truth on a regular basis so that truth will wash away all of the junk and garbage that they have picked up from the unrestored Church and from society? Let the Church be the Church!
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Another good post Wayne. I can at least come on here and read somthing that I believe is sound. The forum is rather difficult at times; one really can't post without feeling you are going to get labled with some kind of spirt. I have not seen the gift of "Discerning of Spirits" used in this manner.
Do you think then Wayne that the church as an organization should be done away with? From what I gather from many who post on the forum I am getting that impression. I am mixed in my thoughts about that. Isn't there scripture to support the different functions in a church? That's what I've been taught and I've seen the scripture. The church eroded after it's onset and has been that way many, many years. I am not justifying it. It is the way in which we believe about the church that needs to be different. It has become "sloppy agape." Anyway I believe we do need to know the word as you stated. And it will take sacrifice. Again, thank-you for the truth. I'm getting there.
May God Bless you Wayne!
Hi Marilyn,
Jesus is building His Church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. The battle is strong against what the Lord wants in and of His Church, but He is victorious. There wil be a Church that is in His image. Get a picture of Ephesians 4:13-16 in your heart and mind. It will take being sanctified by truth (John 17:17 and Ephesians 5:26), but there will be a glorious Church in the image of Christ (Ephesians 5:27).
Part of the organized Church will fall away from Jesus Christ, part of it may stumble along in its present ways, but there will be a faithful remnant who forsakes all to follow Jesus and does things His biblical way (not man's private interpretation of the biblical way, but God's way found through and by the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Jesus Christ).
Take up your cross and follow Jesus, as you do you will find others who are doing the same. Our Church sign reads Lord Jesus, make the leaders and people of all nations know You are God.
God bless you and your family!
Pastor Wayne: I agree with Marilyn, this is another good post. There are preachers that promote and I know of one that wrote a book "How would Jesus vote"? (The pastor was running for US senate at the time). I have given up posting at Charisma's site because there is a lack of discernment there, especially with the last article concerning a "Deborah" annointing. I am also praying that the church get its act together or as you have said many times before devilish storms will come.
God bless you as always,
Hi Carol,
Your comments are always encouraging. Most of all my heart is touched that you see and understand that the Church needs to be restored to Jesus Christ and His biblical truth rightly divided.
There is nothing greater that we can do than to pray. If we can get enough disciples to understand and pray then God will change things. Some people like to say that prayer changes things; there is nothing wrong with saying that, but I like to say pray as God directs and He will change things. Either way, let's pray! God bless you.
In Christ,
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