Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Proper Response to a Sense of Urgency

God is looking for people who will wake up, get serious and move with urgency. God can use our urgency, but we must do things His way.

Jesus did make a whip of cords and drove the sheep, oxen and money changers out of the temple, but it doesn't say He actually hit anyone. Only one gospel mentions the whip. His main weapon was the same He used against the devil; He used the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God. I know all of the rest, turning over tables, etc. The point is that our main or only offensive weapon is the Word of God and we must use it only with love. Love does not mean we only whisper and smile, but it does mean that we never let our old nature get involved, and we do not out-shout or humiliate people.

We are even to love our human enemies and this is not after we have beaten them up, but while we are engaging them. I am not talking about physical war, but fighting a war in defense of the gospel. We are no good to God, His kingdom, and His Church unless we are broken and contrite and stay that way. Repentance and humility accompanied by truth in love will win the day. Even if we know and speak only truth, Jesus cannot really use us unless we speak truth in love. Actually, we hurt our Lord’s cause if we speak truth that is not spoken in love. I will not play games, but I will address things in truth and love. Our opinions and private interpretations are always a hindrance. Opinions and private interpretations are two of the main culprits that have produced an immature and divided Church, but not moving in love when we speak truth is also a culprit.

We have lost opportunities to influence and change not only lost people but confused believers by our actions. Let’s repent and never make that mistake again. The old saying that sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me is an absolute lie. Bruises and breaks from sticks and stones will heal, but wounds from words spoken, especially from a brother or friend, can harm people for life.

If we want to win some victories, take some ground, and occupy until He comes, we must unite in faith and love and do things our Lord's Way. There are some on both sides of the issues who try to find opportunities just to spout off. They would quickly pass over something that even Jesus Himself could say and ignore it just to spout off and engage someone. There are others who really want to follow the Lord and accomplish great and mighty things for Him and in His name. Stay true, stay faithful, stay patient, wait on the Lord: He is at work. He is looking for faithful and loyal disciples all over this earth.

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