Neither the Republicans nor the Democrats presently have the answers or solutions for our beloved country, and neither does any other political party, especially the Libertarians. True Christians (disciples) must begin to truly look at Jesus Christ, His kingdom and righteousness. Since Jesus Christ birthed His Church, there have always been true and faithful followers, but there have also been many that infiltrated the Church who have not been of Christ and/or led by Christ. They have often done good works, but they have also done things that were not of Christ; actually they have done evil things. They have often been intelligent and charismatic people who influenced true Christians in the wrong direction. Why? And how? Too many true Christians have never developed to maturity in Christ or in the knowledge of the Word of God. One of the adverse effects of this shortcoming is that they are not trained to discern the difference in good or evil, which makes them susceptible to deception (Hebrews 5:12-14). Most Christians have been so washed by and in the words of man—both in society and in the Church—that they respond (react) to most situations not by the truth of God, but by man's words and emotions, which are not under the control of the Holy Spirit. Of course, many have been washed by the words of different men so they end up at odds with each other rather than in the unity of faith that Jesus prayed for and desires of His people. We must learn that a little leaven leavens the whole lump! The devil takes truth and mixes in a little leaven and sends false teachers to confuse and divide the Church. Let's stop him and stop him now!
The devil is an expert in infiltration. He has had much success in infiltrating the Church, just as he did in infiltrating the Garden of Eden (2 Corinthians 11:13-15). The instruments that he uses are often pretty or handsome, intelligent, very personable, and well trained in how to influence people. They will take the time (even years) and make much effort to make friends with you, and they will do good things for you. Most Christians can discern the devil when he comes as a wolf (the occult, etc.), but he sneaks by many when he dresses up in sheep's clothing and imitates the sound of a sheep (uses Scripture).
What do we do? We finally decide to forsake all, deny self, and take up our crosses to follow Jesus Christ. We, by faith, put that old nature on the cross once and for all. We, individually and corporately, consecrate ourselves forever to the Lord and to be His body. We seek Him in prayer until we know Him intimately; we study the whole Bible under the teaching of the Holy Spirit until we know truth and it sets us free. We love God and we love one another as Christ as loved us, then we shine as light to the world. We become the salt that He always intended. Romans 12:1 and 2 become a reality and not a verse we memorized. (Too many verses have been put to memory, and too few have become reality within us). We let the precious blood of Jesus make us one with Him and each other, and we continually wash our minds and hearts with the washing of the water of the Word (Ephesians 5:26).
God gave us a will, a mind, and emotions, but He never intended that they lead the way. Our spirits are to be broken and contrite; we are to be filled with the Spirit of Christ, and we are to place our wills, minds, emotions, and bodies in submission to God. When this and other truths of the Word come off the pages of the Bible and take root and grow in the mind and heart of each of us, then we become a living stone in the temple that Jesus is building. That is when we are not bond or free, Jew or Gentile, but we are one in Christ. Unless we allow the Spirit to form Christ within us, the day will come in the United States when we, or our descendants, will not be able to have this type of discussion because we will not have the freedom to vote. So exercise your freedom, but let's find the true freedom that is only in Christ, and let's show the world unity in Christ rather than devilish division. Let's humble ourselves, repent, and become one body with Christ formed within. Then let's pray for those in leadership and pray God's kingdom come and His will be done, and then watch the Holy Spirit work. You will see Ephesians 3:20 become a reality; it just will not involve a new Bentley. Let's become a mature and discerning body of Christ. God have mercy on us who call ourselves Christians!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
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