Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Saving Christian Freedom in America

The Spirit of the Lord Jesus is speaking to me that the only way to save Christian freedom in America is for enough Christians to humble themselves, repent and in the unity of faith cry out to God for His intervention(s) within the church and within all parts of our nation with special emphasis at this time upon the selection of governmental leaders from the local to the national level. It doesn’t take all Christians; it just takes enough who are dedicated to Jesus and His kingdom. Only a small percentage of Americans fought and won out liberty in the Revolutionary War.  There were more against them than were for them, but they took up the cause and paid the price.  The United States was birthed!

Words almost fail me in being able to express the seriousness of things in the United States. In the midst of this seriousness millions of people, including Christians, are blindly following the blind while swatting knats and swallowing camels. I said yesterday that I saw voters which were almost like walking zombies with their minds being controlled by ungodly supernatural forces.  They are just representative of millions of people within the borders of our beloved country.  It is very disturbing to know that many people, Christian and non Christian, have given their minds over to forces that cause them to believe lies and therefore call good evil and evil good. This includes ministers, active and retired, that are either actively engaged in opposing what the Lord Jesus wants of His church and our nation or they are hiding from the issues with intellectual rationalizations.

It is equally disturbing to see many professing Christians that are more interested in searching out answers from the kingdoms of the world rather than giving themselves to prayer, fasting and seeking answers from the word of God.  For example, some Christians seem to be addicted to finding political writings that support their mental strongholds. They share those writings with boldness, but do not speak from their heart words of direction from the Spirit of God that will set us free. It has never been truer that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. Other Christians are deliberately staying out of the fray and are focusing on other things of life which really amounts to hiding their heads in the sand rather than addressing issues that will affect their family for generations to come.

Satan has always been an archenemy of Jesus Christ. He has been a bitter foe of the church since it was birthed and he never wanted the United States to come into existence. He has been working for hundreds of years to destroy America. He has always been the god of world systems and he has worked diligently to infiltrate many parts of the church, including seminaries so that he could use professing Christians to destroy America and her place in the world.  He has been quite successful, so successful that he thinks he has us on the ropes and he is getting ready to move in for the knockout.

Are there enough true Christians to stand in the gap and preserve Christian freedom and bring revival and awakening to our nation?  We have waited too long and it is going to be difficult, but it is still better to get going now while we still have some semblance of freedom than to wait until times are very hard. God will intervene, if true Christians will call on Him! Will you by faith put your life on the altar of the cross and live as a living sacrifice for Jesus and His kingdom?

Friday, October 14, 2016

There are Two Concerns in My Spirit this Morning

1. We need Christians with godly wisdom, courage and boldness to speak out with truth and discernment about the issues confronting us in their own words rather than being quiet or only sharing what someone else has said. I discern that lifelong strongholds will be broken and great and much needed freedom will come gushing forth to the benefit of all of us as this takes place. We need truth based on Scripture rightly divided coming forth from you to counteract and overcome the deceptive words coming from ministers and others that have been taken over by the spirit of the world. Deception is powerful and is often disguised in wisdom, but it is the wisdom of the world and not of Jesus Christ even though it might mention Him or use Scripture. Only true truth sets free! Speak God’s truth in love, but speak it with courage and boldness.

2. There are those who like to say that they see things differently. They will appear to say this with kind words, but if necessary deep down within them a torrent is waiting to erupt if things don't go just right. The torrent is released in different measures according to what is needed to counteract any and all opposition. One seemingly mild tactic might include just saying I will not talk about that with you, but they will in other places keep releasing their deceived words because they just can't stop. There are many tactics but they all are just signs of unholy spirits at work in the minds and hearts of deceived people. Deceived people can be worldly wise, seem kind, talk of love and grace, and quote Scripture eloquently. All of this is part of the deception of the last days. The greatest deception for a deceived individual being that they think that they are right and are doing the work of God. In light of all of this, your boldness to stand for and speak the truth of God and His word with the true anointing of the Holy Spirit can make the difference. Greater is He that is in you than he that is influencing and/or controlling deceived ministers and corrupt politicians.




Thursday, October 13, 2016

Perilous Times Call for True Witnesses of Jesus and His Word

But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come (2 Timothy 3:1). 2 Timothy goes on to warn us that people will come forth that have a form of godliness but deny its power. The admonition is to turn away from such people (2 Timothy 3: 5).

I have for years made it clear that I am not a Republican, Democrat, Libertarian or Independent; I am a citizen of the kingdom of God that has earthly citizenship in the Republic of the United States.

As a citizen of the Kingdom of God I am loyal to King Jesus and a defender of His word, the Bible-rightly divided. As a citizen of the United States I am loyal to the Constitution of the United States. I oppose any attempt from preacher to politician to add to or take away from the word of God or to destroy the Constitution.

At present, there are many preachers that are advocating other gospels (Galatians 1: 8) and many politicians that are bent on destroying our Constitution. For a time, you may make what you think are advances for your deceived agenda, and true followers of Jesus may suffer accordingly.  If you get your way, you will rejoice for a season, but it will only be for a season because the very things you are supporting will turn on and seek to devour you. I love you and pray that you come to your senses. You are fighting against King Jesus; in the end He wins. Victory in Jesus!      
To you with ears to hear I pray that you will repent and become a true witnesses of Jesus and His word rightly divided. Jesus wins in the end, but at present what happens in the United States depends much on you. We will either have true spiritual revival or there will be unimaginable devilish storms. Onward Christian Soldiers!

Monday, October 10, 2016

October 2016

How can the hypocritical progressives (socialists) remove a speck from the eyes of others while a plank is in their own eyes (Matthew 7: 1-5)? (Tuesday 10/11/2016)

We have people who are having sex with the same sex attacking someone making comments about someone of the other sex. What a mess! (Monday 10/10/2016)

There is a world of difference in someone doing a carnal act and someone being evil. (Sunday 10/9/2016)

There are many ministers that call themselves Christian that has changed Scripture to adjust to our times.  I don’t think that is going to work when they stand before Jesus and give an account.  P. S. Just because a family member starts living a certain way, doesn’t change Scripture either. (Thurs 10/6/2016)

How many of you who profess Jesus as your Savior has ever studied through the entire Bible? (Tuesday 10/4/2016)

Which of the following best describes what you have been taught?

  1. Things In the world are going to get worse and worse and Jesus will take His people out of the world.
  2. The church that Jesus is building, though persecuted, will bring forth a revival that takes the gospel of the kingdom to all nations and in so doing brings in a great harvest of souls. Then the end will come and Jesus will return and complete what only He can complete. (Sunday 10/2/2016)

Lord Jesus,

Give us preachers called and prepared by you.  Bring forth true and mature apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers that will equip all of your people according to your will.

Cleanse your church as you cleansed the temple. Drive out the money changers and profiteers. Drive out the false shepherds with their false messages. Drive out those who have taken wonderful truths such as Your sovereignty, love, grace, and mercy and have perverted them.  (Sunday 10/2/2016)
We not only live in a day when evil is called good and good is called evil but also when one is called a bigot if he or she calls a sin a sin.  

 I am looking for true and mature followers of Jesus and/or for those who want to interact and find truth that sets free and will bring forth a church that is salt and light that saves America from destruction. I am not interested in playing games especially religious games.

Many parts of the church are filled with preachers and members that are spouting other gospels and/or playing religious games. I am looking for ministers who were really called by Jesus to equip His people and for disciples who really want to forsake all and follow Jesus.

I will be bold where needed, but also gentle with those who really want to learn. (Saturday 10/1/2016)







October 2016

How can the hypocritical progressives (socialists) remove a speck from the eyes of others while a plank is in their own eyes (Matthew 7: 1-5)? (Tuesday 10/11/2016)

We have people who are having sex with the same sex attacking someone making comments about someone of the other sex. What a mess! (Monday 10/10/2016)

There is a world of difference in someone doing a carnal act and someone being evil. (Sunday 10/9/2016)

There are many ministers that call themselves Christian that has changed Scripture to adjust to our times.  I don’t think that is going to work when they stand before Jesus and give an account.  P. S. Just because a family member starts living a certain way, doesn’t change Scripture either. (Thurs 10/6/2016)

How many of you who profess Jesus as your Savior has ever studied through the entire Bible? (Tuesday 10/4/2016)

Which of the following best describes what you have been taught?

  1. Things In the world are going to get worse and worse and Jesus will take His people out of the world.
  2. The church that Jesus is building, though persecuted, will bring forth a revival that takes the gospel of the kingdom to all nations and in so doing brings in a great harvest of souls. Then the end will come and Jesus will return and complete what only He can complete. (Sunday 10/2/2016)

Lord Jesus,

Give us preachers called and prepared by you.  Bring forth true and mature apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers that will equip all of your people according to your will.

Cleanse your church as you cleansed the temple. Drive out the money changers and profiteers. Drive out the false shepherds with their false messages. Drive out those who have taken wonderful truths such as Your sovereignty, love grace, and mercy and have perverted them.  (Sunday 10/2/2016)
We not only live in a day when evil is called good and good is called evil but also when one is called a bigot if he or she calls a sin a sin.  

 I am looking for true and mature followers of Jesus and/or for those who want to interact and find truth that sets free and will bring forth a church that is salt and light that saves America from destruction. I am not interested in playing games especially religious games.

Many parts of the church are filled with preachers and members that are spouting other gospels and/or playing religious games. I am looking for ministers who were really called by Jesus to equip His people and for disciples who really want to forsake all and follow Jesus.

I will be bold where needed, but also gentle with those who really want to learn. (Saturday 10/1/2016)







Tuesday, October 4, 2016

We Need Christians that are Anointed with the Holy Spirit and Power

At present most Christians and their pastors in the United States are powerless Christians.  Why? They have not tarried until they have received the baptism in the Spirit that gives them power from above. This has to change! If it doesn’t I am prophetically telling you that you have not seen anything yet. Satan is just getting warmed up in the United States! The only way to stop him and his agents both demonic and human is for a church to come forth that is on fire with the Spirit, sanctified by truth and moving in power.

When one receives the true baptism in the Spirit, they will then be able to move in one or more of the gifts of the Spirit identified in 1 Corinthians 12: 7-11. If one is not moving in the gifts of the Spirit, they are either not filled with the Spirit or are not desiring spiritual gifts.

There is a false teaching that has been around parts of the church for a long time that teaches about being filled with the Spirit that either eliminates the gifts of the Spirit or substitutes other gifts for the ones listed in 1 Corinthians.  A little leaven leavens the whole lump! A little false teaching mixed with truth has done damage to people since the beginning of time. Go back to the biblical account of the Garden of Eden and move forward through the word and see how Satan often works. Know Your Savior intimately but also know your adversary!

In closing, make sure that you have been born again. There are many members of churches, including pastors, who have not been born again. Next, make sure that you have been really baptized in the Spirit. If you have and are not moving in the gifts of the Spirit, tarry before God until you do. Take up the sword of the Spirit and pray. Pray for revival that returns America to Jesus. Pray down all strongholds that stand against Jesus and His truth.
To Christians in Alabama and elsewhere: If you have the power of the Holy Spirit, it is time to pray and see the Spirit of the Lord Jesus move out those in power that use their power to put people out of office that are standing for biblical truth. If one doesn’t have the power of the Spirit, there is not much they can do but complain and talk about how things are getting worse and worse. But if you have the power of the Spirit, then bind and loose in the name of Jesus. Pull down demonic strongholds and build up the things of Jesus. Onward true Christian soldiers!