Friday, September 30, 2016

Jesus is Building His Church

The word tells us that Jesus is building His church and the gates of Hades will not be victorious over it (Matthew 16: 18). Why does it appear that at certain times of church history the gates of Hades have been victorious over the church?

Much of what God does on earth involves people. For example, God built the Garden of Eden, created man and woman and not only made them caretakers of the Garden but told them to be multiply and subdue the earth. God never fails so why did that not work out?

From the beginning of the church God has used people in building it. Therein we discover the problem.  People have added to and taken away from the blueprint that Jesus gave us for His church and have leaned on their own minds rather than yielding to the Holy Spirit and having the mind of Christ. People have created a huge number of churches and denominations rather than being one spiritual body of Christ.  Rather than being salt and light that is victorious we are being trampled underfoot. It is time to change things!
Will our generation of Christians repent, wake up spiritually and yield to the Holy Spirit to be and do what Jesus wants of us? Will you count the cost and pay the price? Jesus is watching and waiting on you!