Saturday, January 30, 2016

Renewing the Minds of Christians about the Return of Jesus

Up to now many Christian preachers have proclaimed and many Christians have believed that as things get worse and worse Jesus will come back either in a rapture or the second coming. Some Muslims believe similar things about the return of their Mahdi. They believe that their Mahdi will return as things get worse. The difference in what they believe about the coming of their Mahdi and what many Christians believe about the return of Jesus is that these Muslims believe that they can speed up their Madhi’s return by making things get worse.

The truth is that as the final day approaches Satan and his forces, both demonic and human, will step up their evil attacks. But the Holy Spirit will have a faithful remnant church with Jesus Christ formed within, that works in the unity of the faith to fulfill all that Jesus wants of His church before He returns.

I am beginning to see a minor change in the minds of some Christian leaders about the things surrounding the coming of Jesus. I recently heard a Christian leader that has national and international exposure say things that give evidence that he is beginning to see things in a new light. As noted above, up to now many preachers have declared that things will get worse and worse before the Lord Jesus returns. Now some are beginning to see that evil will wax worse and worse, but there will be a church that matures in Jesus Christ and accomplishes all that Jesus wants of her before He returns.

It will take more awakened Christians leaders to renew the minds of Christians, but there is hope. The getting worse only teaching is so ingrained in the minds of many Christians that it is going to take some time to renew their minds. For example, right after the Christian leader I mentioned above made his statements he still received a call from someone who immediately started talking about Jesus coming because things are getting worse.

 I have seen and heard enough, actually too much, about things getting worse. I want to hear about Christians yielding to the Holy Spirit and having Jesus Christ formed within. As Christians deny self and have Jesus Christ formed within they can’t help but to become one with each other because Jesus is not at odds with Himself. In the unity of the faith, they will pray in agreement and work together to do and complete all that Jesus wants the church that He is building to accomplish before He returns.


Thursday, January 21, 2016

The Olivet Discourse

This morning I studied the Olivet discourse in Matthew 24, 25; Mark 13 and Luke 21. One of the main purposes of our Lord Jesus in the Olivet discourse was to warn Christians to watch out (be on guard) for deception. A major problem among most Christians, who are even aware of the Oliver discourse, is that they are overly focused on signs and their favorite theory on end times and under focused on deception.


At present, deception for most Christians begins where it should be least expected-in their church. Actually, the main reason that Christians are deceived by the world systems is that they have first been deceived by things going on within their church. A prime example is how governmental leaders are chosen. Up to this point in America, there have been enough Christians to determine the outcome of every election, but deception within the church has spilled over into how Christians vote or in many cases don’t vote.


This must change and change quickly if we are to be the salt and light that gives us godly leaders. While most Christians have hesitated for whatever reason, in repenting, uniting and becoming true salt and light, Satan has already been making plans for how to negate the influence of restored and revived Christian’s in future governmental elections. First of all he would like to take away their vote, but just in case that doesn’t pan as soon as he would like out he is stepping up his deception within parts of Christianity while at the same time laying plans to have more voters who would vote as he wills. I believe it is past time to wake up and begin to watch and pray! How about you?


Tuesday, January 12, 2016


One main emphasis of the Lord Jesus’ call upon my life is to do all that I can to bring forth a church with Jesus Christ formed within that is united in faith to carry out the Lord’s will upon earth. To accomplish this I share what the Spirit of the Lord Jesus teaches me through study, prayer, intercession and meditation as well as key words that I find from others. Below is a statement by Derek Prince. Please pray over it.


God has vested in us—His believing people on earth—authority by which we may determine the destinies of nations and governments. He expects us to use our authority both for His glory and for our own good. If we fail to do so, we are answerable for the consequences. (Derek Prince)


Every day and every year is important! Prepare yourself through prayer, fasting and Bible study to be mightily used by the Spirit of the Lord Jesus. Things are such on this earth that one is susceptible to deception unless they are prepared.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

The Only Way to Save America From Destruction

The only way that America is going to be saved from destruction is by restoration within enough Christians that leads to true and lasting revival and awakening.  Things have to change and change quickly with Christians in America. 


I am sure that the Jewish people loved their spiritual leaders when Jesus was on this earth. The truth is that their spiritual leaders led them astray and not only did they not receive Jesus they ended up with Jerusalem being devastated in 70 AD. Christians need spiritual leaders that will do what is necessary to bring forth a restored church in America that is made up of people who are really born again, really anointed with the Holy Spirit and power because they have really been baptized in the Spirit and are sanctified with the truth of God’s word because they continue studying truth and hearing truth from their ministers which frees them from any and all doctrines and traditions of man which up to this point have divided and weakened most Christians.


If I can just get a nucleus to begin with that understands the seriousness of things. It is late, but not too late for enough Christians in America to unite in the faith and by the Spirit prevent the destruction that Satan and his forces, both demons and humans, are working to bring upon us.


We are in a spiritual war!  The church that Jesus is building is in a spiritual war and has been since the church was birthed. The ultimate victory will come when Jesus returns, but whether or not each generation experiences victory is up to the Christians in that generation. Can’t you see it? O God, help them to see it please. I weep over the church. I weep over America. I weep over what is going on throughout this earth.


Friday, January 1, 2016


The events of 2016 will largely be influenced and/or determined by what takes place among true Christians. If we humble ourselves, repent where needed, turn from our wicked and divisive ways and unite in the faith we can begin to see restoration, revival and awakening along with the accompanying results. If we remain as we are, then none of us are going to be happy with the results.

The church that Jesus is building, made up of believing Jews and Gentiles, is to be salt and light to the world.  At present and as a whole, we aren’t doing too well in either category. Why not? It is simple; we need the Holy Spirit and we need each other. We cannot be what the Lord Jesus wants us to be without the Holy Spirit and we cannot do what Jesus wants us to do without the Holy Spirit and each other.

Tunnel vision must be replaced by the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him. The Holy Spirit is the only source of both the needed wisdom and the needed revelation.

Starting today let each true Christian yield their all to the Holy Spirit, become a serious student of the word of God and become a prayer warrior for Jesus.