Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Sanctification by Truth and the Baptism in the Spirit

We Christians will not have the necessary agreement and power to overcome the evil and deception that is rapidly spreading throughout the earth without sanctification by truth (John 17:17) and the baptism in the Spirit (Luke 24: 49, Acts 1: 4, 8). Without a remnant church that is sanctified by truth and endued with power that only comes by the baptism in the Spirit, evil will continue to grow and advance throughout the earth. You haven’t seen anything yet! But if enough Christians will wake up and come to true spiritual agreement that can only come to those sanctified by truth and will receive the power that only comes to those baptized in the Spirit, you will see revival and awakening. That is what I want to see!

As we go forward I will continue to emphasize sanctification by truth and the baptism in the Spirit. Without these and the unity of faith that they produce we are no match for evil and its accompanying spiritual darkness that is spreading fast throughout the earth.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

I Feel Sorry for Churches Tied to the Status Quo

I feel sorry for those people who will attend a church today where there will be prayers for those in France and elsewhere and possibly the preacher will have some related comments and Scriptures in his or her sermon, but soon all will be back to the particular status quo. All will be back to the doctrines and traditions of man.
 I strongly feel sorry for those who have a preacher who will use cheap love and grace to support a certain political group. Where are the disciples who will say enough of that and if the preachers will not repent, then they will find a true and mature preacher who rightly divides all of Scripture and properly and fully equips them for the work of the ministry?

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Truth versus Talking Points

The progressives/socialists/communists are preparing their talking points. They are preparing them not because they love Americans and our Constitution, but because they love power. You will hear these talking points coming from those in Washington D. C., from the media, from those in education, even from preachers as well as from ever other way you turn. Even when they give the facts and take action, the motive is wrong. Have you had your senses trained to discern both good and evil?

I am looking for the real; I am looking for truth bearers. You will not hear it from those mentioned above. You will also not hear it in the debate tonight. You will hear what may tickle your ear, but you will not hear truth that sets free unless one or more gets born again, filled with the Spirit and sanctified by truth before tonight.

Just in case you get defensive; I am well aware of the other camp also.  For example, the Christians who call themselves conservative and look to the arm of the flesh will double down on the arm of the flesh. The one running for President who doesn’t want a strong military has his wheels spinning so he can spin your minds. Neither of the major political parties are the kingdom of God. I will say that the platform of one party is so far from Jesus and His truth that there is no way a true Christian could support the candidates of that party unless they are deceived.

 I will close by saying that there are preachers who will double down on cheap love and cheap grace, and the prosperity deceivers will find a way to keep spinning it. Those who constantly emphasize that things are getting worse and the rapture will come at any moment will intensify their message. I am looking for the glorious return of the Lord Jesus, but these preachers for the most part keep Christians ready to leave rather than ready to be salt and light. The church will stay divided and therefore our nation will stay divided until Christians repent, repent, repent, become filled with the Spirit of God, sanctified by truth, united in the faith, and together get about our Father’s business.


Friday, November 13, 2015

Untapped Potential of Christians

Matthew 16:19 And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.

Acts 1:8 But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.

The two verses above are indicators of the untapped potential of the Church.

At present it is sad that the majority of Christians are living way beneath their God given heritage, calling and responsibility.  One of the causes, if not the main cause for this deficiency, has been the doctrines and traditions of man that have captivated the minds and hearts of millions of Christians thereby preventing them from uniting and fulfilling the Lord’s will and work on earth.

I promise you that this must and will change before the Lord comes for His people. I just want it to change while I can be a part of it. In every generation, the Spirit of the Lord looks throughout the earth for Christians who will unite in the faith and accomplish all that God intends for His people on earth during that generation. He wants it to be true of every generation.

Would you like to be part of the body of Christ who taps into the church’s full potential and fulfills John 14: 12-14? Wouldn’t it be great that it become true of our time on earth? I want it to be said of us that we are turning the world upside down (Acts 17:6)? I am ready and willing! How about you?