Sunday, August 31, 2014

True Ministers of God

When people don't like what others say or do they attack the message and the messenger, but God will always have the last word. God is judging His church first and He will shake everything that can be shaken until He can see the image of Jesus within a faithful remnant. He is going hard after the traditions and doctrines of men that have bound His people as well as the things of the flesh that so easily beset them.

True ministers of God are not interested in pleasing people, they live to please, praise and worship God. They love God and people and are working to bring forth a people with Christ formed within who live to advance the gospel of Jesus and the gospel of His kingdom as well as standing against Satan and his kingdom of darkness. Our war is not just against evil people, it is against the evil forces of darkness that are behind them.

Disciples of Jesus Christ are called not only to advance the cause of righteousness on earth but to also stand against evil. There is and will be a price to be paid by those who take up the cause, but it will be worth it in the end. Not all will answer the call but there will be a faithful remnant. That remnant will not be interested in having titles and popularity or making people feel good, etc. They have settled things in their hearts and fixed their faces like flint to follow Jesus. They want to know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings. This is no game; this is eternal life and death. Are we up to it? Many are not! We all would benefit from some real soul searching. Selah! All glory to Jesus the Messiah!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Applying the Parable of the Sower to Present Circumstances

I long to see this change, but I see very few Christians who are really concerned about the state of things within the church, within the United States and throughout the whole earth. I see even fewer that know what to do.

Is there something to learn from the Parable of the Sower? Has the devil stolen the truth of Jesus and Him crucified and/or the truth of the gospel of the kingdom from Christians (Luke 8:12)? Are the temptations of the devil causing Christians to fall away from obedience to the word of God (Luke 8:13)? Are Christians choked with cares, riches and pleasures of life that prevent them from bringing any fruit to maturity (Luke 8: 14)?

Thank God for the faithful remnant who, having heard the word with a noble and good heart, keep it and bear much fruit with patience (Luke 8:15).

Could it be true that God does nothing except in response to the prayers of His disciples? If it is, you that want to be part of the faithful remnant have a huge responsibility. You must get in the gap and make prayers and intercessions not only for the world but for your fellow Christians.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Jesus, His Church and Victorious Spiritual Warfare

Our enemies are making plans to come to America; they are already making preparations and laying the ground work. Remember Satan is behind all of this! He works from many different places to accomplish his overall goal. He works from within and he works from without. He has people in key places in our country, including within government, the judicial system, the educational system, the entertainment industry, the media and even within religious institutions, and he has multiple forces without our country that can’t wait to destroy America. The only answer is Jesus working through His church that He is building (Matthew 16: 18). The church man has built doesn’t have a clue and couldn’t do anything if they did unless they wake up and repent.

Too many Christians in America have not taken things seriously because they are focused on (actually distracted by) other things. Some Christians who are aware and concerned look to political solutions and/or the rapture. Jesus didn’t say that He would build a political group and the gates of hell wouldn’t prevail against it. I have a hope of the Lord’s return, but we are no better than Christians elsewhere in the past or present and the rapture hasn’t saved them. Jesus is coming for a wife that has made herself ready (Revelation 19: 7). We are not ready! Will we get ready because we willingly wake up and fall in humility and unity before the Lord Jesus or will the stone fall on us?

Too many Americans don't want to take military action anywhere at this time. Why don't Christians wake up and do spiritual warfare? Military action never stops Satan and his forces anyway. God is calling His people to spiritual warfare which is the only way to real victory. Victorious spiritual warfare is behind any other victorious warfare. Where are the soldiers of the Lord’s army? Onward Christian soldiers…

Friday, August 8, 2014

The Devil, Terrorist States and Legitimacy

The devil wants to establish terrorist states and give them legitimacy; this is part of his overall strategy for world domination. He will take hundreds and thousands of years to bring things about.  Therefore, one major problem for us to be aware of is that a wrong decision now, even though it may look good to the natural eye, will impact our children and grandchildren years from now and cause hell on earth for them.

It takes godly wisdom and discernment to counter the devil and there aren’t a whole lot of those qualities to be found in America, especially in Washington D. C.  Those qualities should be abundant in the Christian church, but sadly are all too often lacking in most parts of modern Christianity. Therefore, be careful what you base your decisions and judgments on. 

Be very discerning! For instance, right now seek God about ISIS and Iraq as well as other places. While doing so remember what the devil wants and that he uses time and deception to bring about his works. He uses different tactics and he will start and stop things just to throw people off. You might think new actions by a political leader have solved things; new actions may be needed but also may be used by the devil to deceive people. I could be more specific, but for now I will just say it is important to remember that the devil is patient and very deceptive. He often disguises his intentions until it is too late to stop them.  Always be aware that his ultimate goal is world domination, at heart he is a thief, a killer, a destroyer and a master deceiver! He wants legitimate terrorist states. He will use overreach and then back up and compromise. If at once he doesn't succeed, he will try and try again.
In conclusion, deceived people will support the establishment of what in reality is a terrorist state. They will think and say “peace, peace; this makes sense and it is better than all the shooting and killing.” Wake up you sweet little knuckle heads; a terrorist group will not quit its overall objective just because it gets a recognized state.




Wednesday, August 6, 2014

What is the Spiritual War About?

The war behind wars is a spiritual war! Satan is in a war against Jesus Christ, His word of truth and His church. In this war, Satan and his forces come in obvious darkness but they also come disguised as light. There are some people he can capture outright with darkness, but there are many that can be captured only when darkness is disguised as light.

Satan is the god of this world. When he offered Jesus the kingdoms of this world, he was offering something that he could deliver. The kingdoms of this world include much more than geographical territories. They include things of life such as education, government, entertainment, the music industry, etc.
The word teaches us that God is the Lord God of heaven, earth, the seas and all therein so how is Satan the god of this world? It all started in the Garden of Eden as far as we and earth are concerned. Satan tried to overthrow God in heaven and when that failed he attacked on earth. Using his deceptive form, he became god of this world.
God could have zapped Satan immediately, but in His omniscience He had a plan which is built around Jesus. When Jesus came to earth, He said that He would build His church and the gates of Hades would not prevail against it. In the end Jesus and His body, the church, will be victorious but the war will go on until total victory takes place.
How does all of this affect us? There are only two sides; the side of Jesus and the side of Satan. Anyone who says they are neutral is on Satan’s side. If you are on the side of Jesus then study Scriptures such as Ephesians  chapter 6, 2 Timothy 2: 3, 4 and 2 Corinthians 10: 4 and begin taking a stand.
Finally, remember Satan comes in darkness and as an angel of light. His ministers whether they are religious, political, educational, musical, etc come in darkness as well as in disguise. Don’t be captured by obvious darkness and don’t be deceived by false light!