A few months ago, I visited the United States Naval Academy. It was an experience I will not soon forget. Located adjacent to the Chesapeake Bay, the scenery around the campus was breathtaking. I understand that the scenery around our other military academies is also quite beautiful, but what is taking place within them is not so pleasant for Christians. Recently, a cadet at the Air Force Academy came under fire for writing "Galatians 2:20" on his personal whiteboard. This and other things throughout our military academies and various branches of the military should awaken us to the fact that there are forces at work to take away our Christian freedoms. The loss of Christian freedom throughout the military has been taking place for some time and is growing day by day. In Alabama, the Gideons are facing new restrictions on a military base. Throughout the military, Christian Chaplains are restricted in what they are allowed to say. Public schools are now being forced to teach a Common Core curriculum that has altered many historical events. The list goes on and on. What is taking place within the military and in our schools is reminiscent of the things that took place in Nazi Germany. The gradual loss of freedoms is advancing and creeping upon us, much like the proverbial frog in the boiling pot. We are beginning to feel the heat, but Christians must wake up and unite in faith, or they will eventually be coming for all of us.
The stage is being set
in America for a repeat of what took place in Germany and other places prior to and during World War II. A few Christians spoke out, but
the majority stayed quiet because, for a while, they were allowed to carry on
their services as long as they behaved. Eventually, however, the enemy came for
them also. It was too late to wake up!
It is great that we have
the freedom to assemble and worship God, but too many are enjoying their
individual church or denomination and don't realize how weak we are overall
because of the lack of unity in the faith. I am sure that many in Germany,
Romania, and other places where Christians were imprisoned, tortured, and
killed believed in the Rapture, but they still suffered because they were not
fully awake and united in faith.
Christians are being slaughtered throughout parts of the world
right now. What is it that has blinded Christians in the United States? Few
Christians in America know or want to know what has gone on in the past or what
is going on now. Among those who are aware, few of them really think
that they, their children, and/or grandchildren will have to face what other
parents, children, and grandchildren have faced in the past or are facing right
now. Is it American arrogance? Is it presumption? Is it a lack of love?
Whatever it is, at the root is spiritual blindness, especially concerning the
absolute need for humility and repentance that will lead to a remnant church
united in faith.
We should all have the glorious hope of the Lord’s return, but
there must be restoration, revival, and awakening before His return. I thank
God for revivals that local churches have, but I am referring to restoration,
revival, and awakening that includes but goes beyond any local church. It will
begin when Christians go to their knees and cry out to God. It could begin with
you and your church, but it will build, spread, and grow until our Lord’s
return. He will have a remnant church on this earth that is united in faith
when He returns. May we wake up and unite in faith now, regardless of whether
His return is in our lifetime or not. Let’s make ourselves ready all to His
glory. If we do, there will be amazing results. If we don’t, enjoy your
fleeting freedoms while you can. Our choice is Godly restoration or devilish
storms. To do nothing is to choose the storms.